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Nov 2014 · 773
Black Sunday
cammy jude Nov 2014
The church, the steeple
My home, my people
How close to sin
How far from Him
While hypocrites preach
I pray the lord, my soul to keep
Nov 2014 · 999
Botanical dreams
cammy jude Nov 2014
My heart reaches out for a soul so absolutely intelligent that everything they say is interesting and I would never want them to stop. I want us to smile so much even while being apart makes it hard and only the thought alone can provoke. If they stood at eye level, we would be able to hold each other like most people hold one another only in bed; with my hands on his face and his on my waist. We could fit together like we were made that way. and I hope for moments I can share with the flowers, my nostalgia takes me back to my love for gardens.
Nov 2014 · 507
Life as Art
cammy jude Nov 2014
I had imagined my existence as still and quiet. As if it were a painting, and all of the damage that was done weren’t aesthetically visible yet. It would all be unspeakable pain and no one would ever consider how it has lasted in me. I am dehumanized and I cannot have integrity or ambition. I can’t succeed in this life. The moments I breathe are filled with chaotic color and light. Space is preoccupied with the sweet brush strokes giving me life.
Nov 2014 · 323
cammy jude Nov 2014
I am a warrior poet.
Or maybe
I am a worrier poet.
Nov 2014 · 5.8k
cammy jude Nov 2014
Let’s pretend I’m a robot. All of the things you’ve said are programmed into me. And some stuff isn’t computing. Pretty girls are only pretty when they’re skinny, upgrading. Taking pictures slowly, upgrading. How about smoking? The drug things? How do you stay high? When you always look sober? Or when a person goes to a concert, but doesn’t take any photos? What about the friends, you seem to be very popular, so why are you always by yourself? I don’t understand. It’s a glitch in my memory circuit. Sorry, let me reboot. Because I don’t understand, I thought you only told the truth.
Nov 2014 · 742
Have you
cammy jude Nov 2014
Ever felt

Like drowning

Like it was easier
Than pursuing

Like loving
Was harder
Than living
Nov 2014 · 504
cammy jude Nov 2014
When I saw him, it wasn’t like walking into a library that would be torn down exactly two years later; it was exactly like losing my breath and my mind in the same way, at the same time. Something changed that day, I mean, I didn’t write poetry until I met him, and I wasn’t good at it until i lost him.

The left over pieces of my childhood where stuck to me like dried flower petals between the dog-eared pages of a book, “How many copies of Alice in wonderland? Read ten times, and still not enough. I even learned to read with my eyes closed.” And if I were actually blind, I would still know that he was beautiful.

I listened to songs about falling apart, and loving him felt like winter. Like my lungs were struggling in the frost bitten air, and when he said, “I have this feeling,” feelings being shared, like we where the only two people there, in this room with the sun shining in my eyes and on my face, not that I should even believe him,”I like you,” It felt like falling. Tumbling. Tumbling down the rabbit hole. If I went back in time, I might not have read Romeo and Juliet, I didn't think you could die for love, but maybe for a cigarette.

We got along because I can’t be friends with anyone who isn't already an artist. There is something particular about the way they live, I thought he might know how to fix me. He’s actually just like me, only void of the embarrassment. I hold myself to such low standards, everyone can walk all over me. Life, already upside down, inside out. “Eat me drink me,” a soundtrack. Pain, he taught me, happens for a reason, and the reason I am alive is because I am worth so much more. Books were only conditioning, and he was the door. He did tell me it would take four years, and every day of it we could share. But he lied, because it took five, and for the rest of my life, he wasn't there.
Feb 2014 · 1.3k
I am afraid
cammy jude Feb 2014
I am afraid of being. I'm afraid to walk into a room and see people staring. When I talk, I'm afraid that I won't have control over what I'm saying. I'm afraid of being embarrassing. I'm afraid of looking at someone and I'm afraid of smiling. I'm afraid of touching, and kissing and all levels of intimacy. I'm afraid of loving and I'm afraid of being alone. I'm afraid of pushing people away, even though there's not many anyway. I'm afraid that when I look at someone amazing I'll fall madly in love and I'm afraid of anything changing. I'm afraid that no one cares or that I care too much or not enough. I'm afraid of always being sad and I'm afraid of never knowing how good it can be. I'm afraid of going to sleep, and I'm afraid of dreaming. I'm afraid that people aren't exactly what they seem. I'm afraid of choking, or drinking entirely. I'm afraid of dying. I'm afraid of what makes me happy more than what makes me upset. I'm afraid of getting angry, and afraid of being lazy. I'm afraid that I'm not perfect and I'm afraid that I'm stupid. I'm afraid no one will love me, and I'm afraid of being ugly. I'm afraid of laughing. I'm afraid of living.
Feb 2014 · 324
I sold my soul
cammy jude Feb 2014
There is an emptiness, a void, a space. A place in side of my chest, between my heart and rib cage. I have a painful blackness where maybe a piece of my soul should be, maybe it’s missing. I have to strangle myself, or press the bible to my body to make the throbbing stop. I have to re-learn what it means to feel, how to be, and how to be loved. Because when I close my eyes I only remember that I was biting my lip and sitting on my knees behind a garbage can with some man standing up in front of me. When I look around, the arms covered in ink and the hands that smell like nicotine just seem so appetizing. Oh, but that was the only way to feel something, and I could still be something if I hadn’t lied about going to the library and smoked half a pack of cigarettes because I was so nervous. I would have smoked more if it weren’t raining. I even walked through the allies because what’s the worst that can happen? I just sold my soul. I didn’t even ask for money.
Feb 2014 · 643
cammy jude Feb 2014
I may have made a mistake when I fell in love. Your life is perfect and it’s filled with perfect mountains and forests and the grass grows tall and the rain lasts so long and the sound gives you perfect dreams. You are like the trees. Unbearably defying gravity no matter how the wind blows on your limbs, your leaves never let go. I aspire to live that way. My arms lick at the sky, and I shut my eyes because it’s too bright. I try to reach for something, and black reaches back for me. My hands are filled with ash. I’ve tried too hard for too long. Like the harder I push, the bigger the disaster. And the wind only makes it faster. I’m out of control, I’ve lost all meaning. Maybe I was light to you, maybe I was nothing. Maybe you could never love me. Maybe I’ll ruin everything. I must be a monster, because of how people look afraid and I’m afraid I’ve overstayed my welcome. I can leave quietly, I can stop breathing. I’ll do this for you, or so it would seam. I’m nothing more than Aberdeen. I may have left a few scars on stones and water turned to steam.
Because I am like fire, and you like the trees.

— The End —