our existence...
the unknowable slice,
this blue planet life
where we live, akin
to an infinitesimal,
myopic caterpillar, who
seeks what he cannot see,
answers to questions
he knows not exist,
in a language he
doesn't perceive
is limited in ways
he cannot conceive,
that he has not the words
to begin to comprehend,
or explain...
like the color of music;
the scent of blue;
the sound of the clouds;
the touch of a rainbow.
these are and life is
to him unknowable,
and just how stunning,
and very beautiful,
extraordinary incredible
...he is,
both now
and even more so intended,
is destined,
to one day become.
for today,
he merely
that he is;
content to
admire the butterflies
as they soar
in their colors
and float in the mists
just beyond reach...
and wonder!
*post script.
it is this writer’s belief that our soul is immortal, but that our attempts to understand, to explain or in any way convey to ourselves or anyone else what we see it to be, is equal to our ability to explain our existence here on this rock.... try or wish as we might, our capacity to do so falls far short, leaving us to simply dream, which frankly... i think i prefer to knowing.