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lotus lord Dec 2014
You want to help but all you can do is feel weak
Knowing your best friend is in pain

You want to help but can

Know the pain they have to go though everyday
The fake smile they put on for everyone else
Seeing the tear they hold back

All you can do is watch with tears in your eyes knowing you want to help do all you can but you can't
  Dec 2014 lotus lord
Crushing Love
"911 what's your emergency?"

"I can't breath"

"We are sending help right away mam."

"No...I just can't breath"

"Can you explain why mam?"

"Because he left"

beep, beep, beep, beep

Babe, please don't ever leave me I don't know what I would do with out you.
lotus lord Dec 2014
You tell me you love me
I tell you I'm in love with you

For month I said this
One day you said you might be inlove with me

You ask me to go to your house to hang out
You hold me, cuddle with me, kissed me, made out with me, told me you missed me

It felt like old times
your family was happy to see me everyone missed me

Then two weeks later when I tell you that your the one for me that your the one I hold dear

You tell me sometimes feeling change
And walked away

I cryed and your friend came and hugged me 3 times

You left me crying feeling like I'm dead inside
This is how my day went felt like I got hit by a bus
lotus lord Dec 2014
You brake my heart once same on you
You lost a worderful girl

You brake my heart twice same on me
I thought I could trust you again but it turns out I can't

If it was meant to be then they'll come back but don't force it
  Dec 2014 lotus lord
Crushing Love
I want to tie her down and slit her throat,
Then when I do it watch her scream and cry for help
all while trying to stop the blood.

"Your not gonna make it. So you might as well take what came."
She looks t me and shoots me the bird she has managed to keep a towel around the cut applying pressure.
"Sorry, you may be my step-mom but that can still be considered ******."
I have the look of destruction, tasting and smelling blood, then my Vision goes red and I'm gone.

I walk up to her slowly and with a psychotic grin.
I lean down close and whisper in her hear,
"Is ****** an option?" then cut the towel and slice her throat once more, this time cutting the artery hard and deep.

I guess ****** was an option.
lotus lord Dec 2014
You may say you are worth crying over
But truth be told you are worth it

You are someone I hold close to my heart
You are my best friend really I'm sister

If anything were to happen to you it would **** me for you mean so much to me

I would do anything make sure your safe and where no one can hurt you

Let you be able to be happy
Not just put on a fake smile but I real one
This is to my best friend,  I may have only known her a few month she can never be replaced she is the one person who gets me the most someone I would die for and never have to think twice for anything I have done for her
  Dec 2014 lotus lord
Haydn Swan
If I held out my hand
would you take it ?
it's warmth ready to permeate your soul
but what would it tell you of me ?
the scar on my finger
the wrinkling skin
the crooked pinkie
the gnarl on my thumb
stories to be told
if you would only take hold.
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