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 May 2017 Cait Harbs
Jack Jenkins
You clipped her wings so she would fall,
but she learned to fly without your voice
to soar into the atmosphere.

You were her morning and evening star,
the guiding lighthouse on the shore;
you were her adoration.

You didn't understand that she truly loved you,
how much of her heart she gave to you that you
trampled on and discarded for your own pleasure.

Now she's going to fly
be free
while you're still in your chains
of heart games and misleading.

In short, she's always going to
**be better
than you...
//On friends//
Wrote this for a friend I love very much, who got cheated on. If the ex ever reads this, *******. :D
Thy fingers make early flowers
of all things.
thy hair mostly the hours love:
a smoothness which
(though love be a day)
do not fear,we will go amaying.

thy whitest feet crisply are straying.
thy moist eyes are at kisses playing,
whose strangeness much
(though love be a day)
for which girl art thou flowers bringing?

To be thy lips is a sweet thing
and small.
Death,thee i call rich beyond wishing
if this thou catch,
else missing.
(though love be a day
and life be nothing,it shall not stop kissing).
You do not have to starve yourself to have people love you
You do not need to draw needles across your skin to get people to care
You deserve better than this

*Why do you never listen?
 Apr 2017 Cait Harbs
Jack Jenkins
You're feeling every brick
of your house falling down
each thud you shudder and
shake because you're scared
of all the elements you're
going to be exposed to now
that everything is collapsed.

Hold onto what you believe
you're not a bad person at all
I promise you're going to live
I promise I'm here to hold you
up through this hardship you
are going through. Embrace
the challenge and overcome.

**I believe in you.
I'm writing this to inspire my friend who's going through a difficult time in her life. I hope she knows there's still somebody that cares about her.
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