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  Feb 2015 cs
Justin S Wampler
When I'm done consuming
whatever it is that I just bought
I can easily throw away the remains
and happily be left with nothing again
Eat your dollar bills, drink the change.
  Feb 2015 cs
Poetic T
We lose those, essence fades
But there voice from
Carry in a wind of whispers,
A moment caught upon a
                         A breathe
As if their voice heard, an echo
Of a time now caught within the winds.
We will hear their voices for times to come.
As every voice spoken is added to the wind,
So never fear
              They will always
         Be near,
They are but a breeze away forever
Voices travelling upon the *winds.
  Feb 2015 cs
Oli Nejad
Think not of terror in the night
Of wayward wandering careless fright.
Think not of hatred in the morn,
Of owness lost and past left scorn.
Think not of guilts
Dead to the wind,
Think not of ills
You've beaten still.
Think not of the spectres of your mind,
Of days destroyed, of thought decline.
Think not of angels
Escort the dead.
Think not of challenges, haunt ahead.
Think not of blanket
Bleaching sorrow.
Think not of heartache soared tomorrow.
Think not of panic in the dark,
Of where your friends and foes reside,
Of what they say or what they mind,
Or whether they think you cruel or kind.
Think instead,
Of all you are.
Of where you've come from,
Crawled this far.
Think of your talents,
Of your shine,
Think of the world in terms of rhyme.
Think not of fear, of mindless dread, of panic ransacked
Quaking head.
Think all too clear of love itself.
Of simple life in raging health.
Never question what you are,
But freely count the fading scars.
Question malice, idle, stubborn, judging hearts,
Question tired cynics,
Mouthing barbs to better grow into themselves,
Question injustice, and condemn to swell
All those who'd dare
To make you shrink into a lesser, hardened shell.
Never wind your steps back over tread,
Already stepped.
Hold firm and fast
White knuckle raging burning grasp
Your fingers to the rail
And grimace menace
To all that failed

To break you.
  Feb 2015 cs
Nora R
Heirloom rose petals fall delicately in the rabbit hole,
Rose tinted visions of you. Visions of ecstasy.
Adrenaline rush, crystal precipitation beads.
Perfection. Purity - You. Like snow covered marble.
Dopamine fostering the rush of euphoria.
Morphined sugarcane for blood vessels
& the labyrinth of love...

my gateway to wonderland.
  Feb 2015 cs
Haydn Swan
We throw lies into lives

like pebbles in a pool

watching the ripples disturb the calmness

then cascade off into the distance
Quite simply - cause and effect
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