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 Oct 2016 Wanderer
Mysidian Bard
I have always had
The compelling urge to leave
Where I feel welcome
 Oct 2016 Wanderer
SG Holter
 Oct 2016 Wanderer
SG Holter
You may be more beast than
Man in their eyes; bearded,
Scarred, too tattooed,
History of violence,

History of summoning tears.
But you'll dig a grave for our
Loved ones with your own
Two hands, bruised knuckles

Around hickory and hard
Plastic. So we can relax and
You've wrestled huge, angry

Enemies, and won.
Your hugs are epic.
You have taken lives. You have
Arms to hold galaxies.
 Oct 2016 Wanderer
Akira Chinen
There was a spell woven into her eyes
that caught souls and trapped fools in a heart shaped web
In the desperation of desire
all one could do was fall
and give into the madness of love
and wait and hope to breath their last breathe while entwined in her gaze
He knew this about her
and still raised his eyes to meet hers and let out a deep sigh
Then they tumbled down through sheets and out of clothes and into the thunder of passion and the lighting of lust
Her every touch spun and tangled him deeper into the color of her magic embrace and he gave his hearts life willingly to her needs
And as he felt its last breath leave his lips he placed his head gently over her chest and whispered
You are my death...
for in you I have found the
end of suffering

And then they fell to sleep and through each others dreams
where death smiled and love laughed
and eternity built a campfire
under the cliffs of
oceans end
 Oct 2016 Wanderer
Devon Haley
You ask her,
"Why did you date such *******?!"
She simply says, "I don't know."
But wait-

Maybe it's because she had a father
Who didn't teach her
How a man should treat a woman til it was
Too late;
Til she was grown and already mistreated
By every man she'd ever known.

Maybe it was because she saw
Only flaws when she looked into the mirror,
And believed them when they said,
"You're cute, but that woman over there is hot."
She learned to hate herself.
She was worthless- dirt under the feet
Of the men who walked all over her.
Never good enough.

Or maybe it's because eventually
She started to believe that
This is how relationships work.
The manipulation, the emotional abuse...
Maybe she just deserved it.
She wasn't meeting their standards,
She wasn't giving them what they wanted,
And god forbid if she asked for too much love.

She tells herself that it's her fault
That they left her.
She should've been better,
More attractive,
Less emotional and
Let them do what or whom ever they pleased.
She concludes that she isn't
Meant for love or happiness or relationships.
That life will go on and she will be

You ask her why she dates *******.
She shakes her head and looks down,
Saying, "I don't know."
But the truth is she knows exactly why,
But tries to hide it with a smile anyway.
Because she knows
That's not the answer you were looking for.
 Oct 2016 Wanderer
SG Holter
You owe me nothing but to breathe.
To remember how I tore my heart in
Two rendering a

Blood Eagle to stretch its wings and
Tickle our souls with its sticky feathers.
When I think of us, I see us as we were.

Other people than now.
Memories framing themselves like a
Fantastic painting the artist

Stepped back to admire, then died.
Hang me. Hang me before i hang

Dramatically opposed to drama.
Uninterested infatuation.
Broke billionaire.

Mortal gods shaking divine hands
With decomposing composers,
Thanking them for the silence.

We were lovers and enemies, and
I'd still give my life and afterlife to
See you worship another as if I

Never left a fingerprint on this
Planet; resting as safely in arms that
Love you unendingly,

As we all lie sleeping; dreaming
In our own, stronger arms,  
Forgetting that even our loving

Is imaginary.
Death is awakening.
Rubbing the

Eyes of our souls and yawning,
We look up and smile at that which
All of this is a bleak and fleeting

Shadow of.
Plato knew.
When I wish to die, I do too.

This love is not Love.
It's all mud and air.
You owe me nothing but to breathe.
When you hear her name
I could see the color of your eyes changed
I could see your smile faded quickly,
And your laugh were silenced in a second

When you see her
I could still see how you would lost your breath,
I could still see how you would stop holding my hand,
And your body shaken did not know what to do

But I know
I know you have been hurt
I know you were still with her even if you were with me
And in the nights you were hoping for her to call you back

I know
You would walk away from me if she asked you
You would hurt me if she wanted you
I was no one, no one but a temporary shelter

Your body left your mind in her, and who am I to take them away from her
Maybe your physical realm is here, but you are still with her
I was foolish to even try to compete with her, hoping that I would win you
When in fact, there was no competition

*She has won you
Being a re-bounce is not that fun.
The quarrel
with Honesty
is how well
t'is recieved
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