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put me to your lips
i'll take your stress away
light me up and
it hurts
it hurts
it hurts
but near your lips is my favourite place to be
and even after you're calm and im all burned up
i know it'll be fine
because you'll need me again in a couple hours
i don't mind being your cigarette break
We are a paradox,

We are willful,

We are delicate,

We are a saga,
   Never ending,
   A journey

We are the sun,
   The moon,
   The stars

We are a question,
   An answer,
   A story

We are the rain
   When I'm sad
   Because you left me

We are a firework
   When I'm happy
   Because you came back

We are the fight
   Within myself
   Over you

We are the peace
   I feel
   When you kiss me

We are for now,
   We'll see,

I am yours
   You are mine
   Or are we?
You & I,
are a lullaby

We're the deafening *silence

just after the crash
we are moments of happiness
that never last

We're a riddle
that has no answer
we are both the cure
and the cancer

We've read this book
a thousand times, and in our hearts
we both know this fairytale
can never have a happy ending
I wish it did.....
Don't be upset when love leaves.
Just simply hold the door open,

Look them in the eye,
Smile and say:

"Thank you for stopping by."
you always complained
that you were a dandelion
in a garden of roses,
a pest, a **** --
something unlovable.

and maybe you weren't perfect.
maybe you were a bit
rough around the edges
with a crack
here or there.
maybe your seams had come undone
and, if you still insist on being a flower,
maybe you had lost a petal or two.

but what you failed to realize
is that every rose
has thorns.

so maybe they didn't have
as many cracks as you,
as many tears as you,
as many rough edges
as you did,
but god,
they were nowhere near as pure,
nowhere near as lovely
as you were.

we wish on dandelions, dear,
because we trust them.
nobody's ever wished
on a rose,
now have they?
they're too afraid
they'll get pricked,

so maybe you were
the dandelion
hidden in a garden of roses.
maybe you were the outcast,
the misfit,
the odd one out.
maybe you were just a little bit unloved,
and unfairly forgotten.

but what you failed to realize
is that i would have gladly picked you
over the brightest rose
in that silly little garden.

for a.r.
chest tightening
pressure building
here we go again

throat closing
can't breathe
why does this
always happen?

head pounding
heart racing
mind buzzing
all i did
was say your name
out loud

— The End —