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Today was different.
I held you and I felt happy, content with you in my arms. I lay my head on your shoulder and opened my eyes to your big blue ones, smiling down at me.

But then I remind myself that I would feel happy with anyone in my arms, because that's how much I love love.
30 Days To Go
When I miss you, I look up to the sky.
The colour is identical to your eyes
And then I find myself smiling
Because I'm reminded you're always near me.
One day you'll find the person who makes you smile.
And I mean really smile -
When your eyes crinkle and the corner of your lips raise ever so slightly
And your teeth burst out like rays of sunshine from the ocean's horizon

One day you'll find the person who makes you laugh
And I mean really laugh -
When you genuinely can't stop
And your sides ache and you gasp for air

One day you'll find the person who makes you happy
And I mean really happy -
When you catch yourself dancing for no good reason
Or singing at the top of your lungs because joy needs to be expressed

And when you find the person who makes you feel and do all these three things
Never let them go.
I know what we have is not true love.
I know I am not in love with you.
I know this because I am not passionate, infatuated, obsessed, crazy, insane and completely head over heels for you.

I love you - but I am not in love with you. I love you in the way I will do absolutely anything and everything for your happiness. It kills me to see you hurt or cry, to see you broken.
I love you, I really do. I love you very much.
Just please know I'm not in love with you, and I am so sorry.
 Aug 2015 Brianna
1:52, Saturday afternoon
Aunt and grandma chatting through sips of tea
About a poor couple, light perished so swiftly
Now-cold bodies riddled with ******.
I thought quietly to myself:
Did they die contently? In each other's arms?
Or did those arms instead grip
At the fading sensation of skin
Begging not to let go,
As the euphoria turned to pain
As death crept into their bones?

It's times like this, during thoughts of these,
When my mind leaves the room
And travels towards thoughts of us
And how if I had to die, I'd die in your arms
Or in bed, with our bodies almost touching,
Smiling at the lightning that dances in the spaces between us,
Can you feel it?

And at that moment of collapse
When my lungs stop rising
I'll draw in my last breath of you
That darling smell of yours, indescribable.
So I must ask,
Could that couple have possibly felt
What we can feel when we lay in the dark,
When I trace roadmaps onto your body,
When your warm breath paints words
Around the nape of my neck?

I don't know. I don't care.
It's easily just as deadly.
But there's nowhere I'd rather be
Than addicted to you
At 1:52
On a Saturday afternoon.
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