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Ruheen Aug 2022
a chill that you feel in your bones
when you know
how far you'll go
then you hold it in
the familiar feeling
when the cold settles in
and you don't
even know
there is ice on your window
Ruheen May 2022
We said hello in passing
Laughed with each other in groups
One day, there would be five between us
And I couldn't meet your eyes
Then it became three
And then only one
Then our knees were pressed together
Then your hand slipped into mine
And I could feel you laugh
Your voice rang in my ears
And mine in yours
But slowly your fingers lost their grip
Or maybe mine did
Our hands fell
Someone sled in between us
Then it became three
Then it was five
And suddenly we were strangers again
Who laughed with each other in groups
Who only said hello in passing
Friendly, maybe even friends
But not quite the same.
just an observation
Ruheen May 2022
Seven days in a week
For which I am free
For only three
Out of five
There's no need
To be alive
So I lie there instead
And shed
My skin
I don't belong
If I can't get in
Four weeks and
I can sleep
In my head, I will be
Eight hours of dream
One day, it will be
Ruheen Apr 2022
I don't like flowers
But there's one where you can see through its petals
It doesn't shroud what's right in front of me
Without permission
I see what it's hiding
It understands my desire
To reveal the concealed
And beneath it's milky veins
A clear glass frame
That we call petals
Each a frail skeleton
It'll crumble in my fingers
And vanish entirely
The petals will shatter
As if it was nobody
Ruheen Mar 2022
the way we walk
isn't so complicated
we're not going through a field of thorns
or the deep blue ocean
we're not going through storms
or hurricanes in motion
there's no sand to drag us in
no shells to ***** our skin
we're just walking on cement
on a road that never bends
so why would you want to take a detour
into a place where there's no right
and you don't know what's left anymore
you can't see the black or white
and there's no grey
why can't this road
be the one that we take
because I cannot stop out there
without getting lost
Ruheen Feb 2022
Turns out we don't need to use that many.
This is random. I felt like posting.
Ruheen Dec 2021
Days like this
where I'm spinning
Figure 8s, pirouettes, I'm balancing on one leg
In the corner, I can see
you mocking my flexibility
You're getting closer
or maybe I am
Then I'm falling
Then I'm not
A hand reaches out to grab mine
one I've held a few times
I swear for a second, red flashed
before my eyes

So I lean in and whisper
"Let's pretend it's real"
We clutch the thread, so tightly in our hands
It tangles through our fingers, wraps around our wrists
and you use it to pull me up
or I'm pulling you down
It's one or the other
now I don't know which one of us is falling anymore
It started with me
but your smile says otherwise

I say "I miss you" cause I almost missed you
and you reply with another "I miss you"
and that glimmer in your eyes
just gets brighter
and you smile again
This time I mirror it, a smile for a smile
A laugh for a laugh
A nudge for a nudge
A glance for a glance
I see the way you look at me
I think that's the way I look at you
I feel the thread wrap tighter
I feel us fall faster
I'm pretty sure we're falling together
Slipping on ice
hurts like hell
but we don't seem to mind
since we're laughing again

I said "Push me off
not pull me up"
You say
"Pull me down
Don't push me away"

Then we're slipping on ice all over again
For someone important. Happy birthday.
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