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Jul 2015 · 244
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Everyone just careth of their follower's, from their writing's, though I seeketh none follower's, everyone seeketh to follow;
I seeketh to lead.....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Quoted by me mother just now lollllllllllll love mum so much
Mums poem from her heart lollll

I like mine feet
There so sweet;
Cute, short, and petite.....

©short poem by mother Juna nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
This isn't a joke mum asked me if I wanted to hear her short poem lol she told me it this is hers... Love you mum (:
Jul 2015 · 1.9k
Thoughts for mums b day
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Ok so there is something called a blue moon coming July 31st this year, which happens to be me mother's 53rd b-day happy soon b-day mum... As gods blue moon shall be a wonderful gift to you... As I just looked at the blue moons pics.. It really does have a blue color to it... Mum will love it... Just thoughts (::::

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Mothers b day blue moon/july31st
There really is a blue moon as its called coming the 31st this month.. Mum will love it on her b day. This moon will be full moon in the sign of Aquarius.. Beautiful looking can't wait to look
Jul 2015 · 458
Jumbo mumbo
brandon nagley Jul 2015
American statue of liberty
Fumbled and crumbled;
Loot as just papery promise
Printed as jumbo mumbo.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 320
Fleshly prison
brandon nagley Jul 2015
That feeling of the soul's desire to escape
It's fleshly prison cell.....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 231
Bringing in the new
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Wherein is the eyeliner, upon a Queen's face?
Wherein is one's affection, to taketh this pain's place;
Wherein is mine direction, for one to leadeth me to?
Wherein shalt the old leaveth, bringing in the new?

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 522
Soaring the dusk
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Put the sheet over mine face
Mine life to leaveth, gone in a trace;
As ashes I'll turneth, succumbing to dust
Whilst looking down at the caretaker, this spirit soaring the dusk.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesone poets poetry
Jul 2015 · 275
Broken amulet
brandon nagley Jul 2015
In the ancient crypt
Lies an amulet that's broken;
It's crimson color floweth
Up above to the open...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015

I shalt manifest back to mine past life self
A ghost of crystalline see through, an afterlife pelt;
I shalt meet with cherub's, whence I've conversated
I shalt telleth them of the trial's I've seen, and witness patience.


I shalt be free from this carrion, only made to last a few
Striking mine light in the darkness, like lightning in the new;
Flashing mine appendage's, that hath been bandaged and bruised
I'll pilot the airway's, a captain of mine own flight crew.


None more fearing, I shalt seeith all views in 3d dimension
Ear's to haveth sound explosion, dye to rainbow guides, indented,
Ready to leaveth, in quickly running manner, eye's wide, lathered
None more to be shattered, just plumes to flap the lit matter.


None more sorrow's to leak down onto mine cotton cold pillow
None more tomorrow's, tommorrow doesn't exist in God's land;
None more clock's, or flowing glasses with times deathly sand
None more need's, nor wants, nor demand's, being a happy lad.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Asunder thither the Raven death
Mine heart stopped ticking;
Mine soul hath taken its course
This spirit leaving mine chest.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 265
Poetry of pain and soul
brandon nagley Jul 2015
As the hurt of other's shalt fadeth away,
                     The poetry of one's soul, always doth stay...
And whilst the hurt one shalt soon forget,
                     Poetry shalt be a best friend, a spiritual bliss....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Jul 2015 · 359
They loseth all.....
brandon nagley Jul 2015
They taketh all for granted, they smile whilst they ****
On ****** they savor over, like hellion getting their Thrill's;
They hath to drink to numb, they hath to tune out by pill's
They've lost the truth meaning, of giving without seeking deal's.

They've thrown it all to the wind, aloft the heaven's they've come
Their fears and tears art heavy, wherein their cruor is succumb;
They drinketh of nothingness, they art their own chosen one's
Bombing another out of land difference, tanning to the sun.

Lover's of themselves, they seeketh to giveth none charity
They awake to the darkness, their in much disparity;
And whilst the moon cometh out, they howl like stray dog's
They seeketh only themselves, in reality they loseth all.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 410
Scourged and spit upon
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Scourged and spit upon his loving crown
Made to look a fool, when already being down
None true backer's, to rescue this loving being
A prophet of end times, as the world was his sting:

Showing affection tis his own thing
The globe hath forgotten, thing's he doth bring
They point finger's, and hate, like none tommorrow
Yet they'll seeith their fate, from them he got sorrow:

He lended his hand out, as they just laughed
They kneweth not amour', their heart's all like glass
Though they broke his, like the human's they were
They loved lust, not amare, they loved anger to splurge:

They put him on the chopping block
They took off his forgiving charmed head;
They killed him with demonish feeling's
As he floated over their abode's of death:

Though now being blessed, he still forgiveth
Them down there thinking, this was all it,
Though judgement wilt hit them, tis there is karma
The devil they've brought, the devil to be with them tommorrow.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Good story about a man who showed love to all and even when they mocked and spit upon him, he still loved him knowing they choose their own fate
brandon nagley Jul 2015
In the crowd of trader's, amongst the land of Jordan
The glamorous and the exotic gamble betwixt the dust.
This is called the rose city, from the rock tis cut from
It lies on the ***** of Jebel al-Madhbah, or mount-Hor for some.

The deaf and the lame here art shunned, from Rich bafoon's,
The Masses loveth wickedness, of coin's made from golden tomb's
As in their new's, there art no camera's, just idol's and false mantra's, and as they chant in Arabic and Greek, their eye's shut.

In the crypt of the desert's crevice, lies Aaron, the brother of Moses, as all folk's gather as flocking hen's, the prophet's speak of a coming end, yet the trader's careth of no fire, they careth of their camel's and attire, and whilst the tradeth they mock as well.

They mocketh the creator, from whence they hath cometh, like mammal brutes, they seeketh and wanteth, and women here dress in elaborate color, mother's here trade off daughter's, for a Kings treasure, greedy they've become, material's of another.

Their treasure's art their way's of living, not needing their God, their playing with Satan, a liar, one whom ****'s, as whilst they casted lot's, for an Arabic girl in the streets, the mountain's shook, with trembling heat, the Firestone's cameth down, cutting feet.

They wailed to their statues, saying please SAVETH us, they let go of their girl, they tried to trade as a slave and ****** must, the girl ran away, as the seraphim saved her life, the idol's cameth down, the trader's bodies hit the ground, their soul's leaving sight

The adolescent woman, was looking down from up above, her God told her they were greed seeker's, and needed a shrug, the girl couldn't think; she just smiled at her God, God said: thou shalt not be hurt none more, as in flames Petra hath gone up.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
"The Sound Of Silence"

Hello darkness, my old friend,
I've come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence.

In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone,
'Neath the halo of a street lamp,
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence.

And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
People talking without speaking,
People hearing without listening,
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence.

"Fools," said I, "You do not know.
Silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you.
Take my arms that I might reach you."
But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence

And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made.
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming.
And the sign said, "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls
And whispered in the sounds of silence."
This song has meaning to me on alot of things right now in me life... Not just that this song they both sang after 9/11 attacks and matches all that happened... Depressing yet such a beautiful song I love...  When they sing lyrics ( Hear my words that I might teach you.
Take my arms that I might reach you."
But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence

Yeah this has meaning to me alot... So yes meaningful to me...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Beloved, doth thou hideth secretly in the shadow's?
In the dim, in depression's battle?
Screaming aloft for just something real?

Wanting one for thee to feeleth?
For one to thee to appealeth?
And just giveth thee a phone call or two?

One so true,
Doth thou covereth thine lesion's?
Doth thou changeth in the season's? As winter get's more lonely.

Hidden one, as me doth thou seeith the phonies?
Doth thou just heareth words of matrimony?
Yet none to be ever given!

Lass on amare lane,
As me is thine arm's open?
To not be held the same?

Darling of ocean mountain source
Wherein is thy water's taste and thirst?
That I shalt be complete from.......

Wherein art thou?
                                Hidden one....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry....
For noone ... Just writing...
Jul 2015 · 549
King on the hilltop view
brandon nagley Jul 2015
A king with no queen
He stand's in his castle;
Of celestial thing's.

A beau with none candle's
To lighteth his black room;
Moribund he lies, awake to his tomb.

A knife and a spoon
To chop at his skin;
He left all behind, for one to cometh in.

An axe to his heart
Stake to his brain;
Promises himself, not to look for any queen again.

Though he still wishes
For hopeless romance;
He dies alone daily, a regular prance.

Prancing his garden
Up upon the English hill;
Now he's forgotten romance, as him others hath killed....

©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Brandon nagley
For noone just sounded good to write (: for readers so you know.
Jul 2015 · 282
In the pit of despair
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Buried with dirt on top of mine face
Digging the grave, upburst of string lace;
Dressed in a tunic, not from around
She dances as a ghost, her soul is unbound.

Her hair is factual, she's not a dream
A lover, an amour, of beautiful thing's;
And weareth many ring's, her novel is wide
Feather's float off her wing's, an angel and bride.

To me as to her, the feeling obliged
She rode a white chariot, as one of the sky's;
I told her lovely, do not cryeth
She looked at mine view, tis she got excited.

Excitement burned hot, as sun in the day
She broke me free, from the worms of the grave;
And tis I was a slave, to the black hole of nothing
She showed me a bright aura, knowing God was near coming...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
This is for noone... Just good writing
brandon nagley Jul 2015

The inferno I go into, as I shalt not be burnt by hurting arrow's
A being born of love, taking shuttle from a dove, passing the cup,
As Ill-will circle's me, the contempt of many tryeth to ****** me
As I'm loosed from their naysaying, to their gameplaying anger.


Anew I wilt linger, in this round spinning ball, giving beauty of forgiveness and awe, showing other's the light of God, as the prey wilt lacerate, as angels to me shalt emancipate me of daily aching and nightly heartbreaking, for tis this spirit's overcoming all .


I seeith the real between the false,i seeith the idol's the crowd worship's like a mob, I seeith the murderous bigotry of word's gone wrong, I seeith mineself singing a heavenly song, a comeback from the bygone's, a holder of many vision's.


Overriding superstition, giving authenticity between dreaming wishes, not listening to misconstruction, letting mine conscience  alive from allegation, moving mine wing's, nation to nation, giving the true one's an invitation, cometh one, cometh all.


Smiling wide, not changing what and who I am, spiritual by birth, though this place, a man, not saying I won't, to things I canst, a wonderful show, of graceful stand, and even if I'm a one man band, (which I shalt not be,) I'll keepeth on smiling, for I am me....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Jul 2015 · 416
Rotten forgetful's
brandon nagley Jul 2015
In the old middle east
I went walkin',
I've noticed they've forgotten their God
As their moral's went rotten

In the town of Jerusalem
The city of Jehovah's light,
They threw bombs throughout the city
Turning day into night....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 377
Jul 2015 · 1.7k
Five leafed clover
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I went down to the maumee river
Behind mine place,
Ànd picked some yellow daisies on the water's edge
And other flower's....
I picked them for mother in honesty!
Though tis I loveth flower's as well,
A wonderful adding on to God's green earth I walketh upon;
As after I picked those flowers,
I started walking up the steps back up the hill to mine apartment
As I noticed along the way, a little clover .........
"As tis I thought I wanna find a four leaf clover"
Not finding a four leaf clover at all!
One little one stuck out so amazingly!!!!
I found a five leafed clover
Never have even found a four leafed one in mine life
As now today I hath found a five leafed one........
As I think ( is a five leafed one double the luck?????)
Not sure...
Though as I cameth back upstairs to the apartment
And handed mum the flower's;
I found a tiny green bug I've never seen as well,
So tiny
And beautiful stitched..........
As tis that little bug;
Followed me upstairs by holding onto mine collar
What a cute ******....
As tis today's
Been an amazing day......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry...
True story lol no joke (:::: five leafed clover
This is true story . picked mum flowers today I found a five leaf clover today a baby one lol and met a beautiful little green bug ... Today's been weirdly amazing!!!
Jul 2015 · 620
Phoenix greediness
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The phoenix
Lost his appendage's
Due to his greediness......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
The Phoenix being sign on American dollar bill the bird on it .This poem speaking of the Phoenix lost his wings meaning America lost itself due to America's top leader's greedy fingers sticking in the honey bowl of others getting rich off of us and stealing from us.
Jul 2015 · 356
Flambeau donjon
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Thither the flambeau donjon
In the somber of the dim,
I shalt plaster mine heart on mine sleeve
Hoping someone shalt let me in.
For tis I'm not the rest
I've lived a life of sin's,
Though I'm a hopeless romantic at his best;
I'm one to loveth until the end.
As guffaw I shalt do
As one wilt maketh me laugh,
Underneath the universal life-lamp
Glowing steadily in Shakespearian bask.
And if noone canst seeith the amour that I do bring
I shalt continue on, in a manner so unearthly.
None recompense needed, for she shalt not hurt mine being
Mine kisses shalt delighteth her, in the finer of life's thing's.
And when the bee's stingeth me, with their tiny stinger's,
Mine lover shalt kisseth on the wound, as mine heart wilt groweth bigger.
As a dinner and fine date;
Me and her shalt rest to candlewax figure shadows,
The shadow's being ourn own on the moonlit ceiling
Like two loving little rascal's....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 581
Freak flag
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I put up a flag above mine abode
To let all others knoweth I was a different soul
The flag read freak
Freak flag.....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Inspired by Shanna Stojakovich
This one inspired by Shanna Stojakovich..... Thanks misses lolll
brandon nagley Jul 2015
This is just a quick note to hellopoetry site:

Don't know if anyone else noticed this on this site but as for me certain peoples notifications aren't popping up on me page... Though when I look at poem by itself I can see the person liked it yet I'm not seeing it in notification.. Also I noticed when I type peoples name in the search box it won't even show some of them in search box to even find! Though when I see them on one of the poems they liked of mine and click on their picture it takes me to their page?? Mmm something strange going on with this site??.and its shut down four times Maby more last four days .??? Hmm weirdly strange to me h.p weirdly strange lol... Oh and last thing I have to keep hitting the follow button for people for some reason this site keeps making us all hit follow on same people as I've had to do and someone else brought to me why did she have to hit follow on me. When she thought she was following me? Yeah lol

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Jul 2015 · 555
Error 500/bad-server
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Instead of this site's name to be
It shouldst be,

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
This site has been down like four times in the past four days. I'm getting more used to the error 500 signal on this broken page sadly lol
Jul 2015 · 832
Midnight lonesomeness
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Midnight lonesomeness, hath becometh mine best friend
Midnight lonesomeness, verily I telleth thee shalt be mine end....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
I noticed later at night I seem to get more lonesome... Due to fact I miss cuddling kissing and hugging and cherishing one...  even a late phone call. But none. Oh well. You get used to this sadly lol. Guess that's why I'm a ( hopeless romantic) starting to lose hope now sadly.
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Daylight come
Daylight go
How far will it reach?
Ain't nobody know

And when the dawn breaks
The cradle will fall
And down will come baby
cradle and all

And now I know you need the dark
Just as much as the sun
But you're signing on forever
When you ink it in blood

A.E.I.O.U., A.E.I.O.U.
I use the state of the art
Suppose to make for better living
Are we better human beings?
We got our wires all crossed
The tubes are all tied
And I'm straining to remember
just what means to be alive

A life worth living
Now you can feel it in your chest
Building like  little bullets,
Just building up the nest
And you build it up strong
And you fill it up with love
And you pray for good rain
All from the Lord above

A.E.I.O.U., A.E.I.O.U.

I use my state of the art
Now don't you forget it
It ain't using me
'Cause when the power goes out
I got other means
'Cause when the power's goin out
I hear the power's going out
I mean it the power's going out
I really mean it the power's going out
This is a song about when technology goes out by man or by God pretty much, that we need to better ourselves now to when that power or technical grid goes out we can live better meaning having a better life when that power goes out as to many wouldn't know what to do if the power went out. They'd freak lol... Love this song!!!! So much truth. The part where he sings suppose to make a better living, yet are we better human beings? How truth... It makes noone better only seperates!!! As this is good driving song with good beat. Love ittt
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The irony of mankind,
They maketh technology to better their lives
And yet,
Their technology
Is ruining their lives....
The irony...
As tis they couldst use that wired technology for healing
They use it for bombing and killing..
As tis they couldst use it for connecting
The fact is
They've all gone unconnected!!!!!!
Hiding behind some screen,
Forgetting what an old fashioned phone call is.....
Connection, man thought this technological advance wouldst do.
Disconnection is what is hast really brought them......

The irony.....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 395
Not measely
brandon nagley Jul 2015
If I'm gonna write a poem
I don't write on measely issues or topics
I do it big.....
I go all out.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Agrestial highway's, an agora of light's
Mine carrion shalt release its brawn,
Pushing the deceiver's and devils aside
I shalt awaken to the new dawn,
With Thorn's on mine head, dispensing mine own shine
The moon to guideth mine steps, the sun to glass mine eye's,
Às at the end of this deathly hole
I'll meeteth mine own cherub who awaiteth me, a cherub of flight

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Jul 2015 · 525
Sad scripture
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Tis sad yes?
How other's don't realize the other person's love
Until the other person walketh away....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Not for noone, for all, who have given another person love and the other person didint see the love the other person gave them until the other person walked away, tired of throwing their love away... Sad truth!!!
Jul 2015 · 511
Being norm? Not me.
brandon nagley Jul 2015
As tis I've noticed
Ridicule cometh with being different
As tis ridicule doesn't hurt me
I actually like it now,
I never used used to like the ridicule of others
But now I'm glad to receive it!!!!
Just show's I'm not part of the norm
As tis,
I don't wanna be normal
Being "norm" is to normal for me...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I don't go by earth's timeclock
I'm on a different schedule...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 406
Lucifer's smiling
brandon nagley Jul 2015
It's nauseating
To seeith man killeth other men
And seeith the abuse of ourn fellow beings daily
Mankind treateth one another as if some object.
As if some slave,
And white man hateth the darker skinned
As the darker skinned is hating the ivory man
Especially when the media spreads more bigotry!
Yet none of these beings realize
All of ourn d.n.a
Is connected into the stars......
The sun
The moon
The earth
All together
All from the same formation of ourn creator's hands!!!

And yet.....

We still showeth hatred toward's another
And killeth another.........

As Lucifer sits on back
And smile's,
Knowing his plan is working!

As man doesn't realize what he's even doing!!!!!

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 475
The bed in the sky
brandon nagley Jul 2015
In mine own death I shalt find solitude
By the river of heaven
Wherein I canst not be cut, hurt, and bruised.....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015

Exquisite animation, the tubes channel of hereafter is dim at first
This foundation of earth was just a passing through to showeth love, as I've met good being's, I've seen material and unearthly things, I've felt the kiss of death, I've seen prison cells of thugs.


I've seen popes, president's, crip's and blood's, I've seen Devil's of hate, I've witnessed lover's and their fate, I've tasted iron in mine mouth, from the health issues to me I've met, I've seen ruler's get greedy, killing children as a bet, I've payed mine dues and rent.


I've shown kindness to other's, I've helped sisters and brother's, I've given all to help another, as the giving of oneself is the ultimate love of ourn creator, I've seen crying and imitator's, I've seen holy and devilish behavior, as minkind hath forgotten bliss.


I've seen war on t.v, I've seen Hope's made to reality, I've seen young one's die of starvation and poisoned, I've seen sanctuary of  glee turned poluted, I've seen soldier's suited and booted with the media and secret societies back their war, for lies to thee allured.


Though through all this nonsense I've seen, I'm at peace on the water's of the hellion scream's, for tis I feeleth serene in this stepping stone stop, the drab funnel I'll enter, when this heart stops, though I shalt seeith the light, and taketh a flight to God..

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015

As the wartorn baby lied down on the middle eastern battlefield,
The tanks rolled in, the bombs struck heavy, as poured out sin,
It seemed for the young girl no living was as this was to be dreamt, her night-mares becameth real, her spirit of her hath left


The sunshine was eclipsed, as the sarin and mustard gas blimped
The grenade's made servant's, out of the gentle and innocent,
And hatred was spread between the lies, of the media outlet's channel, terrorist rolled their eyes, as burn's smoked the flannels


These brute's woreth green in verdant camouflage grass anger
Were friends before their war, now rebirthed as killing strangers
Yet there was one soldier who put down her exploding bomb's
An saidst "I want war none more" , as was a girl of holy god


She screamed to her lung's, (" canst thou all seeith this is of the devil? I am not one to **** mine brother! I am a messenger of the celestial levels") as the death bringer's heard this, their eye's began to run, they've forgotten of their lovers, and their own love


As this girl who was a terrorist, not by her own hand was given
Remembered she was forced, by the men of evil torture and livings, Though she abandoned the war, the evil man hath put upon her, her soul overcameth, with God in the those wartorn flames, for that girl remembered at that moment, she being gods daughter.....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
A story about a girl like alot of girls in middle East forced to be a terrorist and murderer due to the agenda of the middle eastern terrorists... Alot of people don't realize in middle East. Alot of girls are kidnapped ***** and forced into being the girl who must go in front of forces who are hunting down terrorists to be slaughtered for terrorists and quote ( martyrs for God) when actually terrorists are using these young women for their own evil purposes to create their own caliphate ( Islamic new world order and *******.... Just truth. Thank you... We must pray for men and women forced into terrorist originations like Isis and al-qaeda.... Thanks for reading... And btw I have no hatred for Muslim people. I'm very close with alot of good Muslims and !me and me family have Muslim friends though we are Christian... Just terrorists are using young Islamic boys and girls for a caliphate and their own order and its sickening to see these evil men use such wonderful Islamic people.. As people think just Christians are being killed and tortured!!! Wrong! Muslims as well and middle Eastern souls..... No good ..Satan's weapon against many.   Sadly!!!! As people need to see both sides... So many Americans think alot of terrorists turn terrorist's due to their own wanting to be a terrorist! No, alot are forced into it like this girl in me story, alot of these women are *****, slaved as young girls and made to strap a bomb and dynamite to their chests to go do God a service... As bible speaks of terrorists in last days in I believe Isaiah old testament, it sais ( when you see them coming by the sword claming to do God a service, than know the end is near.....) Well look what's going on Isis and terrorists are killing imprisoning and hurting Christians around the whole world and beheading them by sword and knife!!!! for their beliefs in Christ, and alot of Muslim innocents who are turning to Christ are having same happen to them due to their turning their belief over to Christ, and the terrorists can't stand it. Just truth!!! There are good and bad people I'm all religions! Though was predicted long ago... As Christ taught..saying this ( they will hate you for mine own names sake) how true
Jul 2015 · 421
Irony of romance
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The irony of me,
        A hopeless romantic
            Who hath hope....

©brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
As tis I've noticed in this new dawning age, men and women used to know what the real meaning of love was. Men used to open doors for their women, men would take care of all of their women's needs, and treat her as a queen, as if you notice hardly any men no more call their women Queen's anymore. They've put them on magazines to be eyed down by perverted men, the media and newscast makes it as if ( normalcy) to lust. To put a false reality in man's head. To make young BOYS and men alike think " gee, these women ( actuality being Queens) are nothing more than a ****** object, nothing more good to life than to be a ****** object, material, and slave to man's wants and devlish desires... As verily, I tell you, Satan is behind the magic screen, in spiritual realm, and on our own hellish planet. As my god of Christ taught which BTW don't care what you feel of mine own beliefs. The scripture sais (Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.).. 1st Peter chap 5 verse truth is Satan walks around seeking who he may devour.. He's a master schemist and artist at falsehood. As man is following the way of him.. Man since a young age has been taught the woman is a slave. A *** object. A material, which sickens me to see men these days all around this earth call women their ( *****, *****, ***, ****, ****, the list can go on....... As I don't like to *** whatsoever I don't believe in cussing, just because I don't *** doesn't mean I'm better than those of you who do BTW. Just my god taught for one to bridle our tounge, meaning ( hold it back,) and to watch how we speak. Because how we say things is an example of who we are and what be believe.... As I said I'm not better than any of you as some may think that I think that I am better... I'm a sinner Im no saint I'm just giving you truth ones may not seek to hear or listen to... We are suppose to speak holy in a way at least not in that manner... And for a man to call a queen ( **** or *****) he has lost sight, a woman was put here to be loved, cherished and treated as a queen, a jewel, a gem. A treasure!! if you would go out in the desert and look for gold . wouldn't you treasure that treasure? Wouldn't you respect it? As you would yourself? If you even have respect for you? If you do not respect yourself I pray you will see your own beauty friend, as god doesnt want us like that, and wants us to cherish our queens and loves... And it isn't just men, fact is women to do same to men, call their men ( *******, so on) can't you see? We are here to cherish, comfort, and love another beings,  many ask the ??? Who believe and don't believe in God... What is your purpose eh? For one your purpose is to love. That's the fulfilling of gods law. Whether you believe in him or not we are put here to love cherish and forgive another and comfort another. As I say always. Without forgiveness there is NO love, and without love there is No forgiveness.... You must have both. As do I notice daily so much hatred for your fellow man, and even pets/and animals around the world, you **** another, and hurt, and hold onto grudges against another.   Don't you see??? God taught us to forgive. You wanna know why forgive?? Because when you hold onto those grudges of past pain's and anger against another... It hurts you more than it does the other person. And for one God doesn't want that for you. He wants us happy. He wants us not slave to our angers and hurt and fears... As so many hold back their love BTW because of fear of everything. And we wonder why we aren't moving ahead in life. Yes the human in me fears things to. I'm not perfect but when it comes to love, why hold back? Why? When tommorrow we might not have another chance to forgive one or to love the people we truly do in this life... And then when we die we have to carry that burden or anger, hurt, regret and the things we ( didint say, or do) onto the next life... And that is a far bigger burden than I need or anyone else does friends... And people these day's will put all their time into car's, money, homes, materials, earthly things!!! Which yes, are wonderful to have... But what if that lover you love that you show no love to or have been mistreating or putting on the back-burner dies today? Or tommorrow? You'd regret every last minute as the ones who have lost their loved ones whether family,moms, dads, brothers, sisters, wives, husband, boyfriends, girlfriends, so on have found out... When they loose sight of what's important, love , then we loose who we are, we loose all meaning to what life should be about.... Love... And if you loose sight of love. Surely you've lost sight of what your life should be about many take life and love for granted, Maby you should take a look at what's important, because in the next life we can't carry our money, cars. Or houses, or materials on, we only have our souls, and the things meaning actions, love, and feelings we have onto the next life... Maby you should think of that

God bless,
Brsndon nagley

©Brandon Cory nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©love and truth and thoughts...
This is for all people not aimed at one.  All
Jul 2015 · 353
brandon nagley Jul 2015
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Guess into the tunnel
I shalt dissapear
Tis much better
Then being here....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Quote#1- Seventy-five years. That's how much time you get if you're lucky. Seventy-five years. Seventy-five Winters. Seventy-five Springtimes. Seventy-five Summers. And Seventy-five Autumns. When you look at it like that, it's not a lot of time, is it? Don't waste them. Get your head out of the rat race and forget about the superficial things that pre-occupy your existence and get back to what's important now. Right Now. This very second. And I'm not saying, drop everything and let the world come to a grinding halt. I'm saying that you could become a seeker. You could be loving more. You could be taking some chances. You could be living more. You could be spending more time with your family. You could be getting in touch with the part of you that lives instead of fears; the part of you that loves instead of hates; the part of you that recognizes the humanity in all of us. And I tell you, That's where you're fortunate..

Quote #2- Your good is Better and your better is Blessed!...
Ricky Hayman (Jeff Goldblum), an executive at a home shopping network, is on the verge of losing his job. Sales are down under his leadership, and his boss wants to replace him with his rival, Kate Newell (Kelly Preston). But then Ricky meets an interesting man named G (Eddie Murphy). On a whim, he puts G on camera, and sales begin skyrocketing. But, when the job starts to take its toll on G's formerly enlightened demeanor, Ricky begins to question whether he has done the right thing
Jul 2015 · 377
kaleidoscope dying
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Verily I wilt telleth thee this
The truth doesn't cometh
By looking into the kaleidoscope of life,
Truth cometh when thou knoweth that thou art about to die.....
Then we seeith the whole picture of thing's...
And knowing this truth
That God needeth me home soon
I shalt maketh every last second
A second of love....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The reality hath hit me
That today couldst be mine last day
Or tommorrow,
At least I canst sayeth
I showed love whilst I was here.
As im feeling the sickness and the pain hit me again,
I don't knoweth
What's to cometh next.....
Jul 2015 · 729
The higher sire saved me.
brandon nagley Jul 2015

Aloof aback the nether antechamber
Abaddon tried to calleth out mine name
Aba composition's awoke from smoke
Whilst nephilim brutes were left untamed.


They bit me and they gripped me with
Their nail's of poison and polunium whip's
Through the old agaric horror play oubliette
Obelisk's, of troglodyte monstrosity!!!!


The nearing was open, yet to far off
I felt the crimson color, up mine lung's I coughed
Mine calumus pinion's all were eventually lost
For I was mocked, as the legion scoffed.


Scourged I was, as mine back was chopped
Like glass bead's hitting a gentle rock
They cracked mine sweetly frame, and made a pop
Mine soul was dying, mine head was lost.


Yet in the destination of this witching hour
Cameth in Gabriel and Michael of all unknown power's
They arrayed this hell with celestial shower's
They freed me of mine inferno, and tooketh me to the higher sire.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry.....
Jul 2015 · 2.0k
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Hello poetry
Is a place
For dreamers, realist's, believers, trolls, soul's, spirit's, tarot's, screamer's, bleeder's, laugher's, cryer's, want's, desire's haiku's, free writing, anger, love inviting, all enticing, all poetry, Shakespearian's, poe-soul's, lord of the ring readee's, fashionista's, prophetic poetry, weirdies, goofies, strange one's, disgusting things....
All real
All MAKE BELIEVE...........
This is a place
Called hello poetry.......
And as for me
I'm just writing for mine queen....
Jul 2015 · 379
Poetic prophetics
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The ancient prophet's of the past
Wouldst be called
Poets of today....

©Brandon nagley
©,Lonesome  poet's poetry
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