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Aug 2015 · 272
Showing love in all matters
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Something I've excepted
Being sent here by God;
To showeth love
And not to recieveth it.
brandon nagley Aug 2015

Afar blossom perennial, mine cataract vision needeth cleared,
For where art thou? Empress of cloud's, doth thou cometh near;
Mine child strained fear's, like perfume hang's the mist fog, mine kingdom needeth alignment, soul of wandering, into mine divine.


Til' the end of the undying times, wherein poe's rhyme's matcheth thine kind, shine on like little diamond's to flutter mine heart that's untouched, greet me with thy fine lunch, meet me in dined brunch, the kerchief of mine spiced spirit to wrap thy lips.


Strange devout bliss, posy sentiment so sprayed as such, like a brand new life, for the both of us; that special touch to maketh us shiver as trees that sway the off balanced coursing, thine toes to cure and curl, our tongue's to dribble in pearls, of ourn saliva.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Just made up story on hoping for to find one who will love me(:::: I do have hope wonderful hope (::: this isn't for noone.
brandon nagley Jul 2015

This temple is broken, lonesome, and old
It's leaving this place, the world's not meant for Good soul's;
Whilst good soul's art meant, for heaven not purgatory nor hell
No longer shalt I be trapped, or treated like some beast in his cell.


I've seen prison before, and I dealt with that iron bar hand
The structure, the flames, the brute animals, and the pain;
They biteth til thou bleedeth, again and again, wings to expand
Expansional shift, I'll taketh mine flying arm's and I shalt uplift.


Leaving suddenly, as they do sayeth, for only the good do die young, I shalt breatheth more easily, none more hatred, for the amour of the light I'm going to, I shalt succumb, mine senses wilt be ten fold the more than planet destruction earth, rebirthed.


None more seeing war on the television screens, none more untruthful words, for others to bringeth me, none more reptillian like Creation's to killeth mine dream's, none more scream's, none more for those to breaketh me, a serene scene, of alien planet's.


None more hopeless romance, for I shalt haveth all the hope given, none more having to write on paper, mine soul shalt write by the dust trail's so splended, to be the cherub's inspiration, as cheribum shalt listen to me sing on set, this place for me to forget.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The only time wherein everybody wilt loveth us;
Ourn own funeral.

©facebook quote
brandon nagley Jul 2015
(earthly amour')

Telling another they loveth them
Yet just word's;
None action's.

( heavenly amour')

Words and action's
Meeting together;
In collaboration of god.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 708
Death awaiteth us all
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Death awaiteth us all
Waiting for us to trip up;
To slippeth fast
In the bask of the universal law.

And whilst the reaper calleth
"Brandon cometh here mine friend"
I swayeth over in slow step's
Awaiting, knowing mine end.

Though on the other side
Dearest amour, and truest friend's;
A feastful party of uncorrupted
None beast's for the homestead.

With a romantic who's hopeless as me
None longer hopeless, but taken by her sweet;
She'll be a comet, of heavenly treat's
She shalt be mine queen, I hopeth to meet.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Jul 2015 · 427
Seraphim glass ( haiku)
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Serpahim heart
Stitched by glass;
Broken so easily.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015

I shalt consecrate one as mine empress
As she sitteth high up upon her throne;
She shalt be the ruler of mine dominion
An abode aloft the Earthling's decor below.


I shalt put upon her eminence gracefully
A castle tiera upon her frowning head;
Wherein when one's shalt tryeth to hurt her
I'll giveth mine life, to protecteth mine wife's bed.


And we shalt wander on the streamside
Whilst ourn harp-player's strum for us in ourn court;
Sipping on wine, of amare divine
Ourn spirit's and finger's, locked with none remorse.


Though tis this is all just an illusion
Hoping for one day, mine empress to awaketh from her sleep;
Wherein wherever she shalt be, I cant findeth her
I thinkest I am dead, Maby asleep?

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 469
brandon nagley Jul 2015
In death, mine extraterrestrial soul shalt be in suspension;
Hanging in the cumulus like a bird on a string, full apprehension.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Jul 2015 · 875
The raven and the crow
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The crow on the right of me
The Raven tis on mine left;
The Raven Squawk's forevermore
As tis the crow recite's Macbeth.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Don't know why I made this. Lol just came to mind and is amazing lol
Jul 2015 · 546
Tribesmen ghost ( haiku)
brandon nagley Jul 2015
An ancient tribesman
In the amazonian jungle
**** and raw, as a ghost.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Jul 2015 · 559
Being content in the storm
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Whilst this site is bickering
And whilst it's at unrest;
I shalt sit back happy
Showing amour, being content.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 407
Pinion's of sorrow ( haiku)
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Pinions of sorrow
Flapping on;
Like none tommorrow

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 277
brandon nagley Jul 2015
As this carrion inhale's me into the dusk
Mine soul exhales, a celestial whiff of dust;
And for me this absolute feeling, of love's a must
Like a rocket ascending, letting off full force ******.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 839
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The most stunning of beauties
Is seen in the broken vessel;
Tis, that broken vessel
That carrie's so much pain
And is overlooked alot,
Yet so astonishing in the inside
And so underrated.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015

I feeleth a calming bereavement, from mine own heart's dying
I mosey the coffin carousel of this lonesomeness artistic torture;
I dig with nail's into mine isolation box, kicking stones, lifting rock's, and as the nightshine seepeth, I close mine eyes, weepeth.


Yet this grave shalt not be mine end, though an amour is not there, for forlornness hath becometh a beloved best of friends;
Thither the protection of the gloom, I shalt burst on through, breaking into the rainbow that shalt streameth to mine beauty.


Mine dying shalt reneweth me, the tomb shalt not subdue me
The copse forest shalt enticeth me, as I swayeth and flyeth asunder from mine carcass, with none asunder to holdeth back mine natural capabilities, as all senses shalt be enhanced.


The wind wilt guideth me wherein others couldst not, mine creator to showeth me mine lifespan plot, to continue to loveth, even whilst the groan's that cometh near, mine vision, and view's to be glorious, this freedom of mine eternal entity alive, no fear's.


It shalt be a triumphant of all life's, wherein I shalt haveth a wife, to comfort me, thus all to be alright, as guardian's to me shalt be an insight, an insight of mineself deeply and the spiritual realm that shalt engulf me, and swaddle me so peacefully in awakening.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
To many just heareth thing's
They don't careth to listen
Yet what they don't understand is;
That's why we hath so many wars
Whether with gun's
Or word's,
If only others wouldst listen...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
This is just some thoughts swirling in this strange brain lol that rhymed but I wanna thank all of you soo much for all your support . and love. And peace you bring this soul in a darkened time for me. As I haven't been doing the greatest, especially with physical health,  You all have uplifted me. Sent me kind messages! Shown me love heaven brings down to earth.. And you know what? Like someone told me a good friend still to me who I miss ( Brandon you cant leave h.p, *** your addicted like me) how truth lol... This site is such a good addiction . and even though all the nonsense and hurt I've taken .and pains of other's. I will continue on loving showing others who know not what love is.. For you who ??? That word because of last hurts or pains or desires not met. Love is sacrifice. And giving all our souls to one another!! Biggest thing love is, is that love is GOD purely.. As mine beliefs state don't matter if you can't believe same thing. But I will continue to show u mine gods love and the love that flows from me as no other all of you HP poet's even the ones who don't like me at all . I don't judge you. I don't hate any of you... I love you, I forgive you for noones a perfect being. We all are humans whether full humans or part human..  Yet when we can give all  our souls love to another as we were sent here to do, than u are fulfilling the purpose to thy kind. To love. And like me even when you get hurt or mocked , that even in your  times of being hurt, true love is forgiving those who hurt us even while we're being nailed to a cross... That's love. Not being angry or jealous or hateful or spiteful.. But LOVE Beatles me favorite band said. lOVE LOVE LOVE... That's our purpose friends... Not giving hate *** one hates us..  If the world would figure that out they could get somewhere! But won't sadly . anyways I'm going on now lol just wanna say I'd rather read all of your HP poets poetry, even read peoples poems who don't like me.. Because it's all beautiful poetry, and I love all of you. I'd rather read all your work than mine favorite poets work Edgar Allen poe. You HP people are the ones who help me smile daily when I wanna break down in tears...I see God still left in some mankind here.   Please don't let that leave, Please /: I love all of you soo much and care of all of you. Even those who hate or dislike me. I still love you. Alot ..

Sincerely your old fashioned romantic and poet
Brandon Cory nagley

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Bare and ****
His soul to thy world;
A seeker of a muse
He seeketh an amour of a girl.

Open and free
With flower's in mine hair;
I'm dying, I bleedeth
With this lonesome despair.

Asunder mine heart
Broken like rain pellets;
I Feeleth as the witch in wizard of oz
mine essence is melted.

Mine brawn is pelted
And mine vest seemeth to tight;
It's OK, with the help of truest friends
All shalt be better and alright.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
For noone just grateful for good friends here
Jul 2015 · 240
Poetry release ( haiku)
brandon nagley Jul 2015
This soul's release;
From this purgatory called earth...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
A poet needeth not pen and paper
To writeth down their prophetic vision's;
A poet, is one of the soul
As the soul
Keepeth all poetry by memory,
Not needing some pen and paper. .

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 1.1k
Get the facts on trolls
brandon nagley Jul 2015
This goes for all
And anyone,
Before calling one a troll
Get physical evidence first
Because paranoid thinking and backbiting
Doesn't do anyone any good
Get facts .....
Stop being paranoid
And stop trying to point the finger
Only pointing back at you...
This goes for all
Not one person..
As so many sit behind like cowards behind a computer screen
And call one out to be trolls
Outta what? Assumption? Thy own misery? No physical proof?
Lol wake up... No physical proof is like the judges in America who put people in death row outta assumption and wanting a conviction with no blood evidence. Then the quote killer gets released because he didint ****** fifty years later so sad Makes none sense to me lol lets stop the hatred of this place and start loving another.  The end

Ps- don't hate noone love all being's but when others get crucifixed by the dozen. Then people need to speak up!!!! As Bob Marley said that best.. Get up stand up.. Stand up for your rights? Get up stand up and don't give up the fight... We can't back down that is coward way.we must forgive and love and forget others pains they strike us with! But never back down..  As the world does from fear.. It's like all when the Nazis killed jewish innocents back in the old day, and the German innocent people that weren't Nazis sat by and watched this nonsense... We gotta stand up for another when we see hatred!!!! Spread peace til others get sick!!!

As mine friend Gary L on here has facts who some of the trolls are . he's done research lol unlike me.. But good to have physical facts from our own internet... Lol

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015

This is for thou both miss Vicki, and miss Beth Stclair, true poet's
Miss Beth StClair, thy sonnet style, brings back the old smile I see;
Miss Vicki, writing of love so quickly, so beautifully inspiring
Miss beth, thy word's got me flying I'll buyeth thy book real soon.


Miss Vicki, thou art an old soul made of gold, a home amongst homes, as thou liveth in mine state, miss beth, I'd seeith thee if I go to England, amongst the Beatle street's we'll speaketh of ourn living's, and reciteth sonnet's of Shakespearian knowledge.


Miss Vicki, thy jargon is wrapped like a bouquet, glazed with honey, thine words art displayed, people in this world like Thee I do prayeth, that thine life wilt be joyful, and harmonious in thy tommorrow, beth, I feeleth thine wild's, as the sixties thou hadst.


Beth StClair, if it was back in the day, we'd be wonderful friend's, thou wouldst hath watched me on a stage, singing poetic thunder, miss Vicki, when thou feeleth down and under, continue to write thy creator in thy works, and I promise thou both, thou both hath

A friend in me......

©Brandon nagley
©Miss Vicki/miss Beth StClair dedication for both of you (:::::
©Lonesome poet's poetry
A dedication to to amazing poets who inspire me
Miss Vicki and miss Beth StClair (::: love ya both
Jul 2015 · 446
Queenly view ( haiku)
brandon nagley Jul 2015
One king
Waiting in his castle;
For one queen.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Jul 2015 · 239
Torn to two ( haiku)
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Soft beautiful angel
Who never wouldst hurt anyone;
Hath their heart torn to two.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 618
Extraterrestrial worn
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Tribal earth-made bead's
To garnish this alien neck
Plume of god, extraterrestrial worn.

©Brandon nagley
©,Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015

The quiet crypt amongst the goblin's and ghoul's
I secretly wander, an isolation love tomb;
And in this mausoleum, I expatiate the catacomb
Crooning mine soft echoe's, as mine painful shadow doth moan.


Mine doppelganger of heartbreak, lingers aloft the mist
I seeketh for another ghost lover, just one apple kiss;
A globules of amour, I beggeth for just one tiny pinch
I beseech for a peach, one bite inside her flowery glimpse.


An ingenue of cosmos venue, a juncture of cheribum Host's
The lightning bug's, to be as ourn love, lighting up the ghost's;
Bonjour from me, none Au revoir from her, a delightful play
One of mi amour', as lightning dances, and fairies art Prancer's.


The universal relic, to be ourn set, the curtain closed, sweet duet
She calleth me king, I calleth her pet, lass of day, lad of the nest;
And whilst the pest's, tryeth to cut ourn wings, well standeth tall
And whilst we standeth, we'll grabbeth all there is to bring.


A dwelling place, in her amulet of both of ourn beating heart's
Never away, none distance, none evil or lies to keepeth us apart;
Lineal scout's, of what life's all about, leaving fear's in the out
And walking the galaxy, leaving step's, heaven awoke, undressed.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Just a beautiful poem not about noone just hoping for one to love me for me (:
Jul 2015 · 627
Still flyeth on ( haiku)
brandon nagley Jul 2015
A falcon
One broken wing;
Yet still flyeth..

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 281
Emotion high
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Mind full of wonder
                                  Heart full of yearning's for love
                                       Spirit full of brokenness
                                    And a soul ready to flyeth on
                                     Back wherein I belongeth.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 198
Tasting sweet as a treat
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The sweet taste
Of the poe-like raven death;
Gently comforts mine
Every last breathe.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Jul 2015 · 420
Charitable poor man
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Anyone canst be some famous rich man,
Though canst thou be a charitable poor man?

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I thought I was living,
Until I looked into mine mirror
And only saw mine reflection near.
And mine body,
No longer physical
I hath transformed....
                                      Back to mine past life self....
                                      an inertia, though still had the shape of me
Made out of love
The purest form of spiritual energy....
As tis, mine spirit hath finally broken it's prison cell of the flesh...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 194
Just might bleed red
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Heart out In the open
It canst feeleth the wind's breeze;
To afraid to let anyone in
I feareth it just might bleed.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015

Sitting on the star's, looking down below
Waiting for an eternal exquisite, to subdue mine woe's;
Going to the country, sensually, we shalt elope
This is a story, of two in romanticism's row.


In the softened aisle, carried by first class limousine
She powder's on her blush and makeup, a surreal thing;
And whilst walking down the plaza, in the mezzanine
She calleth me her handsome king, I whisper back queen.


And tis she'll be mine queen, I'll be her reality
We'll maketh a dream cometh true, in all factuality;
None more restless night's, amour cometh by day
A garden with a palisade, all fruit's godly made...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Just a story for noone! Just good story (:
Jul 2015 · 337
The seeker
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I  seeketh one to NOT loveth me out of their lonesomeness
Tis I get lonesome to, but;
I seeketh one to loveth me for me, and me, her for her,
A love so true....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
This is truth so many just love others or say that word ( I love you) because they are lonesome which I understand that I get lonesome to.. But I seek one to not love me outta their own loneliness, *** that's not love.  That's filling a gap in ones soul.. I don't wanna be a gap filler for noone.. I want to find one to love and appreciate me (:::
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I'm bathed, I'm ablazed, mine psyche is now unleashed, from the blood bath and the beast's. Expand of mine appendage's, flapping like pinion; as if a man who hath none care's none more. I shalt explore, the sites shalt stun me in awe, an empress shalt meeteth me under the mardi gras, festive, me and mine amour shalt be, as festive color's wilt be seen, silk and lace to unstring, as two structural beam's, tying the not with one ring....a wedding made for only those to be invited, as me and her....

Art the main guest's....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
For no woman lol don't have any... Sad I gotta even explain this lol just for those who think for someone. It's all hopes
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I just want to be seen
I just want to be felt;
I want someone to believe
Mine affection is of noone else.

I just seeketh a one way ticket
Strolling to one peaceful heart;
I seeketh something real
Not a dream just to depart.

And whilst the world is dreaming
I shalt giveth all mine soul;
This place is just a stepping stone
That I reside as temporary home.

And I shalt return soon
Sick of this place;
Many just speaketh words, of none meaning
Leaving us in disgrace.

Though angel's aren't meant for this globe
Their meant for something more;
Seraphim showeth a light that glows
Whilst the other's lost the meaning of amour'.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
For noone just good writing
Jul 2015 · 717
Dead and gone
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I seeith
  A light
      Up ahead
          In the tunnel
               I thinkest,
                 I'm dead........

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 486
brandon nagley Jul 2015
One asketh the question,
What is this thing called love?
One word I shalt giveth thee......
                                                      ­   SACRIFICE!!!!!!

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
The world's forgotten true love. They know lust. But in love we sacrifice all for another.. Even for God. If you believe in him... We give all our hearts and souls to another and lay down our lives and souls for another if its friends family or our lover's... Yet noone will sacrifice these days. On this earth, not found to me. Sadly. Maby à select few. And I am so happy to see it when I do... It's a blessing to see it, just painful to not have that /:
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Reno, if a troll messeth with thee, forgiveth them
Their bound not free.

Reno, when the clown's maketh bad choices
Silence them with silence, not voices.

Reno, thou art a dear friend to me, so I thank thou
For always caring, and sharing what tis I believe.

Reno, thou art a being with class, and hopes art high,
Be thyself girl, let the poetry like bullet's fly.

Reno, we've been through this same type of hell,
Yet we don't quit do we? We're not trapped in some cell.

Reno, child of the lighter side,
Open thy mind, continue to expand, taketh that freak poet ride.

Reno, west coast poetic, like medicine thy word's art alphabetic
To soothe a person's bad day, into happiness in cool shade.

Reno, I shalt continue to back thine wonderful work's
And even whilst its us others do hurt, showeth them love always!

What a blessing to all of us thou art
Poetess by birth
Californian muse heart.....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Reno dedication/friendship dedication
I'll make more friendship poems soon (: just thought of this
Jul 2015 · 305
Alway's the same
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I feeleth something suddenly wrong
The pain's coursing mine vein's;
I feeleth that alienation lonesomeness
As nighttime now, is always the same....

And whilst mine heart thump's, it skippeth a beat
I feeleth like some unknown, lost in the heat;
Doth anyone heareth me? Hello out there
Better off dead and gone, from this shadow's despair..

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 422
Father forgiveth them
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Whilst the hate-bringer's, shalt smack mine countenance
I shalt loveth in extraterrestrial manners, never to quit;
And whilst other's shalt scourge me, I'll giveth them mine love
Lending out a hand even whilst being whipped, as I giveth a hug.

And whilst they nail me, and pound the iron in mine bones
I shalt looketh up to mine god,ready to get on back to mine home;
And whilst mine spirit leaveth me, I yelleth out to mine God
Father forgiveth them, they knoweth not what they've done.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
On a patterned nebula, paramour's giggle whilst locking warmly hand's,  like two stray's of a different course, they runneth by none command's, all promises filled, as their cheek's do touch, like flourishing rainbow's, heaven to ground's lunch. They maketh their own commandment's, as tis the world's just a stage, grandiose in their delightment, making newsstand page. Bambino's of the unknown, covered in flamboyant flakes, overcoming the new-age step's, of this passing place. And whilst they art simpering, their taste buds over-runneth, their cup is not made from steel, but gold of king's and Queen's chalice. And whilst at dusk, when the blood moon cometh out, the neighbor's canst heareth their love, out the window's it doth bounce. Echoe's of their novela, they'll speaketh many tongue's, and whilst their alone together, their embracing head on shoulder love.....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Just a story about love ... Wishing had one to do all this guessing obviously why I wrote it lol but just wonderful writing friends.. novela means romance in Spanish for you who are asking what that word is  if you are wondering lol...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Just beyond the albatross
Skyloft the ghost's;
And mine woe's to dissapear
For one to be here for me, an angelic host.

She'll be a superlative dogma
Of man's fortune and fame;
Mobilizing me by her **** call
Again and again.

Cometh over here "boy"
She doth sayeth, as she doth none wrong;
Ill write all mine poems for her
And turneth them into song's.

And whilst I sing mine song's for her
She shalt savor ourn Shakespearian night;
Like two unruly children we'll becometh
Leaving this place all behind.

Being **** to ournselves
Open for all to believe;
That ourn amour' is true
As tis we'll dance on the sea's.

And whilst dancing the seaside
Losing ourn throat's;
From all the laughter we shalt haveth
Making love in front of the ghost's..

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
A story about if I did have one me and her wouldn't hide ourn love we would show it to the world... A beautiful love and how love should be... In all openess and not hiding it... Enjoy made up poem of hopes lol just hopes of finding one to want me is dwindling but have hope luckily lol note: was listening to Robert plant the singer from led Zeppelin newest album and the song called rainbow the song stuck in me head the rhythm so made this poem like kinda me own remake in poem form (:
brandon nagley Jul 2015

Dearest Mina, just wanted to thank thee mine friend
Thou hath been here for me all day, wherein I feeleth an end;
Dearest Mina, thou art a fluorescent lamp to other's, though dealing with thine own stresses, thou art a being of all blessing's.


Dearest Mina, wanna know the reason why I pushed thy work when thou first joined h.p? Because I hath seen a burning lamp in thou soo quiet yet so free, and I let all other's seeith the shining that thou doth give, so now thou canst smile and be happy at this.


Dearest Mina, from the land of old Persia (Iran), countries an ourn leaders don't seperate us, let the leader's haveth their own demands, because it doesn't matter Mina upon ourn skin color or background belief, because thou was sent here, by God to h.p.


Dearest Mina, continue to pass the one's of hatred, giving them thy glance of love and patience, and let not the world phase thou, over cometh them with laughter, liveth thy poetry ever after, stayeth strong in thy times of disaster, and pray if thou forget's.


Mina, dearest friend of mine, any poet's sunshine, an extraterrestrial of the divine, a spirit of sublime, a chariot of the high, a soulful one to me when I'm in need, thou giveth me hope, at times I bleed, and when I bleed, I always knoweth, thou art by.

Just a thanking to thee
Friend of mine....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Mina friendship dedication
Jul 2015 · 488
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Tis only mid day
It's usually midnight, when I feeleth this pain;
The times art getting earlier now, for mine heart to decay
I feeleth mine alma aleteo in an ending life parade.

And it's hitting me hard now, I telleth it to go away
Though in the morning I shalt waketh, mine thought's frayed
And as I prayeth to God, to breaketh this nightmare today
The forlornness still wilt be there, as I feeleth mine smile fade.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I enjoyeth the time
Walking close on water's edge;
Finding a seagull feather
It's a treasure at it's best.

Little riches sometimes cometh
Wherein we don't seeketh them out;
I'm learning to taketh them as they showeth
And embrace them on a cloud.

These little gem's couldst be friend's
Or an amour unseen;
Yet if we haveth friend's that's good enough
Yet an amour we shalt still dream...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Where have all the flowers gone, long time passing?
Where have all the flowers gone, long time ago?
Where have all the flowers gone?
Young girls have picked them everyone.
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when will they ever learn?

Where have all the young girls gone, long time passing?
Where have all the young girls gone, long time ago?
Where have all the young girls gone?
Gone for husbands everyone.
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when will they ever learn?

Where have all the husbands gone, long time passing?
Where have all the husbands gone, long time ago?
Where have all the husbands gone?
Gone for soldiers everyone
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when will they ever learn?

Where have all the soldiers gone, long time passing?
Where have all the soldiers gone, long time ago?
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Gone to graveyards, everyone.
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when will they ever learn?

Where have all the graveyards gone, long time passing?
Where have all the graveyards gone, long time ago?
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Gone to flowers, everyone.
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when will they ever learn?

Where have all the flowers gone, long time passing?
Where have all the flowers gone, long time ago?
Where have all the flowers gone?
Young girls have picked them everyone.
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Beautiful song sang in 60s telling truth of war sadly all true....
Jul 2015 · 430
Jailed lonesomeness
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I beseech and implore for just one kiss
I crumble to the ivory walls around me;
I seeketh and explore in the darkly abyss
And noone is near to fully arouse and supplyeth mine need's.

Just a simple Bonjour, to haveth an opera of amour'
To be as simple infant's, climbing mountain's and shore's;
Forgetting the world, lost into ourn own dimension
Yet that's not what I'll findeth, I've excepted mine jail sentence.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Today I shalt waltz, gently with a smile
Putting behind me pains, and heading toward's the mile;
The mile of the sunshine, that's coming down upon mine face
I feeleth free today, and pleased arrayed, no feeling of disgrace

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry

Note; from the help of true helper's and backers of me on here. Thank you all for kind words and love and listening to me and caring for all of you HP poets.. No hatred here
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