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Aug 2015 · 468
O the plore
brandon nagley Aug 2015
O paranormal venue, I glance for thy direction
Wherein art thou? Cleaning up for God's inspection;
Art thou hidden? Beneath the moon and stars?
Art thou broken? Unnoticed? Thy heart like me on mar's.

O lost amour', mine soul searches the shore's
Dying daily, not seeking a Maby;
For one I rideth the beam's of color string's
For a hopeless romantic, I do plore.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Seeking one to love me... This for noone and all are for noone
Just hopes /;;;
Aug 2015 · 621
Overcome it
brandon nagley Aug 2015
One word to overcometh hatred;

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Aug 2015 · 488
The chief knew
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Bare and organic brown skinned man
Dancing the tribal shores;
As the European's pulleth land ahoy
The tribesmen's chief kneweth, this was the end of the world.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Aug 2015 · 394
Us and them
brandon nagley Aug 2015
I yearn for amour'
One like john and Yoko;
Forgetting the world
Around us....................

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry
Aug 2015 · 341
Beyond time
brandon nagley Aug 2015
I beseech one to imprison me
In her lonesome heart like mine;
To loveth and careth for me
Until the end, and beyond time.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Aug 2015 · 333
Thence the celestial
brandon nagley Aug 2015

I seeketh one, to not showeth me amour in parable's
I seeketh not one, to maketh me feeleth as if some variable;
I needeth one to behold me, forthwith in her humbled eye's
I needeth one whosever, mayest showeth me reality before I die.


I hopeth anon, she shalt be here to hold this trembling hand
None tare's in mine romantic view, only a queen diamond glued;
Hither she'll cometh, and fall upon me into mine worried chest
I want to feeleth her head, upon mine pillow and bed, with rest.


Thence to haveth a best friend, with a angel ring upon her finger
We'll sing and dance, sweet romance, whereupon our dinner;
Victuals of finest respect, fruit glassed to meet ourn fast needs
For a dove to landeth upon ourn rooftop, wherein serpahim sing.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Aug 2015 · 305
Host mine table of amour
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Ferine ferdelance Gambol's to mine weeping;
Tallon's of reaping, taketh all goodness left from me.

Canst one seeith?
The light that speaketh inside me?
Canst anyone heareth?
Mine galvano scream's?

Regular's twas I whom was not meant for,
For the store hath a stock of regulars;

Yet none angelic being's
To host mine table......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Old poetry
Aug 2015 · 320
Golden brawn
brandon nagley Aug 2015
The sunshine is fluttering mine face
Entering into mine soul;
This skin angelic silver
Yet the sunshine turneth it gold.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
brandon nagley Aug 2015
(Deborah) an old style poetic as me, thy words about empresses, kings and queens, is mine sort of style, thy writing is beautiful untamed and shalt never die in any mile. Thy writing like heaven passed down from Shakesperian words himself, true poetic!!!

( Aarvie) thou art a true of truest romantic's, as I seeith in thine pieces of heaven, its good to see other hopeless romantic's as me, I prayeth the best for thee and thy life, continue to loveth in both of thine dreams and reality, and be the king as thou art mate.

( Elsa angelica) angel to all of us, though we've not spoken in day's, just wanted to tell thee, for thee nightly I prayeth, as thou feeleth so alone, God awaits thee, for heaven's thine home, as I've said I've known thee long ago, continue to shine on, dear Angel.

( Earl Jane) dear oriental friend of mine, thy love and heart shineth above the hellish earth, thou was sent to love and forgive, and overcometh the judgement of the one's who art hurt, showeth them amour', smile and uplift as thou doth me friend.

( KetomaRose) miss, thy words lonely like me, I prayeth one day that thou findeth a king, because there's a difference between men and kings, men calleth a woman "woman", kings calleth one queen, continue to be who thou art, and one day. Get that ring!!

( Musfiq us shaleheen) dearest writing champion, thy words like butter giveth flavor to mine tongue, thy artwork's art as gods finger's stroking the sun, class thou hath, and a loving àura I canst seeith shine, like wine to mine doorstep of poetry mate.

( Anto MacRuairidh) haven't known thee to long dearest poetic, but thy word's of love rub me in a friendly alphabetic way. Continue to jot love now, tommorrow,  today, in every way continue to be the genius thou art, and remember, love is real!!!

( Katie) new to h.p, welcome mine friend, thank thee for supporting me, thy words ring across England, it rings the bell of the USA, Ireland, and the united kingdom, thou art kind, sweet, a good soul anyone wouldst want to meet. Continue thy blossoming

( Steven Langhorst) friend, always writing of thy good times and bad, the times that meant all to thee, and times thou hath hadst. Thou art a truest poetic honesty! A man of devout poetry belief, continue to love thy family, and showeth amour to all as thou art

( Victoria) another lass with class, a lady whos great, no questions to ask, thy old soul is fastened on with a pen and Papyrus to scribe thine beauties, thy artwork like movies, dancing the HP scenes, putting realness in dreams, decor thou writeth.

( Toreinss Pinwinkel III) hey good man, don't knoweth thee much, but thou art a comic, a friend of men, an honest lad, like an ex hippy gypsie, or a wonderful lad, thy words art heart forming, thy words mold into treasures that speaketh to me.

( neex) thy amare speaketh to mine soul, as everyone loveth thee, thy lingo like gold, thou showeth bright in this place of h.p . continue to loveth, forget the hatred and doeth as thou doth please, just don't forget like the rest, continue in thy love friend!

( cat Fiske) thou hath known me since the beginning friend, thou hath even made a room called" the poems Brandon writeth for us" meaning for all the girls who like mine work' lol, thank thee dear friend, keepeth thy head up, knoweth God is with thee now.

( Mina) Iranian charmstress, a best friend to me, and a world of loving ways thou art, as thou wilt meet thy king, just remember, when ourn countries and government's acteth as hating brutes, remember God is watching, and he's been there protecting to.

( Matt) this ones for thee prophetic as me, speaking of the economy's ending, friend continue just to trusteth thy God, and in love showeth Christ's love is affectionate, not deadly! Be ready for his coming dearest good friend, thou wilt find thy queen to.

( Jimmy yetts) this one for thee brother, thy word's art comical and at the same time so much truth, thou art a poet free. Not a slave, not In some noose, thine hand writeth what others need to heareth, that's a a prophetic to me, continue on friend of h.p.

( ridicule) I knoweth that's not thy real picture, yet I knoweth thou aren't fake, continue even if in secrecy to showeth thy words of beauty, and showeth thy heartbreak, as thou wilt find thy good king to, continue in love as the rest, ad thou art blessed!

(SweetPea) poetic so saccharine, I promise thee one day thy pains shalt cease, as this life hath pains and dreams, but reality for thee wilt be awoken, God wilt flyeth thee to places unspoken, aloft the clouds wherein thou shalt write. Thou art a dearest of good invite

( its gonna make sense) this ones for thee mine dearest little line writer, thy tiny confection treats art sweet to mine tongue, like pastrys filled with such goodness. Continue to search on for thy king, though only taketh him if he hath armour, a shining knight

( Frank Ruland) madman of writing, as thy jargon is enticing and I always want to take a peep, though dont knoweth thee well either, thy words like Clover's. Hard to find other words. Continue to loveth for thine queen, let words floweth like herbs.

( Nicole) a gentle soul, like a stream that surrounds the lonely banks, let thy words sink into the heart of the lonesome. Continue to shock in awe and inspiration, when thou art down cometh here to gain above. For God watches his children as many doves.

( Helena) the thief of wonder of words, don't worry thy words art heard, as I listen loud and clear. I freely feeleth thy tears cometh out in thy personal moments, like butterfly's thine writings flyeth on to the moon and back, as thou I hath as mine good friend...
This is part two of dedication series lots of people here.... More to come lolll one last one after this ugh took forever lol enjoy
Aug 2015 · 354
Biggest smile, biggest hole
brandon nagley Aug 2015
As I more than knoweth dearest reader
The one's with the biggest smile sometimes;
Art the one's with the biggest hole's in their heart's.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Sent by God,
To be an intermediate from God to man
So that mother's canst stoppeth men in ourn times of foolishness.
Intermediate Angel's.....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Knocketh on mine ventricle door;
Wherein art thou?
Mine amour.
Wherein art thou?
Mine home
Mine abode,
Wherein art thou?

      I don't knoweth
           I do not knoweth.....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Hoping to find one to love me in other words,....
Aug 2015 · 283
Senses tuned in just right
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Mine sensory, not as other's.......

I canst feeleth
                All the thing's that art invisible, to the wordly beast's.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Aug 2015 · 505
Crooning crow's
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Abater, wherein art thou?
Hung in hopeless romantic gallow's?
Stuck in a cloud?

Abdicate this volition repudiate
The time is now;
For the pearlied gate's.

Proliferation'***** mine glut
None staying behind;
No if's, and's, or what's.

Grandiose word's from other's, to much saidst
Guile liar's;
Of unholiness.

Fidelity gone unseen
Lost in the finesse of foment dream's;
Daunting foresight, dearth belief
Snakes with teeth, to slither thine audacity!!!

Abstinent, they locketh their beak's
Their two people by nature, masked freaks;
Giveth thee evidence, of non-concrete
They shuffleth their feet, for defaming fun.

Biographer's, of their own self
Don't careth, for noone else;
Trap us in a wanting hell, wherein croon's art pain, pain is swell..

We fall
We fell

In their devour....... .

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
This is written while back not for noone.. Just writing (::::
Aug 2015 · 620
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Is there any others HOPELESS ROMANTIC'S
Who seeketh REAL out there?
Anyone here?
To feeleth mine despair?

I guess hopeless romance hath died in this world....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
brandon nagley Aug 2015
In the spectral mausoleum
Wherein the human's left me deserted;
I still wilt writeth transcendent poesy
Mine blood as the word's to be posted.

An anointed omnipresent
To luster her anticipation of mine proclivity;
She awaiteth me, behind the benevolence
As her optical's art painting's in Renoir relevance .

I revamp mine apparition
To maketh mineself to her more known;
She seeith mine black suit, unbuttoned shirt
She feeleth mine flesh, and strokes mine old bones.

All mine bad misgivings, she erases like as if at school
She's the teacher, I'm her student, though tis I breaketh rules;
Yet I do payeth attention, to this queen whoever she is
Yet thou must remember, this is all a dream, spurious wish!

Though tis just an illusion, I still hath highest Hope's
Because I'm not the other men, proudly others seeith that most;
As tis I shalt continue on, writing amour for one not around
Whoever she is, and who she might be, please release me from..

The ground................

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Just made up poem. Seeking to be loved. As I said before nights are harder for me missing cuddling and even a phone call bad /: can't hide this lonesomeness /: its horrible but don't wanna talk to one outta lonesomeness I want one to want me... That's normal lol well hope u enjoy friends (;:;:
Aug 2015 · 639
Breathing in the earth....
brandon nagley Aug 2015
In the venerable shrine between her heart, wherein her arm's doth rest, I gesture, yet hesitate to be in this unknown amour's chest, wherein I shalt get the best of grand opening; I hesitate if there shalt be one to ever want me again, afraid I sayeth, afraid if one shalt leaveth me, crusheth me, and bruise mine already purest of brawn. I await the new dawn, passionately induced, I striveth to be from one, like the heat of a gun, I dieth to be touched, a touch of flush to mine reddened flow. A star show of the circus stage to be ourn quiet deja vu: we shalt be the act's of bonjour as we shalt layeth in the grass of the eiffel tower, like wild flowers breathing in the earth.......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Just a writing about Maby a lover to one day find!!!!
brandon nagley Aug 2015
(Niamh Price), this is thy own dedication, thy shortened sentences art lovely, they showeth me mine homeland of Ireland, wherein the druids didst roam, wherein tales went back far and old, as niamh thy soul I feeleth its pain, yet soo amazing thou art friend.

(Gary L), this one is thine own writing, sir, thy friendship is inviting, thy lyrical sense is enticing, as thou doth speak truth when thou seeith it, never quit! On thy works and on thineself, thou art who thou art, a beautiful man, with timeless knowledge.

(SPT), this poem is for thou as a treat, I feeleth thine anguish mix in with thy compassion, thou art a hopeful mansion, filled with words of someone who hath lived age's, thy pages art touching, and I thank thee for thy support and guiding me through h.p.

(Ignatius Hosiana), brother thou art a hopeless romantic like me, hoping for his queen, seeing her only in thine dream's, yet as we scream, as brother's we doth unite! In color of skin's, black and white we overcometh the ideology of hatred, loving the hater.

(Dedpoet), mine Mexican friend, how canst I not loveth thee, thy word's dark, ghetto, and deep, as I've been around hood part's to knoweth enough, the most beauty LIES awake in the hood, the places the rich men overlook, is wherein the eyes of God art .

(Wonderman poetry), brother thy words of Christ uplift me, not a perfect being mineself, thyself showeth me the light in the darkness and thus when I'm down, thine godly loving giveth me help, as thou knoweth brother, love and forgives as Christ taught!

(poetessa diabolica), word's that thou uses art so complex, for thee so I respect, for all thy love thou hath given me, the hope that thou planted me, to showeth me, God still lingers in man's soul's, despite the devil trying to rear around, I thankest thou poetess...

(Donna,) thine little haiku's art a piece of the celestial, thy pieces extraterrestrial, and high up the Angels weep to thy words. Like cures and herbs they giveth me a better day to look to, as like glass, beautiful the words thou uses floweth to heavens moon!

(Rosalind Heather Alexander), speechless I am to thy grace, a Scottish lass as me part Scottish blob and mass, lol, just saying , two bloods of the same kind, now thou art writing thy soul out, keepeth it divine, thy soul canst not go rewind, so love on ahead.

(Soul-survivor), old friend, as we both preach the same predictions shalt we worry of ourn end? No, we shalt continue to showeth love, and giveth others hope, than when we die the Graves not it, but that God's love over-rose, so shalt we, auntie as I calleth thee.

(Icysky), young one please do not cry, the boy's canst seeith the fine stitching God made thee as, thou hath a vessel of rubies, and thou art like a wonderful movie, fast tracked to the best part, icy, let noone breaketh thine heart, and let thy lord guideth thee .

(Joe Malgeri), a freak hippy like me, playing music to the sun, giving lectures highly and fun, thou wilt find a queen like me one day, continue to haveth class, play tunes by night, showeth thy genuine ways. As thou doth, wonderful supporter, HP gypsie!!!

(Anthony Mooney,) an Irish hopeless romantic like me, thy soul hath beauty friend, let not hate overtake, bypass the anger and the heartbreak. Let thy pen jot down thy beauty, making the earth quake, unlike others dear mate, thou hath high class.

(Wolf spirit) ( aka quin,)though we don't talk, I loveth thee mine friend, though even thou doth not like me, thou art one of mine biggest inspiration's, thou art a true passionate, amongst the tribal nations, as I am Cherokee part mineself, thou inspireth me.

(Chris green, )affectionate of the the earth, thy woman Is lucky to haveth a poet by birth, for thy words drip like honey on a summer night, Chris friend, wonderful delight, I thank thee for kindness, for thy hope in refinement, and thou art a king of love.

(Pradip Chattopadhyay,) a man who canst writeth in all perspective, thy profile picture maketh me giggle everytime I seeith it, ( in a good way friend) I loveth thy style, and sense of humor, how thou writeth, and doesn't listen to rumors, a poet!!!

(Dark icE,) I just met thee, but thy sensuality is so delighting and like a dream, thy words sucketh me in as I canst ever get out, thy amour in poem's is a cloud, on which I linger for more of its nectar wet taste, immense in this place, unlike the human race.

(Beth StClair), mine best friend if back in the sixties, we wouldst hath layed flower's around ourn necks and head's, we wouldst hath sang the tunes of the Beatles and the dead, as I wouldst hath sung with Lennon, and zeppelin and thou wouldst hath watched.

(Vicki,) I've already wrote for thou and beth, but thou two art the best, Vicki in the crumby state of Ohio like me(lol) though me and thou aren't from here (were Angels of earth's dream's) thou art a poetic of kings and queens, thou art kind, sweet, and a a peace.

(Impeccable Space Poetess,) thy writing is like thunder. Maketh me laugh cry and rolleth over, I read again, like a books beautiful cover, thou art a friend, a poetry lover. Thou hath intelligence of God and heaven, never let man break thee or hurt thee.poetic!!!

(POETIC T,) a spirit light as a feather, free not a slave, not of this world, a man not a boy, thou hath been through strife and abuse, thy hands art not bound, thou hath cut the noose, please don't leaveth us, we all careth for thee. Friend of mine. And HP.
This is for some poets for now. Gonna make another one in little bit for more lol... Took forever for this!!!!!! Part two coming lol.. And BTW for others I love on here don't get upset *** u aren't in poem yet this is part one... More people to come lol and for u who who see I even use people I love in here who don't like me at all but fact is I love them I don't need noones approval can just show love (:::
Aug 2015 · 309
brandon nagley Aug 2015
A king
Is no king;
His queen!!!!!

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Aug 2015 · 372
Tear jar collection
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Mine tear's and heartbreak
Collected in crystalline jar's,;
Sent up to heaven, to be set in the star's.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Aug 2015
And if
I findeth one
Who shalt verily loveth me;
I'm not the kind of man who thinketh love is just ***!!!!
If and when I findeth one
And if that's to occur
That we maketh love,
I seeketh her to maketh me leaveth mine body!!!!!!
Whilst making compassionate love....
Showing me heaven
On earth!!!!

©Brandon Cory nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
Everyone just wants a sleepover buddy not me I want true love and for one to love me back. And everyone just has ***!!!
I wanna feel ones soul I want to make passionate love though love being wild, to,I want to make one leave her body as her me to... Making soul compassionate love!!!!!
Aug 2015 · 340
Dry eyed haven
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Languishing, diaphoresis immerses me, into fatal search
Hoping for a grand entrance, of a companion in mine worst;
A devotee to mine whole being, not just to mine poetic Verse
A chapel to sayeth mine deepest confession's to her, purity given.

Swaddler to mine racing pulse, I'm going into convulsion
Mine limb's tied off, the clot is forming, I'm aching for touch;
I'm dying slowly, I feeleth none there, I'm just a freak, though who shalt let me enter, into her kingdom, of dry eyes to meet?

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Telephone speaking for hours
A heart hand written letter of amour';
True love knocking at one's door.

©,Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
A true handwritten letter in the mail I'd love
Even a phone call for hours
Sounds lovely!!!!
/+: miss that
brandon nagley Aug 2015

Mother, I seeith thine pain, in thine own depression
Mother, thou hath given me life, I'm thy and God's invention;
Mother, thy halo thou weareth shineth so brightly to me
Turned fifty three yesterday, but mum, thou still looketh 23.


Mother, thou art now getting in thine own golden year's
Mother, when they maketh fun of me, thou dryeth mine tear's;
Mother, I shouldst hath listened, when thou saidst I'd be hurt
Mother, thou taught me forgiving and love is what life's worth!


Mother, mine best friend, and past life caregiver to me
Mother, thou was right, its mine light other's just canst not seeith;
Mother, I knoweth thou art worried for mine physical health
Mother, if something happen's, I promise to waiteth for thyself.


Mother, we've cometh along way, as thou hath seen me in cell's
Mother, I've seen thou to, in pits of doom,behind glass I yelled;
Mother, hell and back we've cometh from, seeing the world end
Mother, as thou helpeth me groweth, I'll helpeth thee to friend.


Mother, shadow of mine, musical muse, and gods divine
Mother, we've made mistakes, with no brakes to stop the mind;
Mother, tommorrow if either of us shalt loose ourn last breathe
Mother, sorry little late on the birthday writing, but thou art best.

Love thy son
Brandon cory nagley

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Juna nagley birthday dedication
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Differentiation between the poet
And the journalist;

The journalist writeth a script that's scripted,
A poet wilt writeth untamed, none script, just raw soul!!!!!

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Aug 2015 · 455
Must i sayeth; sayeth i do
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Must I sayeth
Sayeth do I;
This pen is getting lonely
Wanting to write amour' for one!

Though not just anyone I sayeth
Sayeth I do;
I seeketh one to writeth for
Who wilt loveth me, as I loveth her to.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome posts poetry
This means yes would love to write for one but not just whom will actually love me. Because I don't write for one out of lonesomeness! That isn't love but a farce writing... I want one to want me.and love me crazily!!!.. That is normal lol
Aug 2015 · 464
Inamorata of mine loin's
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Though the upward blue is swarthy
I shalt get mine fill, on one day a queen and thrill;
She shalt tuck me in, her cosy confinement
Like the universe in etching, ourn spirit's realignment.

Bursting color's like snakes Rattler's
Tambourine music to flood the air;
A damsel on life's edge, loosing her head
Though me as her king, I shalt be there.

Walking hand to finger's
Gently nuzzle her with mine nose;
The word's " I loveth thee mine queen"
No if's, and's, or I suppose.

None interweb sensation
That just DIETH out;
A clap of hand's, from the crowd of band's
A strain of sand, ourn feet to route.

Her nape i shalt warmly bloweth on
To arouse her inner awareness;
Agreeing to be one unshunned
A village to be isolated, in ourn fairness.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Seeking for a lover in this (: and good writing!! For noone .Inamorata means a female lover for you who ask lol
brandon nagley Aug 2015

There are;
1,500 newspaper's
1,100 magazine's
9,000 radio station's
1,500 t.v station's
2,400 publisher's

And 272 Executive's
That control 90 percent of what 277 million
American's SEE, HEAR, and READ!!!!!!

©Facebook quote
I looked all this up and found out the top six companies who own the media and time warner is one of them with five others they own all networks on TV they own Disney which BTW Disney is one of the six.. Here's list of all six
Owned by all rich men part of higher societies like bilderburgs and freemasons all proven factual
#1- time warner- owns lots of stations
#2- walt Disney- go figure lol
#3- Viacom
#4- news corporation
#5- CBS
#6- NBC

You gotta go online look up six corps that run media and see all channels they own so on they own sports they own it all... And putting out alot of lies on CNN even fox news which I sometimes watch and I still watch CNN though dont like to because all lies they tell and people high up pull their wicked strings. Also MSNBC liar's.. CBS liar's NBC liar's... None truthful Maby then select few who higher people above news station has these good people who fell what news and media are doing and not letting out all truth on gvt secrets and what really is happening is the world and wars and our own gvts plan for all of u... So people like mine beloved Glenn Beck I like alot predicted years ago before Isis he said there would be an Islamic rise called a caliphate ( also known as Islamic new world order ) that the Islamic Isis wanted to create just like the terrorist group Muslim brotherhood who funds al queda which BTW funny thing about that lol
Our own Mr obama has invited many times people who have connections to Muslim brotherhood or ties also meaning with terror groups to speak and pray at white house? While they take away prayer in school? Really!! Wake up world and America who Mr President is .the veils being torn open as he's showing himself now to others ..people by millions are having dreams by the millions of obama chipping people!! Forcing his new order which will come very shortly in mine opinion and millions of other quote-crazies lol. People are dreaming of the press... By countless numbers of him ruling and killing... As I've seen native American chief online talk about his dream of obama u should all look up chief and Obama dream. Look up to on YouTube peoples end times dreams with our president !!smmmm yeah by the millions friends!!! wake up.. Bible talks of this
Revelation 13:16-17King James Version (KJV)

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name
That's revelation 13: verses 16-17 as obamas own health care ironically passed before court oh the land passed another law....side by side this happened... And in Obama's new care for health it is stated for all to receive electronic device to be implanted in those by 2017.... Which is mark of beast.... The Antichrist other words... Think I'm nuts? Look it up everyone is figuring if out... As I heard pastor I like tell his congregation on TV he was on a plane. And he met an athiest on plane telling the pastor which BTW the man who said this to the pastor also works as gvt health  care person under Obama. And the man told pastor quote- obamas new health care has in line right now to chip everyone according to his new law. Which matches all facts on RFID chip ready by or before 2017!!! It's shown on YouTube people meaning test subjects getting it put into them by needle its injected between fingers in hand. Also bible stated in forehead it will be to.. It's the mark of a man 666.. Meaning antichrists number for him... This is happening people and soon will.. I've read a statement just this year of a congressmen saying in article All congressmen and political peeps are taking money outta banks now as we speak. And it's all about to crash as jewish tradition states this is year of shitzvah. And year of shitzvah all times its happened like 9/11 destruction example! If means economic crash!!!! Wake up... Chips are coming... Antichrist I believe dearly is here with his false prophet the pope to bring all religions together as he's doing.. As these false media. Lenders . are lying not giving noone truth! And when truth is spoken there fired... Wake up!!!!!! Which BTW gvt meaning president had a law now to be able to tell what the media can post on TV and articles and what not!!!!! What a scam!!!
Aug 2015 · 283
Lust and making love
brandon nagley Aug 2015
In lust, one just hath ***;
In truest amour', two maketh love.
The difference.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Aug 2015 · 302
Canst thou liveth
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Anyone canst existeth,
But canst thou liveth?
Tis the question!

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Aug 2015 · 256
Scheduling for death
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Tis funny tis not?
That in life we tend to
Rush to our appointments
Or tryeth to calleth off ourn appointment's;
Yet here's the catcher,
In death.
Noone shalt skip or tryeth to calleth off that appointment.
As we art all appointed to the same schedule.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Aug 2015 · 333
Satan's rich
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Rich Devil's
Getting rich from the working class hero;
As Satan sit's back, getting rich to.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Aug 2015 · 341
The awe of existing
brandon nagley Aug 2015

No longer do I feeleth so lonesome, as realist friend's art in view
God sitteth right next to me, in his grace, I'm pulled from the pit;
I no longer am thirsty, I haveth all I do needeth, none more bleeding, but seeing in all perspective now, I'm alive, none death.


None more saying alas, mine heart is fused back together, thus before it was shattered to be glass, though this vessel is conjoined; back to wherein it was, its freely sweetened, mine depression is overcometh, from experience and love I'm greeted.


I'll taketh the good, when the good doth showeth, I'll grabbeth the hand's, of truest dearest one's, I'll continue in spirit, and kindly floss the others hatred with love; dead yet living in a state unknown to Misfortunate's, given against the awe of existing.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Castillo de la arena, atrapado por su inocencia, una reina moonbeamed, yo buscare del pasado recuerdo la vida; sólo un fantasma de la imaginación mía, harás una seeith mí en alto? una reina que me salva de la muerte, una reina de ninguno miente. reina, no te rescatarme? donde tú eres? mis ojos cansados ​​arte desde la búsqueda, por favor seducir a mi corazón ....
( Spanish version)

( English version)

Castle by the sand, stuck by her innocence, a moonbeamed queen, I seeketh from past life remembrance; just a ghost of mine imagination, shalt one seeith me on high? a queen to Saveth me in death, a queen of none lies. queen won't thou rescue me? wherever thou art? mine eyes art tired from searching, please ****** mine heart....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Hoping  for a lover to love me
Don't know if translated this right because haven't done whole poem in Spanish in while but oh well lollll
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Modern day ***** and gomorrah;
And soon, ourn great nation, and world, shalt feeleth the shaking.
In the Book of Genesis, the two evil cities that God destroyed with a rain of fire and brimstone (sulfur). Before the destruction, God sent two angels in the form of men to advise all good men to leave the evil towns. God's messengers found only one good man, Lot, whom they transported from ***** to the countryside with his wife and daughters, warning them not to look back. When Lot's wife, not heeding the warning, looked back, she became a pillar of salt. And for you who think that's some myth. The stories had all truth in them. As the cities have both been found by archeological finders. And also not just that around that time a meteor was recorded to explode over those cities... Also there is a real pillar of salt that looks like a women next to one of cities.. Showing all factual evidence!!! It's astounding truth!!!

Note : ****** was  practiced in the wicked city of *****.

If you look around america this is what ourn country has become... And for those who say God wouldn't do bad to people well ***** and the other city was exactly like America they kept doing wrong sleeping around with another in lust! Sleeping with eachother! Parties drinking getting high everyone with another all one big **** really!!! And it's called karma. You continue to do wrong then wrong will come to you. It's called modern day karma... as mine God spoke you shalt reap what you sow. Meaning good or bad. We will reap for our actions and words!!!! As yes many have met Christ even his father God in life after death experiences by the millions and have came back to tell of his love and how he's made of love... Though Christ is also warning them to tell people he's çoming soon and by the millions take look on YouTube the clocks on 11:59 almost midnight people need to awake what's happening!!! As the bible spoke of day of atonement .. Yeah coming to America and world very shortly sadly
Aug 2015 · 293
No beseeching needed
brandon nagley Aug 2015
In the realism of love I hath learned
We shouldst not beseech, nor hath to beg one to loveth us;
If we hath to beg for a phone call, or a letter of amare
Then we art just wasting ourn own time,
Noone shouldst hath to beg for amour'
True amour......
                           Is given freely.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Human romance
Interweb connection; dreamy
The words I loveth thee.

Angelic romance
Meeting one in person; realism
Taking plane or train, making it happen.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Aug 2015 · 241
Span of amare
brandon nagley Aug 2015
If distance
Separates two's amour;
Then it never was amour at all.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Aug 2015
If youre being bullied on social media... Why keep it??? Who cares if you get 400 or 500 likes per picture... If youre told to **** yourself, then you dont need that in your life! Nasty people arent going to stop calling you names, they arent going to delete you! They love making you feel awful! Just delete your account and people will get the picture! If you wanna make a new one, add just your friends and family! If youve only got 1 friend and momma, heck thats all you need! And all them boys commenting on your post will never meet you one day unless its over skype! Forget about them! Its never gonna be! But adventure yourself outside of the internet and meet someone in real life! If youre that attractive and the boys want you, theyll do it in person! You dont truly know who is on the other side of the screen.

©quote from friend Kate on Facebook
Lolll this is from me friend Kate on fb who thinks just like me though she's me cousins girlfriend she is only nineteen years old and she's so right!!!!! Alll these people talk on fb or Skype yet these boys I call them boys because they are. These boys that these girls love with never meet them.. As big difference between me and those boys I know I will meet one. But as I said before everyone wants to have some magical romance lol and they'll never meet its soo fake and illusioned. I see it daily with all these guys tell these girls stuff on Skype soo on because people tell me about it and that's all it is some stupid dream. Honestly women if these guys keep leading you on in Skype and will never meet you give up on them!!! So false and it will never be!!!! Bravo to me friend Kate... She was telling this to girls she knows on fb... Lol so true... And ps- these seriously aren't me own words I don't mispell like this lol and its all truth here soo amazing lol people just talk to anyone in fb so on and think they have some quote-romantic love... Mmmm yeah will you meet them? Lol that's a diff story and if one won't meet us they didn't really love us. Such truth Katie! And for you who might say BRANDON made this up well go look up Katie Westmeyer in Ohio see for yourself for disbelievers lol
brandon nagley Aug 2015
I feeleth a calming tranquility
Coming over mine lid's;
I left mine body completely
I'm alive whilst dead.

Whilst dead, I'm a child
Reborn from the ash;
Critic's art forgiven
And I'm smiling in bask.

No definite task's, for to do
I'm freely engulfed, by amare so true;
With the shaman, and the falcon feather to
Prowling the countryside, the hills as mine muse.

No threatening combinations
A key and no lock;
To enter the straightaway
Breaking the box.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Some just loveth by their chatter
Some loveth only by their action;
Some just showeth love from fear
Some just loveth for distraction.

Some just loveth to not hate
Others just loveth by their fate;
Some loveth only whilst in death
Others loveth from their last breathe.

Some loveth, from wanting none abuse
Others loveth before their necks art noosed;
Everyone wilt loveth us sadly when we're dead
At ourn gravesite, they'll be bowing their heads.....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Sad truth people don't notice us until were dead and gone
Moral of story love now while you can (::::
Aug 2015 · 333
Harped angel ( haiku)
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Queen of GOD
Harped angel of the unknown;
Awaken mine bones.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
I think three lines is a haiku lol oh well
Aug 2015 · 263
Im me, its beautiful
brandon nagley Aug 2015
I canst lie
I'm easily heartbroken
Though so easily do I forgiveth
That's what we were made to do;
Loveth and forgiveth all beings.
And im blessed to be that way.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Aug 2015

Beelzebub, oh Beelzebub, was thou so foolish to turneth from god
Thineself was the highest angel, leading now thy devilish flock;
What was thou thinking? Oh foolish one? To tryeth to be thy god
Thou tried to be the one who created thee, now kicked down here


Lucifer oh Lucifer, thou was made in his image, not him thy own
Now thou hateth, now thou taketh, what thy greediness hath left;
Satan oh Satan thine blaspheming brute, where art thou now?
Art thou killing? Looting, and causing misery for the world's suit?


Bearer of light, oh bearer of false light, I've seen thy face at night
Bearer of false promises that mankind follows, I canst waiteth to see thy works cast into the flame, and for thee again to be chained, with the rest of the hellion with thee in Hell's shallow.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Aug 2015 · 798
Faraway accent thick
brandon nagley Aug 2015

Her accent thick, matching mine own
A faraway sip, of a Ruby chalice unknown;
Her hips finely stiched, amour put into her bones
Wine poureth off her tongue, a universal home.


Captious by her wild's, a fig of the branch
One to calmeth me down, one whom shalt entrance;
A capotasto, to holdeth all beautiful sound in place
Angelicy pastry, goddess of the human race.


She shalt cleave to me in her strife, conjunction to me
We'll forget the thing's not needed, easily thus we'll breathe;
And whilst traveling the cavern's, of the mountains and sea's
We shalt becometh one flesh, one reality, and one knit dream.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Just wonderful poem not for noone though Maby one day (::::
Aug 2015 · 395
Sleepy time
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Mine marble's art tired
I thinketh I'm ready for dream's;
Dream's wherein me and my lass
Shalt entwine king and queen.

Oh wait!
I don't haveth a queen
At least I shalt findeth her
Well within mine sleep.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Whilst the bone mannequins, resteth inside their tomb's
I'm writing mine poetry, of prophecy, romance, and doom;
And Maby just Maby, I shalt findeth mine empress in her crypt
And awaketh her relic bones, with mine poetic of lips.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry.
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Oriental desire
Wherein art thou
To lighteth mine fire?
Stuck in the mire,
Mine lung's sticketh from its own collapse
Perhaps this queen I awaiteth
Is right around the corner,
Perhap's I'm dead?
Or just in illusion mode
Yet all I knoweth
Is I want to go home.
As this spirit calleth out,
For its other half;
It's other soul.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Aug 2015 · 865
Lass and lad twain
brandon nagley Aug 2015

Confectionery amour', quiet peaceful girl, flower haired gem
Whilst we maketh love to the old spinning record, eyes content;
The moon to leadeth ourn feet, bathed in chocolate fountain,
We prance as freely Galloper's, thither the desert, cool mountain


I'll meeteth thee at the playground, inked in ourn red blotch,
No ticking tumultuous hand, to ruin ourn plan's, none to watch;
A private invitation, a rosey petal to surrender thine oath and vow, a seeded rightful city, conversation open and aroused


Charlatan's to be naysayer's, exactly as the rest hath becometh,
Ourn cloak's to be as spiritual coat's, dashing in none repugnance
The waterside to be ourn resting residence, the pasture plain's to awaken ourn brain's, as we shalt be marksmen of lass and lad.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Made up story for whoever comes along I guess lol just nice story on hopeful for one to love me one day (::
Aug 2015 · 161
Peaceful state
brandon nagley Aug 2015
During the last two days
Not being on HP;
Ive found the most
Wonderful peace.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
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