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The core of basic freedoms
Is the freedom to transact
This underpins the other rights
In the Magna Carta pact

The crux is private property
To use, or hold, or trade
Our time, our land, our energy
Our work - our fortune made

King John was forced to sign it
Holding tyrants to account
So that we can all stand free
With our liberty paramount

Why, in all our nations dear
Have freedoms flown away?
Due process rashly flung aside
As prisoners, we must pay

Now Bitcoin rises to sustain
Our freedom to transact
A bastion of private property
No matter how oft attacked

So steady - up and onward
For our freedoms, stand exact
At the root of other freedoms
Lies the freedom to transact
You can see this poem on a background here -
Inspired by the Magna Carta - which King John was forced to sign on June 15, 2015.

This was a freedom document that contained basic rights, such as the freedom to transact, and the right to a fair trial.

Unfortunately, most countries have strayed from these basic rights, surveilling citizens and censoring or controlling free market transactions.

Bitcoin restores this right - because it's open to all, and difficult to censor or control.
Bitcoin’s not a hedge
It’s a permanent SOLUTION
For the PROBLEM of inflation
It’s a timely revolution

Yes, Bitcoin’s not a hedge
When the money printers run
But it is a bold SOLUTION
And remains the only one

When the money that you earn
Buys you less and less each year
It’s the money printers fault
So blame inflation for your fear

Though Bitcoin’s not a hedge
It has a hard and fixed supply
And a steady rate of issue
So the time is right to buy

Yes, Bitcoin’s not a hedge
Against inflation, it is true
But it is a great SOLUTION
To keep wealth for me and you
You can see the poem on a background here -
Inspired by Parker Lewis and his video and article about Bitcoin not being a hedge against inflation.
Centralized power proves antithetical
To your freedom - it’s quite pathetical

They ask us to be more ascetical
And let them rule - it’s quite heretical

Collectivism fails! Not hypothetical
Property and Liberty - quite synthetical

I’ll stand for freedom and wax poetical
It makes the message more aesthetical
You can see this poem on a background here -
Inspired by Russell Brand "Their control is antithetical to your freedom"
Power of the money printer
Quite intoxicating

Stealing from the rest of us
Shame, incriminating

Modern Monetary Theory
Slowly devastating

Bitcoin makes the money true
Free and liberating

Rebuilding our lives and wealth
All appreciating

Cantillon theft and seigniorage
Now eliminating

Bitcoin adoption ‘cross the world
Fast accelerating
You can see this poem on a background here -
Bitcoin stash, bitcoin stash
Every morning you greet me
Wealth increase, bring me peace
You look happy to meet me

Patient and slow, may you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Bitcoin stash, bitcoin stash
Grow my money forever

Bitcoin stash, bitcoin stash
Every morning you greet me
Firm and true, thanks to you
You look happy to meet me

Treasure that flows, may you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Bitcoin stash, bitcoin stash
Grow my freedom forever
You can see this poem on a background here -
This poem can be sung to the song “Edelweiss” from the Sound of Music. The edelweiss flower grows in some of the toughest alpine conditions in the world.  Likewise, Bitcoin must survive and thrive in tough and adversarial conditions throughout the world.
Your voice matters - take a stand
Share how Bitcoin makes you free
Shake the fiat shackles off
Do your part and you will see

Mining, holding, running nodes
Buying, teaching, giving too
In all of these, you spread your voice
And stand for what you know is true

Your voice matters - don’t be shy
Bitcoin changes us for good
No theft of money from the top
Increasing value - as it should

You have so many ways to share
Use your talents as you can
Your voice matters - speak aloud
To forward this great Bitcoin plan
You can see this poem on a background here -
The history of fiat
Is chock full of breaches
Of centralized power
That pushes and reaches

Debasing our money
The looters and leeches
Gaslighting people
With Keynesian speeches

Where is our money
In fractional banks?
They lend out in bubbles
And give us no thanks

Restricting our freedoms
With raw overreaches
Yes, the history of fiat
Is brimming with breaches

But now we have freedom
From theft and abuse
A better money in Bitcoin
And the power to choose
You can see this poem on a background here -
Inspired by this quote from Satoshi
The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust. Banks must be trusted to hold our money and transfer it electronically, but they lend it out in waves of credit bubbles with barely a fraction in reserve.

Satoshi Nakamoto
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