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While bitcoin users daily grow
And uses accelerate
Should you wait to buy your bitcoin
Or buy bitcoin, then wait?

As you learn about hard money
And want to accumulate
Should you wait to buy your bitcoin
Or buy bitcoin, then wait?

When you want to plan ahead
And your needs anticipate
Should you wait to buy your bitcoin
Or buy bitcoin, then wait?

If you want to store your wealth
And value appreciate
Should you wait to buy your bitcoin
Or buy bitcoin, then wait?

Highly secure to send or save
And quick to authenticate
Should you wait to buy your bitcoin
Or buy bitcoin, then wait?

Only you can choose your path
Your future and your fate
But I’ll not wait to buy bitcoin
I’ll buy bitcoin, then wait
This is Bitcoin Poem 024 at and you can see it displayed on a background when you (copy and paste the link below).
Nascent and emerging
Yet growing every day
Bitcoin’s only dawning
Come join without delay

Incipient, forthcoming
With still some way to go
Like a constant drumming
Measured, strong and slow

Budding and beginning
In young and infant stage
Yet nations it is winning
As it slowly comes of age.

Changing us while growing
More freedom and more hope
Still small - yet never slowing
In numbers, and in scope

Original, advancing
It clarifies our view
Bitcoin - worth defending
Continues strong and true
This is Bitcoin Poem 023 at and you can see it displayed on a background when you (copy and paste the link below).
Often when you’re looking
For a meaning to be sought
You can explain a thing
By describing what it’s not

Bitcoin does NOT

Require permission to use
Allow an increase in supply rate
Discriminate in any way
Enable freezing of accounts
Care who is using it
Hide what’s happening on chain
Control what you do with money
Lead to centralized power
Favor the financially privileged

So in your Bitcoin learning
Don’t get all distraught
You can see its massive value
By knowing what it’s not
This is Bitcoin Poem 022 at and you can see it displayed on a background when you (copy and paste the link below).
From the soldier in Ancient Rome
To us, in our present home
And, in all the world around
We want money that is sound

Sound money is not debased
So our trust is not misplaced
Because the supply is bound
For money that is sound

Sound money’s authentic ring
Heralds the value it will bring
And you know when you have found
A useful money that is sound

Sound money will not inflate
Which is fiat money’s fate
Bitcoin’s code is quite profound
Creating money that is sound

Highly secure - and stable too
Open for everyone to view
King of assets it is crowned
Because it’s hard and sound
This is Bitcoin Poem 021 at and you can see it displayed on a background when you (copy and paste the link below).
Bitcoin is a global reserve
On which we can rely
Bitcoin can our wealth preserve
And all attacks defy

A neutral asset for us to use
To store our wealth ‘cross time
Digital gold that we can choose
To watch our value climb

Though volatile and turbulent
In its beginning years
The code has proven permanent
And calmly stills our fears

Divisible to small amounts
With layers building speed
Bitcoin works for all accounts
Providing what we need

Outside of country sovereignty
But with a known supply
Study how this sets you free
And keeps your value high
This is Bitcoin Poem 020 at and you can see it displayed on a background when you (copy and paste the link below).
Bitcoin - pristine in every way
An asset without peer
Uncorrupted from its first day
Trusted, fair, and clear

Not gaudy or flashy or fast
But simple in its strength
A property coded to last
Proven to work at length

Still original, fresh and new
Unspoiled by lust and greed
Diligently following through
Serving our daily need

Safe in its cryptographic vault
Secure from grasping powers
Stronger than any vain assault
It keeps our money ours

Open for all - closed to none
Its record proven true
A pristine asset for everyone
It can, and will, serve you
See this poem on a background at
One way to get wealth is by making
And the second way is by taking
Inflation is theft
Leaving people bereft
With the pace of inflation breathtaking

With minds all around us awaking
To the rules our leaders are breaking
In Bitcoin we choose
For we don’t want to lose
Our family wealth we’ve been staking

With strength of economies shaking
And all common sense forsaking
Now Bitcoin’s the way
For a much brighter day
With value that’s truly groundbreaking
See more at
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