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May 2016 · 929
Self in the mirror
Bina Awan May 2016
I stand in front of mirror
And I see a stranger being staring at me
I try to start a conversation
But my questions are directed back at me
and after looking closely I recognize the stranger
Its my lost self I have been trying to look out for a long time
and after a while I see patches appearing on my skin
On the skin of my self in the mirror
I try to feel them on my skin
but they refuse to appear
As if refusing to relate to me
And I think to myself
Is it me failing my self or my self failing me
Bina Awan May 2016
Where would the unattended feelings go?
Would they be eased out in the cracking of knuckles or the shift of postures?

Would they be smoked out or consumed in the cups of coffee?

Would they be ignored in the aimless walks in the park or a drive through the city?

Would they be kept aside while talking to a stranger coming close or a closer one going strange?

Would they be watched out in movies or read in books or gazed out at ceilings and walls?

But the question remains, at the end of it all... Where would the unattended feelings go?
May 2016 · 1.4k
Mother's Day
Bina Awan May 2016
It's mother's day today
Please don't hate me
Atleast for a day
Trust me when I say
I love you as much as your sons do
And I pray for you silently
And I feel sorry for
All the differences in our opinions
But that's who I am
I can't be anything else
What you demand will deprive me of myself
Please don't take that away
Please believe me when I say
That in those long hours of night, it is you for whom I pray.
May 2016 · 1.2k
Bina Awan May 2016
You have had me
In the most
Raw, pure, honest
Portrait of myself.
Changed that
To a person
To both of us.
May 2016 · 758
Bina Awan May 2016
May be tombs are not

As much a sign of glory

As we think them to be

May be its just a way of soil

Of returning the sufferings

That this world

Puts upon the soul

May be that's what they are

A heap of suffering.

May 2016 · 2.1k
Bina Awan May 2016
Through those long hours of indiscretion
And those long wept nights
I have detested
The constant echoing of that one word
In the alleys of my mind
With each passing second, hour and night
The echoes got
Those echoes of 'undefined'
The echoes of what you left me with
After I offered you all that I was
In my body, soul and mind
You said what we shared was undefined
Transforming my life
Hours of my day and my nights
Into a struggling realm
Where I struggled to find
Some invisible strings that might
Lead me to a ray of light
Where I can start my search for myself
Left by you as 'undefined'.
May 2016 · 1.1k
Bina Awan May 2016
Scars filled bodies
Wounded hearts
And empty souls.
But don't spread your hands
In front of someone
Because that is only going to get you more pain and longing hours.
Go back to
Where you came from
That's your cage
Your corner
That's where you belong.

— The End —