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 Sep 2014 Alina
Kapil Dutta

The one made for me is not you.
Because you are not ready for real love.
Not right now.
But you will be, someday.
The one made for me is the one you will be that day.

I’m here. I’ll stay.
I’ll wait.. wait for the moment to arrive.

Maybe it is a minute after you read this poem.
Maybe it is a minute before you take your last breath.
But, its okay.
A minute spend with you is worth a lifetimes wait.
No matter when it arrives.
I’ll be there.

Till the time you fall for someone,
who doesn't fit your checklist,
you haven’t fallen in love yet.
Because checklists are perfect,
while love is not.
So stop wondering if The Fault is in
you or in me or in ourselves.
Because there is no fault in the first place.

I’m here. I’ll stay.
I’ll wait.. wait for us to arrive.
Us  is greater than  you  and  me .
And it’s coming.
It’s probably late, but its on its way.
With every tick of the clock.
With every beat of the heart.
Us is coming, an inch closer by the day.

The one you  fixed, is the one you  killed.
But, its okay.
If you can fix me once, you can fix me again.
The night of the day you left,
was the darkest that I ever slept.
I was wrong, because I was scared.
So wake me up when all this ends.

How can you fall in love,
when you fear to fall?
You have questions that I can solve.
We are, but One.
Separated in Two.
Look through my eyes,
And see how we come true.

I’m here. I’ll stay.
I’ll wait.. wait for you to read the words
of the picture I’m trying to paint.

Thereby we sit, on the Edge
of the two sister cliffs.
One lives in fear,
while the other breaths in love.
Look up, will you not?
See, there is no bluff.

My heavens are not dark,
My love has not fallen apart.
For it is deeply rooted in the ground.
So won’t you look up?
Take that Leap of Faith?
Believe in my love,
Your tender heart is safe.

My love is here.
My love will stay.
My love will wait..
Wait for you to take that Leap Of Faith.



Pretty self-explanatory poem.
I wrote this about a month ago.
I write poems only about those things I emotionally connect to, and I tried my best to capture my feelings and reflect them with the words I use in this poem.
This poem is really special to me, more than any other that I have written in the past.
I hope that the shouts of my feelings reach your ears and take you on the journey of the pain you receive while in love.
Feel free to provide me with your feedback and also if you like this enough, make sure you share it with your friends.

Listen to me narrating the poem while you read it :
Follow me on my blog for more such poems :
 Sep 2014 Alina
Dear society,

Stop trying to sober us up.
We’re young and bright
and beautiful and loud.
We will light up every
corner of every room
and still shine brighter
than the sun.

Stop telling us to cover up.
We will wear little black dresses
and bright red lipsticks,
leave lip-stains all over
your precious little world
and look so good doing it
that you’ll have to look away.

Stop telling us to slow down.
We live and love with so much
power and strength that we
cannot stop for you
or anyone, for that matter.
Every day is our day
and the world, our oyster.

Stop telling us we’re useless.
One day, we’re going to run the world
for you; going to be soldiers, doctors
writers, artists, speakers of the truth
and the truth is that we’re alive
and strong and here, and
you cannot control us.

From impatient, beautiful, and exuberant young girls everywhere.
 Sep 2014 Alina
 Sep 2014 Alina
the floor underneath me is shaking and
the walls surrounding me are crashing down.
my mind is madness like the chaos of a burning fire.
the fury is rising
while I sat down
for a cup of coffee,
my calculations were focused
on how to make a dear future.

we are all born with solutions
But unless you think of one
There is no sight of revelation
you could have moved
an inch in your life,
unaware of of how much
distance you're left to move.
I just want to waste away
watch flesh drip from the bone
It shouldn't matter what you think
I work better on my own
"I told ya that I loved ya,
I told ya, I would care..."

soothing voices whisper,
"So will you help me hold my hair?"
How could I have ever left you?
but I forgot you hate the light
are nightmares to be my penance?
for nearly escaping from the night
sunny days ahead are fading,
and the rain will dry with time
blue skies are always changing
you are the only constant in my life.
"I'm the one you made you,
I am always there."

but darling I can't kiss you,
"and who said life was always fair?
Did I ask for an opinion?
You should have learned to hold your tongue,
look at those you drove away--
three strikes and you are done."

I want to be a human
*"You want to be a doll.
Don't tell me I don't know you,
I am your soulmate afterall."
 Sep 2014 Alina
as if frayed brushes,
broken pen nibs,
emptied paint tubes
and ***** of crumpled paper
laying haphazardly on the floor
wasn't enough to show
the lack of love
in our hearts.

we pass by each other
like ghostly strangers
with a vague notion of
we sleep on the same bed,
but we're not sleeping together.
we eat at the same table,
but we're not eating together.

but some nights,
i hear you let out a quiet sob
just as i turn the corner
and you don't know it,
but i've seen the tear marks
on your cheeks when you
silently crawl into bed.
lol what will i ever live with an artist
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