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 Feb 2015 burned up
My love is a building
The foundation beneath it was laid carelessly
Workers smoked and drank, they were unaware and sweetly intoxicated
My love is a building decaying in rain or snow
It cannot withstand such trouble
It is a strong yet fragile house
A lovely uncouth prison, a clumsy little girl's doll house
My love is a building
It is hidden and silent like folding a sheet of tissue paper
With every winter storm, it shivers in the wind
I am sorry to my love
For not taking care of you
The wallpaper withers, falls onto your creaking wood floors
As dust gathers in the basement
Laying particles of the atmosphere over old pictures and mementos
I still have your necklace
And I will hang myself with it around my neck
From the stairwell  
Because everything else in this house
Is falling apart anyways
 Feb 2015 burned up
There will be a day, coming to you soon
When your world of black and white turns to color
The pages in your childhood color book
Will be scribbled outside of the lines
Every inch will illuminate pigments of joy
Carelessly erasing blankness
Replacing it with animation
There will be a day, coming to you soon
When the gaps in your soul will be filled
Like pouring water into the glass
Whether it be half full or half empty
It will be overflowing
There will be a day, coming to you soon
When the words that fell out of your mother's mouth
Taunting and baneful, each criticism will melt beneath this new light that you have found
Do not give up yet
Nothing is as hopeless as it seems
There will be a day, coming to you soon
When everything will be okay
Don't miss it my love
Don’t miss it, please
for ave
 Feb 2015 burned up
 Feb 2015 burned up
i am an artist
of my own

i dabble in
of crimson

my only
is a sheet
of pale flesh

and my artistry
is to
 Feb 2015 burned up
 Feb 2015 burned up
i told you
i wanted you
to stop me.
 Feb 2015 burned up
i climbed upward
until i found
the world had been turned
upside down
and i was actually
digging down
 Feb 2015 burned up
The ocean to come people is seen as an enemy
A vast area covered with salt water mysteries
We have not discovered all that is hidden beneath its thresholds
Oceanic breaths pulling in innocence
Their mothers tell them not to swim out too far,
Do not dare go where I can't see you honey
The ocean is filled with hundreds of thousands of known marine life forms, there are many that are yet to be discovered, some scientists suggest that there could actually be millions of marine life forms out there
We, as humans, are so fearful of the unknown
Fleeing from an form of uncharted findings
We run from things that we have not yet given names to
Breaking waves roar for attention, sometimes names will never be enough
That is the hardest thing to learn and the least taught
The ocean does not push away intentionally
Waves may crash over you but it will always apologetically draw you back in
The taste of salty air will engulf all of your senses
You will feel as if you are drowning but the water is only merely covering your ankles, you will be afraid, as we all are, feeling small-scaled and young
But panic isn't an emotion
And fear is not a battle plan
The ocean will hold you like the hemming in a backyard hammock
Wrapping you up until the smell of your mothers perfume fades into seawater
Filling your lungs, capturing, swallowing you whole
The tide will lace in your veins, you will try to erase all you have learned about the not knowing that lives within it
And suddenly, as time hangs suspended on the sunset wall
You will ask yourself, if people are so scared of the ocean
Why do they still swim?
Because love is stronger than pride
And some people will give anything
To be held
Even if it means drowning
Haven't written in it feels like forever about something not completely about love, so here this is, shoutout to emma
 Feb 2015 burned up
Loving you is so bittersweet
It is like running on a fractured ankle and thinking this will help it heal
It is like ringing the doorbell to an abandoned house an expecting someone to answer
It is the only thing that all of the songs are right about
Loving you is quiet
I could never do it out loud because the thing about unrequited love is it does not dare to speak up, it cares more for holding its breath rather than wasting it
People tell you that if you love someone, you should always tell them
But I fear that telling you something so audacious would only scare you away
And I cannot bear you leaving
I would rather love you from the corner of my eye rather than the blur from salted crystals seeing your backside as it walks away from me
 Feb 2015 burned up
I am learning that even though you love someone
It is better to leave them
If it only brings anguish on you
Casting spells that will forever bind you to misery
They will tell you to change your name
And you will want to do anything to make them love you
Because they asked you so nicely
And you are so naïve to the sound of their voice
It is like a gospel choir in an empty church hall
You are drawn to anything seemingly beautiful in isolated settings
But after all of the fun and games
There is always a loser
So I am going to travel miles and miles, leaving behind dirt clouds in my rear view mirror, throwing your name out of the window
Sort of like lighting the last match just to watch it burn
Let his face linger for just a second longer
But do not let it tattoo itself on your brain
Tattoos are not temporary
Neither is love
And I have learned that though you are permanently scarring my memory
Eventually, you will fade away
I hope that eventually
You will fade away
 Feb 2015 burned up
I think everyone will in their life reach a point
Where the burden is too heavy for such a steep incline
When your insides churn and stir with every new assignment
When the flood gates of your mind are opened with every step
This world's gravitational pull suddenly is so much stronger
So we go and we let out our anguish, brushing off the demons that dance on our shoulders, releasing the clenched fists onto dry wall
Chocking on responsibility so you swallow it away with liquor
The bar stool you sit on is pulling at the black seems outlining it
The bartender is busy with orders, the man next to you has just taken off his wedding ring and you are only here to leak the stress out of your veins as your blood begins to drown in alcohol
Surrendering to another shot, downing it without realizing that you do not need any more because you can hardly mutter "Can I get two more?"
Never realizing, never tapping out, just losing yourself until the survival instinct inside of you convinces you to go and get it
So tonight, when the weight of this week begins to break your collarbones
Succumb to the wine in your kitchen
Succumb to the bottle of ***** at a party
Succumb to it all
Because that is the one thing this stress cannot stop you from doing, it cannot stop you from leaving it under the pillow
What you do determines your life
Do not succumb to sleeping with a boulder on your back
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