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 Sep 2015 XvA
Gala of spring
 Sep 2015 XvA
Now orchids are blooming here,
Sun rises by the call of ‘Koel’!
Sun beam around by the call of ‘Keteki’!
Everywhere fragrance of ‘Keteki flower’ spread out!  

It is the time of blossoming!
It is the time of celebration!

A gala for......
“Merriment of brotherhood,
Gaiety of collectively
High spirited choir with nature!”

People are celebrating spring..  
Dancing under the Banyan tree
On the mid of the farmyard;
Biting the drum with a wish
The Sounds go to sky and break the clouds
Thunder and rain follows.....
With promises
To watering the crops in summer;
People call it
“Madam ‘Bordoi-chila’ coming to her mother’s place!

Everyone venerate
For nature and season!
They pray to nature
Though their amiable laughs and ovation  
Showcasing gaiety of connectivity and togetherness
With a wish for nature’s blessing for production!
From today ‘Rongali Bihu’ is celebrated in Assam,India; ‘Rong’ means cheerful festivity and ‘Bihu’ the festival of Spring, which is link to agricultural activities. After this festival people will start their wet paddy/summer paddy cultivation with preparation of land. It is celebration for seven days. First day is marked for care of domesticated animal, particularly cattle.  ‘Bihu’ dance and song are the major part of celebration. Here, a variety of Orchid, call of koel (locally called as Kuli; Koel - Eudynmys scolopaceus- is a member of the Cuckoo order of birds), Keteki (Brain fever bird, scientific name Hierococcyx varius);  Keteki flower (Pandanus odoratissimus)are symbolize as the sign of spring. ‘Bordoi-chila’ myth link to thunder storm, this particular as per its roots means butterfly dancer.
 Sep 2015 XvA
Someone observe darkness on the edge of the territory
Where our turret is located;

Everyone looking into it for decoding,
Decoding the darkness of our bastion and territory;
Talk shows are going on...
Everyone is quarrelling with their own view point...  
One is trying to profess.... ‘darkness emerging for a new embryonic......’
Another one counter act.... ‘darkness means light don’t penetrate ...
... how can you expect some new without stroke of light .........?’
In between someone tweet ... ‘as they behave differently we call them dark....’
Another tweet comes in .......... ‘it is not baryonic.........
.......try to assess the mass..... You will get the answer....’  
Debate goes on
Anchor asked for a break

Add comes in.....
..... illuminating the results of health drink to spout brilliance...
two and four wheelers run on.... as if going to search darkness in cosmos....

Put off the TV.......
Stand in the balcony......
Street light elucidate the road....
As if, try to cover up the darkness with gloss....
One pedestrian coming back from a wine bar.......
......and outcry.....
..... all of you are sinner......
Don’t cover up this with light and gloss
Let it be dark as dark matter
Stolen light and gloss unable to penetrate.....
..... let it be remain in the history as murky.....

Night bird crossed the light post ....
....and strike a chord to everyone that deepness of night is growing...
Back to bed room  
Laying in bed and put off the eyes expecting a new morning.....
 Sep 2015 XvA
Philosopher once said
“Everyone is involved in constructing their own world!”
But what I will construct..... ?
“At that time,
We are playing in the courtyard,
My sister cooking on Coconut cell
I was a fisherman, catching fish
( it was a world of imagination where sand were the rice
Leaf of pumpkin were the fish)
All of a sudden father’s voice is come in
He is running towards home from the field
and outcry “again it is coming, get out and
Let’s go to main road”;
My mother was almost pasty,
Elder sister pick up important things in a bag
along with some utensil;
In a moment all of we run towards the main road,
When we reached there it was full of fallow villagers
My father searching for my uncle in the crowd
and get him;
He took us to a corner along the side of the road,
It was small shed made out of plastic sheet;
Uncle said to ‘now we have to stay here until normalcy come down’;
We sit on the floor with my sister,
Mother and aunt both are crying,  
Father is looking towards the habitat;  
Water flowing in.....  everything immerse.....
Only the areca nut tree and bamboo indicates
Where our home was;
All of we are waiting for the moment to water goes out
This it is second time in the year,
Last year it was once,
Year before last year my younger brother was washes out;
‘Can you tell me how we stop this?’
‘Whether I will create my world far from the river or construct a wall?’
Devastating flood in our state sprak same question to everyone .
 Sep 2015 XvA
The nature around us
Provokes to think!

The geometry of nature
Creates coincidences and intersections!
Coincidences of creation- destruction and re-construction!
Intersection reveals the connectivity,
Connectivity between deconstruction and reconstruction!

Geometry portray the commonness and uniqueness,  
Commonness and uniqueness between
‘image and number’ and ‘shape and number’!

It leads all relation to number relation!
 Sep 2015 XvA
Days are not smooth!
Start with the news of conflict
accident, enmity, extortion,
inflation and starvation!

Clogs everything at night
with music of friendship and snigger
in the platform of virtual union!
But it is full with the misfortune of
physical aloofness and cloaked darkness!
Napping on
With a belief
to  get light at dawn !
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