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 Feb 2016 Ashley Rodden
You are the letters that I write all unsent, all kept inside my drawer yet I am wishing that one day you could read them without me having to let you
You are the stars I put in the backpack of my mind when I have full grasp of attention that I am approaching a long, cold journey
You are the name scribbled in the top corners of my notebook
You are the feeling I get after a long drive and I can stretch and reach out, far in hopes to touch you somewhere in the sky
You are the unzipping of a formal dress in an old hotel room
You are the place I would like to call home and never need a vacation from, a place better than anywhere else, a place of safety and passion, a place of rest for my weary soul
You are the puzzle I can never solve, the Rubik's cube stored away in a junk drawer, the books I never got around to finishing, the poems I left as drafts
You are the unwound clock that confuses visitors, they are not used to adding two hours and three minutes because I never bothered to change it
You are the amazing opening to a really bad movie
You are the reason some people put too much sugar in their coffee the morning after kissing you because you leave such a bitter taste in their mouth
You are the unraveling of a cigarette exhale that will end up killing you
You are the best thing that I decided I didn’t actually need
You are out of my mind, you are burned letters, running out of gas, you are getting lost on the interstate, you are nothing to me anymore and you were once everything
You are not who you used to me and neither am I and perhaps you should walk one way and I, the other
 Feb 2016 Ashley Rodden
DaRk IcE
The dark side of the
The escape from ratchetness
In a cold
Laced with grim downfalls
Of the
Dim sunrises
To broken
Pieces of
Flesh inside the beholder
Lost worlds
In between here and
Caught in a sand storm
Of good
The darkness is light
Showers of
Of the unknown
Battling against unseen
Praying for your
In the darkness I see
The sunrise, as the stars slip
To befriend the
The jealous sky parts
And sheds beauty upon
Greatness is bestowed within
The darks light
She faded into the shadows
        of the love
             she wished she could forget
She solemnly swore
        to drown herself
               in the memory of her regret
Her eyes burned at the sight
         of the lost love
             she'd erased years ago
Her thoughts wondered
         and traveled to places
               she never meant to go
Life attacked her before
         she was even ready
                to feel the pain
Love forced her into the storm
         before she'd even
                 experienced **the rain
 Feb 2016 Ashley Rodden
Take comfort
In the love of life
Stand fast
In the face of strife
Be bold
'Til the end be near
Climb aboard
Let your intuition steer

If we could peer
To the end from near
Would we see our fears decline
And know for sure
That our existence endures
Beyond scientific confines

I would believe
Yet even the mind deceives
A heart that cannot know
So shall we
Rest in peace
Beyond the grief
Of these fears we have in tow...
Let me be your wind,
That will bring soft fragrance,
A gentle scent to make you blind,
Sent with love from my old France.

Let me be your gentle breeze,
To haunt your brittle sleep
And when I turn elusive
Sail on and never leave the ship.
 Feb 2016 Ashley Rodden
 Feb 2016 Ashley Rodden
When the distance between us
 is measured in light years -

I hold her at arms-length
and step quiet like a shadow -

dancing with the sun
until night is upon us -

she draws down the shades
and we bathe in her glow.
God is teaching me
how to not be so
that it is okay
to walk away

without explanation
that i don't have to
explain myself
to anyone

because he already knows my heart

he is teaching me
to let go
of the things of this world
and hold on tight
to my relationship with him
and not my relationships
with others
because i feed off of
the energy of the people
i surround myself with
and i don't always
surround myself
with positive people
he has taught me that
if i feed off of people
instead of him
that i will always
be left feeling hungry
so this is my surrender.
 Feb 2016 Ashley Rodden
Funny how strong we believe
Our fragile hearts to be
I've survived the world myself
In ghettos, in prisons
In institutions that deceive
I've prayed to gods for death
In the bottom of life's pit
I've suffered heartbreaks
Excruciating rips

A hundred years and it awakes
The phone call
The Facebook
The very public place
Scattered thoughts weave
Through piles of emotional debris
I hold my words in contemplation
I take a deep breath while inside I scream

The sharpest blades lay dormant longest
When a mere memory can reopen sores
I try to keep myself in the moment
But in this moment it's at the door

Hello, I haven't seen you in a very long, long time
Oh, by the way, why wouldn't you answer my call
But you knew I was drowning...
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