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 Aug 2013 Ashley Dennis
if i wanted to have a sweet face
i would paint one

but i want a face like a wolf.

so i slant my eyes with coal
and redden my lips
with blood.
life is a war fought with tears.
I move through life like swimming in the sea
Many a storm has battered me
Waves of destruction I've managed to outrun
It's like I was created to overcome
My stories are many I'll let time tell
How I went to sleep in Heaven woke up in Hell
Choices gain voices some cause more pain
Standing trial with a smile I still remain
A young boy who dreamed a future bright
Staring into space embracing the darkness of night
Solitude my lover we raised hell
Became a monster amongst demons I did dwell
No limit I took it to the brink
Heart so dead all I did was drink
Drowned that boy did my best to destroy
Used and played discarded like a toy
Shadows of me lay in the past
Here we go again will this new me last?
Lessons learned I feel no doubt
Can only play the cards as they're dealt
All is fun till you're staring down a gun....
One of many things I had to overcome....
6-22-13 M.A.N
 Jun 2013 Ashley Dennis
Alone she stands in the battlefield
Bruised and battered not ready to yield
Brave she is , a soldier strong
Alone she's fought for a time too long
She will not falter she will not break
She will conquer every challenge she will take
Her wounds are heavy and they don't heal yet
But she will not rest till her goal is met
The end has come , she is hurt and bleeding but the fighting  is done
She is brave , she is a survivor and her battle stands won .....
Its the first poem i have put up here or shown anyone besides my best friend ... need an opinion
My secret god that fills the sky
at night. Lord of the twilight,
of madness, death and

Sinfully but with heads held high
we dine on the nectar of life.
This is a burden we, the chosen
must bear.

Are we, the rulers of the night
denied our right to godhood?
We, the kings of shadows born
of sacred blood.

Alas, it was with great sorrow
we left the world of men. Bereft
even of our humanity, we long
for redemption.

Sorry is our fate. False lives filled
only with bittersweet reminiscence
of a less unhappy past. A past when
we were alive.
I used to laugh out loud but today my soul began to cry
My heart grew roots into the earth so dry
How do I tame this swirling storm?
Its battering my mind until it's torn
How do I fix it?  Is it even broke?
Are my words just my mental smoke?
From my innards as they burn
In the ashes is where I learn
Who I am and what I've become
Could I really be the one true ONE?!?
I've never known..
Love for me has always been like a stone
Hard and cold my warmth never felt
I do my duties like no one else
Then again....maybe I don't
I'm suffocating from all my mental smoke
It's in a treasure to find
Nobody has ever had the right mind
One choice
To live my life
Reality is cold and cuts like a knife
So I slumber
Escape to a fantasy
A role playing world where I display my mastery
Of my emotions
Let them live free
For that is who I am and what I'm destined to be....
6-20-13 M.A.N
everyone has a shadow
                                                       perpetuity connected to them
following them everywhere
a not so hidden part of them                      

          is it possible to get rid of it    
                        that darkest part of you that follows you everywhere

i've found someone
who slaughtered my shadow                    
      eradicated the darkness of me
                                             they shone a light
not because i asked them      
           they did it, unintentionally
and killed my shadow                            
                         in turn
                             i noticed how                  
when we stand    
hands intertwined              
in full sunlight                            
                                               your shadow's gone

we eliminate the darkness in each other

~      ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼      ~
Welcome to the dawn of a new age
Open up the book and turn the page
Excelling to a higher degree
Understanding the evolution of humanity
Back on track showing I don't lack
Doing what I do to make you react
Lets take a trip through my mind
A poetic M.A.N is what you find
Who has the answers?
Let's ask the questions
It is as if no one is even paying attention
To money which was created by man
It separates people
Are you starting to understand?
It's a trap set by death it wont stop
Till we breath our last breath
Hmm that's right!!
Not even death is free
Is "Money" the mother of poverty
Overpopulation, segregation a bunch of messed up nations
Leads to World Wars of mass annihilation
Wartime, many battles rage on
Is it about hatred?
Or is it a politicians song
Time and space
The final frontiers
We can build bombs to blow up our atmosphere
Cultures wiped out to the future they are unknown
Aliens from space invade our home
Pledge allegiance to their flag
Whatever may wave which ever they have
Science is it fiction or fact?
Sometimes it is hard to believe all that
Who will do it?
Who will find the answers?
Prophets fall but not from cancer
GOD? Thee almighty one
Spoke to us on earth through his son
Whether you agree or disagree
The intention was to save humanity
Who will stand up?
Who will be the one?
To bring about change without firing a gun?
Every generation builds off the back of the last
Truths ignored dooms us to repeat our past..
2013  M.A.N
I sit alone in my cyberspace home, king of my universe on my internet throne, searching through threads for my cyberspace queen, born in a fantasy, died in a dream, reality on the horizon through a sea of doubt, my cyberspace soul dissipates when my user logs out....
6-13-13 M.A.N
Mother dearest jumped the gun,
Thought she found the chosen one
In the reflection of an eager bride
Who looked too deep and died inside.
Bang bang,
Mary shot her down
And plucked the thorns from off her crown,
Aphrodite got too close
And lost her face beneath the smoke.
Time has never looked so sultry
As when she falls from noon with a nosebleed.
Mother Nature lost her mind
Trying to pacify humankind.
Ashes ashes, there's nothing real
When all that is, lives to be concealed.
So bury me beneath the ground,
Next to those who also drowned
In something of a sordid tune,
The funeral can never come too soon.
Helen brought her face of gold
Plastered in cement, frozen cold-
For, who we are isn't what it seems
And nightmares are but twisted dreams.
Wake me up so I can feel
The bitter pang of all that's real.
Momma has gone and leaped again
Deep into the lions den,
Down and down her figure drops
Until all at once, everything stops,
Torment has yet to look as docile
As when it rests upon her heavy smile.
So prepare my casket and let it sink
While I loosely cascade off the brink.
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