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 May 2013 Ashley Dennis
if your hands are shaking
shake the world with them;
come on, love
sit up
if your back is breaking
ignore the constant aching
and walk past it.
The Numerical Quality of Friendship

The quality of friendship is non-quantitative.
Yet, I ask you to number me this way.

With tape measure, determine that:
The length of my arm's embrace will always be
longer than long enough, and when distance magnifies sorrow's gains,
my shoulders measure wide enough to pillow your wearied head.

The depth of my pocket is finite for by definition,
a pocket is but an open doored, three walled shelter.
My pocket of shelter is forever open, forever deep,
and forever is infinite.

Trust that when bowed and bent,
upon my shoulders climb and together we will be tall enough
to touch the season's new fruit upon the tree of life,
and with one tongue taste the unimaginable!

Do u think that mercury can measure
the warmth of my tears when love sears my heart,
or the heat of thy skin when it heals and cauterizes
wounds salted by the mistreatment, by the bitters of the weak ones,
who rejoice when they scald others?

Size me up.
What is my volume?
What are the boundaries that
length X depth X height
state must limit my capacity to cherish, to heal,
and even to forgive those who deserve no forgiveness?

If you measure me well and proper,
if I meet the standards that qualify me to be called friend,
then friend me here, friend me now,
friend me for the qualities I posses,
and number us a unity among the few
who are truly blessed
by a quality of friendship that cannot be measured,
for there is no scientific instrument that can quantify,

March 2012
Alone a soldier stands,
deaf in ringing ear,
from fire of the battle,
that happened far too near.

His jacket and his boots,
stained with blood and gore,
his very thoughts pain him,
the sight of all the horror.

The body lying at his feet,
the body his friend once manned,
lies broken, twisted, and lifeless,
on the fearsome land.

No time to mourn
The men untimely lost.
He must move on,
No matter the cost.

The soldier hears footsteps,
the enemies pounding the ground.
He knows his time is coming.
He knows that recurring sound.

The enemy is ‘round the wall,
the soldier’s courage rising.
As he prays to God for safety,
his memories are sizing.

He thinks of his home,
his country, his state.
He thinks of his family,
whom think of the date.

The date of his return,
the time when he would weep.
The day when life went on,
and the night he could sleep.

All these thoughts in his head,
pouring in like rain.
The enemy rounds the corner,
and sees the one yet to be slain.

The enemy loads his daunting rifle
and begins to take his aim.
The soldier takes hasty action,
both men doing the same.

The enemy fires,
the bullet whipping out like rope.
The lone soldier shouts in silence,
“I still hold onto hope!”

This hope continues to remain,
In every soldiers heart.
For a battle in a war,
is only just a part.
Original Poem - 1st Place at St. Mary's County Fair, accepted in GMHS Literature Magazine.
Could it be, that all we
Have our multiple differences?
Or are we all quite the same
And looking through different lenses?

Experiences make us who we are
And tell us how to see.
Different moments in our lives
Can make us who we want to be.

An embarrassing action may cause blush
But cause smiles in the end.
A painful heartbreak deep inside
Will bring greater things and mend.

Looking through glass spectacles
of what our failures have been,
Show us more, and more, and more
Of who we are and when.

So are we really different?
Or all very much the same?
Take a look through another's lenses
And see what gives us our name.
I've been screaming, "I'm lost, I'm dead!"
And everything in life seems lost as well,
But I've finally heard the words unsaid.

All the books of the world I've fully read,
But off society's high shelf I fell,
I've been screaming, "I'm lost, I'm dead!"

Never walked the aisle, never did I wed.
Sometimes life really hurt like hell.
But I've finally heard the words unsaid.

My world has felt as black as lead,
I've heard the tolling of the midnight bell.
I've been screaming, "I'm lost, I'm dead!"

But you raised me from my cold death bed,
You held the key to my prison cell,
And I've finally heard the words unsaid.

"You're worth more than you think deep in your head
You're beautiful, You're lovely." To me you tell.
I've been screaming, "I'm lost, I'm dead!"
But I've finally heard the words unsaid.
The Weather Channel, ubiquitous,
Who among us does not have this app,
On their phone, computer, mobile device
Ready for a quick scan..

Odd topic for an essay,
Strange, that your poetic silence
Should be broken this way,
Then again, you didn't inquire,
Or even notice it had gone missing.

Yet the channel/app of which I write,
Is mobile, and certainly, applies to each of us
But cannot be found on any device but in our hearts..

When we awaken,
The temperature is taken,
A glance upon your visage
Reveals rested or irritable,
Blue clouds or storm warnings,
Better dress appropriately...

But even this is not the forecast
Of which my heart and words speak,,
The whether I need, the thermometer reading,
The barometric pressure that needs knowing,
Measures whether you love me still,
Love me more, love me better,
Than the last poem/day we just wrote/recorded,

The waters we will yet navigate,
The sky we shall observe,
Cloud shapes to design and designate,
A fortune to prognosticate,
Is the sum of the fortunes/forecasts we create daily.

Our weather is our good fortune,
And strangely the forecast is the same daily,
Whether fair or hurricane,
Whether gladdened or pained,
Our forecast, ours,
Our forecast, unique,
Our forecast, let us record it into reality,
When we awaken entangled,
Looking out the window and envision,
Predicting our life-scape.
The Compact

Some of us are given to,
upon our person to secret
instrumentation to adjust
the patina of our ****** tones,
lest the glare of man made light
lend a shine undesired and worse,
uncovered windowed pores allow
revelations undesirable into our souls.

In other words, a compact and its constituents:
puff, powder and mirror.

Observed a compact in use
between Act I and Act II,
the deft use of the mirror,
angled, moved back and forth
to provide perspective,
close-up and/or total.

The Gods of Metaphor,
Deities of Derision
force my unwilling reveal
thru the holy confessional screen:
I too have a compact.

My compact, a deal, a treaty accord
between the white rigors of life daily,
and spasms of black lies
to make appearances tolerable.
My compact is what I cover up
with powder and puffery.

Aged sixty two years, life nonsensical,
perversely inversely, the dependence upon
these cracked hands grows,
dying cells dividing like newborns,
worrisome weariness make the lies
come faster and more frequent,
which is why my compact has a mirror.

No matter what perspective enamored,
In the mirror, my reality check,
No powder upon my eyes,
the brutality and the joy,
of life is undisguised.

Nonetheless, I have more,
Morethanless, the balance
is favorable, the outlook positive.
My compact with you is to
remind us all, through
music, dance, words and love,
This is the only compact
with the power of human law.
 May 2013 Ashley Dennis
The ice cold glass, all torn right through
So close to shattering and crashing in
Reflecting a broken and beautiful you
Shaping and showing all sorts of sin
A heated glance, all feverish at first
Tears you down and berates your heart
Seems so tame, so far from your worst
But it rips right in and rends you apart
Your eyes, they glimmer and rove the glass
Scornful and doubtful and shameful, as well
Praying this hell will verily pass
And the terror, the tears remain in their shell
The very worst judge, and jury, too
Is no more than a mirror, none other than you
 May 2013 Ashley Dennis
To see the sun, just one last time
Dawn forever breaking
To reach the stars and make them mine
The world forever shaken
To start a fire inside the heart
The reach the end, to reach the start
To find a home, a place to be
To lose your sight, to really see
To keep a lie and find the truth
To hold it tight, but let it loose
To find true love, to hear winds chime
To see the sun, just one last time
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