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Arthur Vaso Nov 2018
I stare
one hand works
one broken
I have only one heart
it does not work
broken by yesterdays
now I am blind
in one eye
the other
stares at my hands

one hand works
one broken

I sit in silence
staring at a pill bottle

It will be ok
you see
even if I do not
I have no lover
no one to behold
no one to caress

Only one hand
one eye
one life that flew away

A lark sings a song
that goes like this

One hand works
one broken
Arthur Vaso Oct 2018
Vineyards in the Valley of Becaa
Silence mounted the Seeker
Backdoor Trojan horses to depravity
Sulking men jealous of Jesus

Men will be...
Men will be with men
Toes will point to the two headed snake
Gomorrah opens its cavity to Keefers

The nymphs dance alone
On clouds of deception
Tasting the sweet nectar of their poisons
Tongues lashing in ****** fashion

Brandy flows between the crevice of the valley
Sensual lies as they lick up their own evil juices
Becaa caresses the ***** of Sabine
***** of all truth and wisdom

Brandy tickles the region where his
testaments should have been
Nymphs in the heat of *****'s glory
Wrinkled ******* dried in desert sun

Roman soldiers chase, cowards run
Arthur Vaso Oct 2018
brothels sprout
flesh peddlers collect their fees
selling daughters
in twos and threes
Lopez or Diaz
lazy or defiant
in polluted lagoons
the virus spreads

Dancing with the dead
priests absolve the devils
in their mist
Pilar sold her virginity
for a few bars of gold
wrapped in an old ladies hatred
she murdered her vows

Mexico is a land of smiles
the knife only glints
in the Aztec sun
as they bury you
after eating your heart
Pilar Lopez Diaz, thief, day of the dead Acambaro
Arthur Vaso Sep 2018
Elon Musk and I have a lot in common, in fact we could be cerebral twins, we are both rich, we are both geniuses, we are both insane, well him 1/2 me fully and we have both sent objects into space. he sent a car, I sent my ex up there. Ok actually what I did was, tie a bunch of helium balloons around her neck and up she went. I assume she made it. She's probably driving around up there in Elon's car and laughing all the way to the moon bank, not having to use any fuel up there. Thanks Elon. Next time hand me a call, I would have asked you to send a donkey up there, not that car.

more random thoughts


Insanity, its not as crazy as you may think!

Insanity, its a lot more fun than you may think!

Insanity, where crazy is the new normal!

Insanity, join now and get a free white jacket!!

Insanity, a great way to get away with ******!

Insanity, a pathway to the Whitehouse!
( spell check suggests *******, ummmmm)

Insanity, although some call it marriage!
Dear Moon
Arthur Vaso Sep 2018
Eat Venison
strike fear into his bones
appeal to his intellectual bankruptcy
make it run
make it hide
under his own verbal garbage disposal
conquer him
little man
squash egos into fertilizer
for your plants
turn his nothing
into another form
to positive
as he decomposes
inside his tinfoil crap
For the first time ever I had someone troll me, of course being King Arthur, I forced him to remove his negative comments, thus why I thought of this humorous poem. So remember people, they are little ones, ignore all those petty people, and focus on all the great actually very talented poets here!
Arthur Vaso Sep 2018
Be patient
be very very patient
after that
add more patience
then wait
and wait
and wait and wait and wait
become a waiter
at least you will be paid to wait

When she finally finally arrives
give her the biggest smile you possibly possess
tell her, "Hello love, you are early and
looking very majestically beautiful my sweet!
what have you done to your hair love?"
since you have waited a century or two or three
it's a safe gamble she has, and you my friend
will be a big winner.

Therefore when you wait and wait and wait
be a winner
even skeletons
Someone and I am not naming names is late to show up in chat!
Arthur Vaso Aug 2018
no legs
no heart
bombs like raindrops
have nothing
not even
a tear

what do I have?
two dollars
is cold
coffee feels right
you block me?

I lost me
for you
cannot you remember?

you hit me
I fall to the ground
silly man
I could **** you
with one finger

I lost legs
you lost compassion
who begs more?
as I bleed
there dances
one small
for you
When I see society treat the homeless and destitute so bad, it just makes me feel sad, especially knowing some are war vets. And they cant eat poems, which is why I try to give them smiles and food.
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