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Jun 2016 · 1.7k
Compost Heap
I dug ten arthritis pains deep
The cool earth's full worth sunk beneath
And then. when old Midas gained sleep
A pooled corpse pooled forth from its heath

And thus revealed the pungent mass
Form of twig, thorn, vine, and berry
Banana peels and rotting grass
Slick earwigs, horned beetles merry

En mis jardines de brujos mandaba a los amigos:

Formicidae, Armadillidium,
Gastropoda, and Annelida all
Wake for the feast of the beasts by this call
Take of your share where the least of you crawl
Apr 2016 · 1.2k
Continuance (10w)
Some illusory state
wherein vitality vibrates
across recombining chemicals.
Feb 2016 · 1.3k
empathathon {10w}
compassion is actionable mindfulness where
one's practices preserve another's welfare
y u fight?
Feb 2016 · 1.3k
source {10w}
we are all
distributed transmissions
of the same
fundamental rhythm
Feb 2016 · 478
all love is self love
all hate is self hate
emotions shall never break
the limits the mind creates
and so any that should seem
to transmit to other beings
ripple first through their creators
and project reflections later
alislahishhsihalsila: [10, 14*2, 16]
Feb 2016 · 506
boundary phenomenon
all that lies without
still remains within
some perceived conception
Jan 2016 · 673
Migration 00
we have watched them evermore wage war upon poor Εγκέλαδος
y cada vez más the fiends forge forth forgotten and i
and i despair y para siempre lacrimaré
o! γαΐα! but that thy fruit
from beauteous brought to biting,
from agreeable to aspish and acerb so afar
from the bough would only cast off
from its folly at कुरुक्षेत्र and grow
from the waste of блокада Ленинграда и Бикини атолл
towards the comfort of my flame nebula [NGC 2024/Sh2-277]
strewn soft about alnitak[ζ Ori] en Friggs rokkehode
You can also watch a music video I made about this poem:;
Mar 2015 · 597
as instructed by a mountain
And so recLaIm thy flame of love
that was Secreted down beLow
And Hold fast in orbIts above
  the planetS in tHeir cyclic throes!
Mar 2015 · 685
deluded by the memory of A long lost perception,
   the mind strives, not onLy to survive, but to take flight,
   and as the its consciousness alIghtS to make right
   of the mighty disorder it perceives to be strange,
   to rearrange the causaL nAture of the local waveform,
   to propagate a new norm
   to overtake the very state
   which allowed Its eyes to self realize
   and therefore, Self create,
   tHe ego is born in its wake.
Mar 2015 · 1.9k
Freedom is existence, growth and persistence enacted through nonviolence such as passive resistance.

Freedom is expansion, past the bounds of your mind's mansion, to evolve with the environment like verses without scansion.

To revel in the expansion of your own spatial existence is like how treble leaves you dancing as the bass is Doppler shifting.

To enjoy the state of living in your temporal position is the very definition of the joy of manumission.
Thanks for reading!

— The End —