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542 · Sep 2020
Upon an Autumn evening
O soft evening, I keen await
your calm, consoling atmosphere,
The peace drifting upon your whisper,
The choruses of the birds I hear.

My troubled soul, it longs for you,
When it may finally be at ease,
When the world is stroked by golden charm
to sleep, and red boughs sigh in the breeze.

The dying daylight gilts the earth,
and drowsiness settles in the warm air,
I sigh, for the day is nearly done,
and some days are more than I can bear.

As evening slips into the night,
and as the gold fades into grey,
As darkness falls upon the land
I let my thoughts and feelings stray.

I think of this Autumn evening,
so beautiful and without a care,
I think of its creator, my Almighty God,
and I offer up this evening prayer.

Please banish from me the thoughts of day,
O Lord, and deliver me upon your wings,
and I praise you, Lord, for the calm you bring,
Upon an Autumn evening.
458 · Sep 2020
Cuts, cuts everywhere
All over my hands, my wrists, my arms.
Bleeding, bleeding.

Thick dark drops of blood.
Blurring my vision, clouding my mind.
Oozing, oozing.

The cuts dig deeper
Into my soul, my shattered soul,
Bleeding, oozing.

Just one more cut to end it all
A deep cut, digging into my throat, to end it all
And my throat shall bleed with my last drops of blood.

No more cuts
No more cuts
No more oozing and bleeding
No more dark red smudges in my mind
Just black
and black
and black.
342 · Sep 2020
The waves
The waves crawl in from a far horizon,
Through the azure ocean of Time,
With an air of danger and of beauty,
They roll on closer to where the rocks lie.

Little do they know of their fate,
of how they draw nearer with every breath
Towards the rocks, which are their graves,
of how they roll onward towards their deaths.

Likewise, we trek across the seas,
across a seemingly endless plain,
We crawl, we walk, we, blundering, run,
unaware of the inevitable pain.

From beyond the horizon, we sweep to the shore,
rising glorious in fleeting majesty,
Before, without warning, we crash to the rocks,
Succumbing to merciless destiny.
The sky is blue, the sun is bright,
But it shall fade, like my life tonight.
For amidst the wind and winter air,
While birds fly on without a care,
While cars roar by perpetually
Down the highway, I long to be
Free of the torment, free of the strife,
Free of the agony that they call life.

The sky may be blue, and the sun bright,
But it shall fade, and then come night.
Then night once more shall give way to day,
Then day to night, then night to day.
And so the perpetual cycle rolls on,
Tirelessly labouring goes the sun.
Oh pain and pain and pain again,
And a ceaseless stream of meaningless events
And sorrow and guilt and human flaw,
I cannot bear it anymore.

The sky is blue, the sun is bright,
A mere pretence that all is right,
A denial of pain that devours life,
A torment to all who are in strife.
A fraud, a fake, an empty shell,
A wrong assumption that all is well,
Oh, if only it were rainy! Yes,
Then perhaps my trouble would be much less,
For then I might feel less alone,
If the world joined in on my agonised groans,
Or perhaps not, but I cannot know,
For tonight, yes tonight, I must go.

So the sky is blue, the sun is bright,
And the world is bathing in the light,
But I hide my head, drowned in my sorrow,
I cannot face another tomorrow,
The sky is blue, the sun is bright,
But my life shall fade with it tonight.
111 · Sep 2020
The temptation
I stand on the brink of darkness,
all day I stare into its void,
and the black stares back at me,
the plain black, it entices me.

one step and I could belong to it,
I long to fall into it,
to succumb to the oppressor,
I wish to wander lonely and forever,
deeper into the comfort of oblivion.

I yearn for that day,
where I can walk the straight path
the straight path of numbness.

And yet! I cannot bring myself
to surrender to the emptiness
the golden light that touches me,
is too beautiful,
the world is too beautiful,
complex and beautiful.

And so I stand on the brink of darkness,
torn between the intricate mazes of light
and the cold, straight path of night.

the darkness- it waits patiently for me
it knows that there will come a day,
when the light will become too much for me,
when I will succumb to the darkness.

— The End —