On nights like this, my heart panics,
Life's meaning loses clarity;
And why is the moon so radiant?
I've no need of its charity
On nights like this, all seems hopeless;
If the sun could wake from its sleep,
Its warmth and light could not dispel
This cold darkness that runs so deep
On nights like this, sleep goes astray,
And Paradise comes within view,
Ah! But cruel angels guard the gate,
Refusing to let Love pass through
On nights like this, being denied
The pleasures that make life divine,
I dream of the forbidden fruit
And pretend it may yet be mine
On nights like this, prayers gently fall
From my lips, then bitter tears start;
But no comfort comes -- peace eludes
My distraught, long-suffering heart
What good is night without the thrill
Of a tender, passionate kiss,
Without the warmth of Love's embrace?
O, the torment of nights like this!