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When will I just stop running away from Love?
Running away from Him.
And just climb into His lap,
and be held in His arms.
When I am broken.
The thought
the thought of you dragging
a blade across your
it kills me.
The thought
the thought of you
taking your last breath
tears me apart.

you are too young and
beautiful to leave this world
you are too loved
to even think to leave

you remind me of the song
by lana del ray
the one that goes..
"will you still love me when
im no longer young and beautiful?"
yes yes i will

you tell me i am your big sister and
you look up to me
and not to cry because i am
too beauttiful,
now its my turn.

you are beautiful
you are loved. so please
wipe the tear off you
cheek, put the blade
down and come here
i love you
just remember the promises
we made eachother
that one day
we will be able to hold eachother
in our arms and
i can tell you how much
i love you.

because words dont
describe it enough, words cant
express the feelings
going through my body
i love you. x
 Aug 2016 andrew juma

I knew there was a sun
that rose upon the skies each day
Setting in the afternoon
a twilight time display

Daffodils and marigolds
welcoming the spring
Bluebirds in the maple trees
each morning there to sing

Waves upon the ocean
and a moon up in the sky
Stars above that twinkle
as the evening passes by

Mountains in the distance
reaching high into the air
Falling leaves in autumn
and the colors that they share

Early morning snowfall
in a chilly coat of white
Fireflies so playful
on a balmy summer night

I knew there were so many things
yet I could just not see
Until you came into my life
and showed these things to me

And now that I have witnessed
all that nature has to view
Its beauty still does not compare
to what I see in you
She made a mistake by getting too drunk
She was out having fun but it quickly ended when she blacked out
In the morning when she woke
She smelt of ***** and her ******* were missing*

She shouldn't of been so drunk
It's her fault
She should of made better decision
This is why you're not supposed to party
That's what she gets for drinking under age*

The things people have the nerve to say surprises me. Through out history people have always had a drink to celebrate or even to drink away the pain. Having a good day? Drink! Having a bad day? Drink some more! It's so common through out the world. People have been doing it for centuries. No matter what type of party you are at people are drinking to celebrate. Doesn't matter of it's wedding's or birthday party's. If it's a party there's alcohol. Everyone encourages drinking. Yet when something bad happens people say "Oh. He/she shouldn't of been drinking." ??? Excuse my language but today's society and the rest of society can *******. And what about the guy who was disappointed that he didn't get laid so he forced himself upon a defenseless, drunk girl? Oh wait that's right. It's okay because he wasn't drunk. And to think people get harsher sentences when caught with a joint.
I cry at night because I feel like I have no one
I'm terrified of being alone
Yet when someone's tries to be there for me I push them away
Because I don't feel like I deserve them
Sometimes when my heart is aching
And I'm all alone
I like to hold my left hand out and pretend God is holding it
So then it's like I'm not completely alone
Stuck between the fog,
Searching for Ray of light
I know that chances are scarce
For me to win this fight

But I will not quit till last
I'll give it my best chance
Bring all pains that you can
I am ready for all in a Never say Die Stance

I know where's my destination
But It is hard to find
My dad told me "you don't lose
Till you don't lose hope in your mind"

In the most tough and hard fights
Those words of him revolve around my head
When my path is rough and hard to win
I  keep telling myself what he said

In the dark and cold nights
when you are about to lose the bout
Only one lightning hit is all required
To bring the Fire and Light out

Your wins do not define success
It's your hard work that does it
It's your heart's desire to try
From which the flame of Life is Lit
 Aug 2016 andrew juma
Autumn Rose
The cold wind greeted
the hoarfrost that
evening as white
butterflies started to
fall from the dark sky.
Soon the pearly blanket
was spread across
the whole land.
It sparkled on the milky
moonlight, giving the old
willow tree a wooly gown.
Covering all the roofs,
the fields of corn and wheat,
the tall grass on the meadow.
But then she appeared,
sending fairies to dance on the
frozen lake thus melting the ice.
And with every step that she took,
snowdrops began to bloom.
Crave it. Crave life. Desire things that aren't material. Learn to grip every little thing and never let the feeling of being blown away by this earth leave your fingertips. Try new foods from different places and cultures. Don't shut your mind off to things that are not what you deem 'normal'. Open your heart to people and do not let yourself walk away from loving and being loved. Quit allowing your fear of getting hurt overcome your need of intimacy. Stop shying away from being vulnerable. Allow yourself to feel every emotion there is to feel. Don't fret when you start to feel a little insane. Don't worry when your throat swells up and tears form around the brim of your eyes. Be angry, happy, silly, sad, and wild. When people tell you that you're being too much, laugh.  Live your life empty of fear for tomorrow or regret from yesterday. Kiss lots of boys, walk long miles, swim in foreign waters, create new things, write. Love this life and yourself.
 Aug 2016 andrew juma
Autumn Rose
He was
from the sky
and she was
from the sea.
He carried wings
of angels
in his hands,
lifting her up
in the air
everytime she
held him.
She carried an ocean
of secret love
in her eyes,
drowning him
everytime he
casted a glance
at her.
Although they
knew it
was impossible,
The water, the sky,
could seperate them.
Because they
knew it was real...
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