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 Aug 21 Anais Vionet
Not sure what you expected.
Promises made, never lived.
Tell me who I was to you.
Was I just a mirror?
A reflection of your fascination
with your own thought of self.
The glory of you.
Salt air has tarnished my metal.
Your reflection no longer shows.
 Aug 21 Anais Vionet
So sweetly said,
So neatly done.
Just a brushing whisper,
a tender kiss on the ear.
Tilted head,
Hollow and soft.
So studied.
Not mine,
But for another.
Walking past a window
I see a woman crying
Wondering about all the scenario's
That could have befallen her?
Boyfriend problems?
Financial situation?
Job stress?
Just having one of those days?

I do the only thing
I can
Send her positive thoughts
And carry on with my day

Kate finished chopping and   
Wiped a meaningless
Onion induced tear away
Carrying on with her day
 Aug 21 Anais Vionet
 Aug 21 Anais Vionet
Grief's heavy mist descends upon my soul
A sorrow so profound, it takes its toll
Like autumn leaves, joy withers away
Leaving emptiness, night's dark gray

Pain's sharp edges cut through every breath
A constant ache, a hollowed depth
Longing to turn back time's relentless hand
To hold what's lost, in a fading land

Tears fall like rain, a deluge of pain
As memories haunt, like a refrain
Echoes of laughter, now taunt my mind
A bittersweet reminder, forever left behind

In this dark valley, I search for a way
To navigate the shadows, night and day
To find solace, a respite from the pain
And learn to live with the ache, again and again

Grief's journey is long, winding, and slow
But even in darkness, seeds of hope grow.
My sister passed away. I’m incredibly sad.
I call myself
I fall myself
Too tall of a mountain
to climb
to be bookshelved
without a reason

I paid the price
There's no doubt
the flames burned out
All that remains
are the ashes doussed

All alone in the dim
Where all my fantasies
seem so slim
Where all chances
have evaporated
Full of nothing to the brim

Missing the someone's
whispers of night
Takes out the control right ?
But the "you" memories are made
The music played
The sorrow displayed

The ache soothed by
the medicinal *****
Watching the moonlight
fade away as it moves
Finding all my madness
in the black of blues
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