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The Christmas lights are up
I am in the mood,
Have they always
Twinkled like that
Or do they
Because it parallels
My own delight.

They are the same

While my eagerness
To stop,
Observe and smile
Has me burning
On the inside.
Under pressure I am
A snowball
Of anger
Out of control

I am the same

But the difference
This year
I forgive myself
Like others
In the long stretch
In my lasting search
Of what matters

And I have you
As seed
To my everyday glee.

It is Christmas time
The lights are up
This time, I am looking up.
 Dec 2014 Ammar Haziq
Oh, what a gift,
...Stopping time's flow.
Just to hold you forever,
...Without letting go.

...Racing and burning,
...Forever returning,
...I loved you each day sure as the Sun loves to fly.
...Rising to Day.
...Falling to Night.
...Forever returning,
...Till the day I should die.

Yes, a gift and a curse,
...Our lives but a verse,
...We dance through the stars, as around us they burst.

A bleeding heart,
A world apart,
By sunsets final glow.

Loves tender fruit,
Pure to the root,
Deep in my heart you sow.

Through misty mornings clouding sight,
Through frozen winter rain.
I know tis true...
it beats for you...
my heart and all its pain.
The fluttering of the butterflies tickle my insides
Every joke, every compliment, every satisfying word
I am in love with the idea of you, the
way your smile meets perfectly with your cheekbones
The way your eyes strike mine in a moment of intimacy
I am in love with your presence,
your smell, and your laugh

Your love is like the fierce wind
I can't see it

But I can feel it
 Dec 2014 Ammar Haziq
It's eating my insides again
and throwing up all the 'happy' pills
it's reaching out of my chest and grabbing my throat
It's closing my eye lids
and speaking the excuse of "I'm tired"
It's the mere aggravation of boredom
it's stupid poems replacing razors
It's believing no body cares
it's asking for help but refusing to take it
it's taking up so much of my mind that I don't know how to end this
I'm really not trying to hold this over your head.
 Dec 2014 Ammar Haziq
 Dec 2014 Ammar Haziq
In the stillness of the night
The stars are shinning bright
But it is the moon
I have been longing to see, soon
For it holds the beauty
That I will adore for eternity.
Just a random thought for the day.

— The End —