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Apr 2017 · 534
that drunken slur
allie Apr 2017
Every morning the sun rises.
Every night the moon appears,
along with the drunken slur.
The stumble in your step.
The cloudy glaze in your eyes.
The heavy smell of alcohol on your clothes.
The mood swings that pull you side to side.
Flushed, red cheeks.
Screaming voices.
Slapping hands on skin.

I ask that small, feeble question.
*'Are you a drunk?'
I've been wanting to write this out for a while, so here it is.
Apr 2017 · 249
allie Apr 2017
If you sit on the chair
Will you watch me stare?
At your thin arms
Missing your old farm

She moved you here
And year after year
I look at your falling face
And think about your case

And this place
Is hidden from space
And it can embrace
Your grace.
Bad news came in. My grandfather had a stroke, so there goes the mood.
Apr 2017 · 762
Is that me?
allie Apr 2017
Is that my name up on that list?
Does someone know that I exist?
Is this a mistake?
Am I even awake?
Pinch me now to make sure...
Is my name in black and white?
Maybe I'm doing something right
Wow! I feel so much better than before.
Callback list came out for a solo and made it! Legally Blonde (cheesy, I know, sorry) shows that perfectly.
Apr 2017 · 207
allie Apr 2017
they ask and they ask
i slur my words so they can't ask anymore.

Chin up. Nose up.
Use good grammar. Use good everything.


That's not me.
Apr 2017 · 172
Silent Pieces
allie Apr 2017
The Clouds whisper small words to me, scared to try. The Sky screams and flails, to angry to think. The Boat simply lays there and watches the scene of the clouds and the sky roll onto each other. Again and again they fight, Anger and Terror throws punches.

Yet the Boat* simply sits and watches.
Apr 2017 · 151
allie Apr 2017
Life is sweet.
Life is bitter.
Don't let it pass by in a blink,
Otherwise you won't taste the sweetness if has to offer.
Written by J.E.M.
Apr 2017 · 281
allie Apr 2017
Rolling hills sigh.
No, I will not stay for them, I tell myself.
Yet I leave the container that grapples me.
I climb their sorrows. I climb their suffering.
No, I will not stay for them, I cry as I I cling to them.
Animals chitter with laughter as they scuttle by.
Who told you to grow into the trees that grip your ground?
Who told you that people were allowed to make you slowly destroy yourself?
Why did you let people build on you so they slowly demolished you?
Apr 2017 · 148
allie Apr 2017
I cry and I cry
You yell and you yell
"Not good enough!!" You shout. "You could do better!"
I cry and I cry. "I'm sorry!"
White papers fly around the room. Pages filled with various marks, but my eyes are glued to one letter.

Apr 2017 · 193
Hidden Music.
allie Apr 2017
The singing flowers
The dancing rain that patters
On the roof above.
Apr 2017 · 202
allie Apr 2017
Flurry of dances
Cracked faces hide in the
Shadows of sorrow
Apr 2017 · 879
The Separation.
allie Apr 2017
Looking down, I sigh.
Looking up, I smile.
Happily I climb
The mountain of

I reach your side.
I hold your hand
I smile at you.
We are

The magical feeling that
Swarms me,
Executes my Sadness
And brings forth
The feeling

We banished the mountain
Sure, we harmed a few
Wrecking *****.
To see your green eyes again,
It was
Worth It.

I let the
Love into my heart.
It made me grow
It made me light up.
That stupid Mountain of Separation
Is utterly destroyed
Pieces of imagination.
Today, something special happened. And, as someone I know would say, It Has Made All The Difference.
Apr 2017 · 174
allie Apr 2017
It flies, yet stays still.
It wanders around aimlessly,
No home, no resting place.
It kills, it relies on the lives of others.
The polar opposites flee to it, and fight.
Sorrow drapes its arm over it,
protecting it for any hope of happiness
So sadness and madness is all it knows.
So it still flies around aimlessly, yet it stays still.
It has no home, no resting place.
It kills, yet relies on the lives of others.
Apr 2017 · 177
allie Apr 2017
My raw feelings sing
Out in harmony yet I
Ignore them to live.
All of these poems are raw and savored, yet I can no longer express them in my day to day life.
Apr 2017 · 1.1k
Not Today
allie Apr 2017
I don't know why
I just feel I'm better off
Staying in the same room I was born in
I look outside
And see a whole world better off
Without me in it trying to transform it

You are out of my mind,
You aren't seeing my side,
You waste all this time trying to get to me
But you are out of my mind

Listen, I know
This one's a contradiction because of how happy it sounds
But the lyrics are so down
It's okay though
Because it represents, wait, better yet it is
Who I feel I am right now

You are out of my mind, ooh
You aren't seeing my side, ooh
You waste all of this time trying to get to me
But you are out of my mind

Heard you say
Not today
Tore the curtains down
Windows open, now make a sound
Heard your voice
There's no choice
Tore the curtains down
Windows open, now make a noise

Oh, don't you test me, no
Just because I play the piano
Doesn't mean not
I'm not willing to take you down
I'm sorry

I'm, I'm out of my mind,
I'm, I'm not seeing things right,
I waste all this time trying to run from you
But I'm, I'm out of my mind

Heard you say
Not today
Tore the curtains down
Windows open, now make a sound
Heard your voice
There's no choice
Tore the curtains down
Windows open, now make a noise

You are out of my mind
You aren't seeing my side
You waste all of this time trying to get to me
But you are out of my mind

Heard you say
Not today
Tore the curtains down
Windows open, now make a sound
Heard your voice
There's no choice
Tore the curtains down
Windows open, now make a noise.
I can't take the credit.. Song lyrics sometimes create the best poems.
Apr 2017 · 178
Occasional blessings.
allie Apr 2017
I think and I think
Pondering slightly under
The dark moonlight sky.
I haven't done a haiku in so long, sorry if it's bad.. Also, sorry I'm posting so much. I just have a lot on my mind these days and this is my favorite way to express my feelings
Apr 2017 · 971
From the darkened perch.
allie Apr 2017
From the darkened perch I sit
Wondering about that glittering golden galaxy
And if I can say the same
About I wonder what will happen to you

So I tried a new rhyme
To see if it would work
Sadly, it didn't

It clashed, it burned
*Throughout the flaming fires of us
Apr 2017 · 615
allie Apr 2017
a swarm of thoughts
as i read
as i write

1. sitting at a desk. i'm not alright.
2. seven birds hover.
3. can i escape the past?
4. is my life all that bad... i'm alright now.
5. bats that circle and block the sun
6. the ruler whipping down on my hands, my feet, my everything
7. souls gather and gather
8. oh the abuse i have suffered from you
9. lists and lists and lists and lists
10. my death. painful or peace?
11. shutupshutupshutup
12. unnecessary dreams and cliches
13. the wooden stick sits by you as i stare
14. the angry yelling words
15. tomanytomany
16. the end.
If you don't understand, look closer at my list. It's not as it seems; some are memories, some are just thoughts.
Apr 2017 · 140
allie Apr 2017
the CAPS

the CAPS

maybe. i ponder.
the caps with infill.
the words will slur
the sometimes will happen.
Mar 2017 · 739
a Rhythm
allie Mar 2017
a Rhythm is what I dream of.
One that can flow
So I used (parentheses) to make people think that I have a rhythm.
Or italics, or bold words.
Maybe commas, or periods.
Or something among the lines.
What I'm really doing is
Finding a Rhythm.

I play with the fonts, with the size, with the writing.
It doesn't really help.
But, if I cause enough damage to the original text,
I forget what's happening outside of the screen.
I guess I want a Rhythm.

Finally, I found a Rhythm.
Mar 2017 · 155
allie Mar 2017
Once they were unleashed
The brutal truth appeared

Scars formed on my body
As it was scratched and cut
Blood trickled out slowly
Mocking me

My eyes are misty
They followed the liquid
It continued as if it was a mere river

I am but human
Nothing more
Nothing less

You can hurt me
You can save me
It's all up to you

As your mind swirls
Remember what you did to me
My sister wrote this and I thought I should put it here. It belongs.
Mar 2017 · 197
allie Mar 2017
its worth it
i cant seem to wrap my head around the fact
blehhhhhhhhhhh the only word on my mind
Mar 2017 · 184
allie Mar 2017
yeah, yeah
there is this
there is that
i doubt that you can see me for me
no it's not right.
sad(ly) i walk
i'm feelin depressed so here we are again.
Mar 2017 · 395
allie Mar 2017
i close the emerald gems
that shined
and hope i can dream

i truly am happy.
yeah. i am bored out of my mind but ain't got anything to do. soooo...
Mar 2017 · 446
allie Mar 2017
i UnFUrl tHe gEnTLe bREeZe
i LEt it gAze mE in a sERIes of dANCes
aS iT sINGs in SORroW
mISSinG tHE onE wHO hOPeD
tHE onE wHO drEAmEd

iT unFUrLeD wITh nO nOIsE
anD i sMiLE aT iT bUt,
iT kiLLS me.
Anyone feel like when you give something space to live and bloom, and you protect it, the thing leaves you at the first chance it gets?
Mar 2017 · 108
allie Mar 2017
These past few months I've been writing
These past few months I've been singing
These past few months I've been sinning

Over the past year
I've danced

And that, my dear friends
Is all I can write.
My life is optional. Yet, it seems mandatory.
Feb 2017 · 188
allie Feb 2017
It covers the land
It covers the ocean.
The urge to keep it,
the urge to hold it,
it keeps me going.
Feb 2017 · 368
The truth.
allie Feb 2017
The truth is
in the end it all turns to ashes.
It's true. Everything *does* turn to ashes. I mean, think about it. In a thousand years from now, the pyramids could be gone, replaced by a oasis. The empire state building could be replaced by a floating building. The possibilities are endless.
Feb 2017 · 210
Come quick!
allie Feb 2017
The people are running by me
I eye them with distaste
While the sky smiles upon them
Leaving me in the dark

"Come quick!" The clouds shout to me.
"I'll stay in the dark." I say to them.

I leave the sun to its people, and enter the shadows once again.
Feb 2017 · 194
In the colour.
allie Feb 2017
In the colour that I hope
I believe deeply that they will come to life
And dance around the children
Helping them bloom into themselves
Letting them see as I stare in awe

The rough shades of gray and black
Get chased away by the light
I smile in happiness and join the children that are playing
But they stopped the jump roping, the smiling, the laughter.
I sighed and turned away, but the light chased after me.
I ran away, but they still followed.

*So now I'm on a forever run.
Soooo... This is my way of complaining that my friends are annoying! Yep, now I'm lonely af. Go me!!
Feb 2017 · 144
The Echos that Hold me.
allie Feb 2017
The echos you brought
       They keep me from dying
The echos you brought
      They keep me breathing

That small, tiny thing
That has come for me
     It's keeping me on my feet
     It's the one thing I hold close to my heart
Because everything I let in,
      It slowly kills my heart
      Till it lays in pieces unable to mend itself.
Feb 2017 · 177
allie Feb 2017
the single idea of that perfect moment that holds that perfect person
that prosperity of the idea
where i am no longer alive, no longer dead.
the single idea of that perfect place, of the perfect me, of the perfect outfit.
how about this, world?
**That idea? It's a ******* lie.
So I'm sorry that I'm getting dark again, but I figured out today my good friend is sick and she isn't going to get better, if you know what I mean. I'm praying for her, and that perfect idea of the perfect life? It's a lie.
Feb 2017 · 137
allie Feb 2017
i remember a few months back
i was lost.
i was betrayed.
i wanted to die.
i guess its the feeling of life
that keeps my chest rising and falling
that single feeling of possibility.

i remember when i wanted to die.
my sister uttered a single sentence
that changed my course.

life is hell. it's ruthless and cruel, but death is ten times harder.
Feb 2017 · 179
allie Feb 2017
did i guess
where the hell i can find a **** good soul
or something among the lines of that
or did god magically send one to me
or was it a blessing in disguise
i guess that it could be either
so go away and call me a ****** loser
or a dud or a drag because, yes.
i believe in blessings.
Ugh my day ***** and my part time job is a bust.. Plus my friends are to busy to care.
Feb 2017 · 160
allie Feb 2017
in the decision
of life or death
i don't know what to pick
so how about this
**** the person who asked
Um I don't know what to say.. But seriously. What is my life; my sister is the family angle while I'm over there, like, Um, I'm here to...
Feb 2017 · 168
why did i do it
allie Feb 2017
for seven hours a day
  i am told how to think
  i am told how to speak
i am so done with the drama
with the people
with the secrets
  so i guess
  you should go on without me
or something among the lines of that
  so i left the building
  the people
  the ideas
  the thoughts
  the speech
far behind
so i guess this is
So this was basically me reacting on how school treats me. I left a month back, yay me. Good luck to those who are still in it
Feb 2017 · 163
allie Feb 2017
sometimes I wonder
    why I can do it
so dress me up,
    my dear man
paint on my smile
    draw my dress
I guess tomorrow won't matter
    if you keep drawing my dress
    if you keep painting my smile

you can cover me
    with your sorrows
I'll soak them up
    with my cloth
so everything goes away
    hopefully I'll make everything
disappear into the cloth I own
    so maybe we can be happy
if I hope and dream hard enough
Feb 2017 · 442
allie Feb 2017
hiding alone the words slur together
the skin that i hold traps me
i guess tomorrow will be a better day
but can i go on
alone alone alone alone i sigh
i dont understand any longer
why am i like this happy then sad then in between
hiding alone the words slur together
Feb 2017 · 261
allie Feb 2017
I scream UGH

What seems to be the matter? Someone asks me.

I turn. Nothing is right! I point to the tables, the chairs, the candles.

But they're just how you ordered them.. The person stammerers.

They're out of order! I scream. The person stares at me.

So am I crazy? Or were they out of order?
Feb 2017 · 163
Call out!
allie Feb 2017
Call out! He says
I say, What do I say?
The man disappears.
I see echos of footprints, I hear the echo of words.
There's nothing left. I sit down on dirt, a tear falling.
Sighing, I turn back. A man runs through the halls.
'We, a great wind, sweeping over us all.' He cries.
I nodded, and join the chant. Soon all of London is screaming the pass of words.
I smile, and turn off into the mist. *My job here is done.
Nov 2016 · 191
Dancing Shapes
allie Nov 2016
I stared.
those white, flying
things that were dancing.
graceful, light
with such sorrow

crying, but no one hears
smiling like nothing is
Nov 2016 · 281
allie Nov 2016
they say "stop"
i say "what"

Profanity is such a strange thing.
They scream its name, but I can't dream of not waking up and muttering,
"oh ****"

"stop it" they scream
"stop what" i scream back, my words hitting their cheeks.

Profanity is such a strange thing.
I mutter to the air, sun, moon
"oh ****"

i guess their scared of the truth behind some words
that mutter themselves over and over.

Profanity is such a strange thing.
Nov 2016 · 230
allie Nov 2016
I smoked the plants
I cut down the trees
Letting life pour through me

Closing my eyes
dropping to the dirt

A owl
it sang a sound

I knew this sound.
i got up, dripping in the sound's voice

See, there?
the owl sits, waiting to let out the song
that saved us.
Nov 2016 · 199
allie Nov 2016
Did it?
May I ask?
Oh, the questions I have.

The shadows faded into corners,
as I pulled the light
towards me.

I hoped, pulling up my scared lip
They didn't notice the hope and light
Supporting me gently

I'm not drowning anymore.
*I'm treading.
Nov 2016 · 196
allie Nov 2016
The thickness of it all
Chocked her.

They asked, How long?
She turned. Indefinitely.
So, her dreams faded to ash.

The smoke grappled for control
As it crawled through her lungs
She fought softly
The smoke retreated
Alone into the darkness of it all

**A unfair fight, so I am guessing.
Nov 2016 · 200
Superficial Love
allie Nov 2016
the old lies
swim up to the surface
fade, but there.

i guess i should push em down.
the love thing got me going crazy.
but i needed to be treated like a **** princess, or a empress.

**the superficial love.
Nov 2016 · 240
allie Nov 2016
we were to blinded by what we had
to notice your mean lies

the dollar signs all around us
i guess, your dreams came true
somehow, you didn't want it
i gave it up

you came alone
no car, no smile
with a dozen roses.
you probably stole 'em
i guess we let go together
as i closed my door.
*leaving you
Nov 2016 · 227
allie Nov 2016
The cracks shine lightly
oh how did the flowers fade to this?
the colours are gone
they're magical, bright, vibrant colours
that dance in the sunlight
they faded
Oh how I hope for them
Oh how they dreamed
to be big and tall and strong and a flying dream
to rescue the little girls and boys from the
life they lived.

*i will plant them again and again and again and forever for the colour to shine.
May 2016 · 176
around and around
allie May 2016
every midnight ends
one and begins another.
repeats endlessly
May 2016 · 188
no need
allie May 2016
with any minute
of any day in our life,
we can start anew
May 2016 · 207
allie May 2016
Look, these poems, they aren't a apology.
They're a way for me to convince myself that you're gone.
And I finally accepted the truth

You never fell in love with me. Not in the slightest.
Well, I can't say the same thing about me

I never fell in love with you
I jumped
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