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Amanda Apr 2014
I wonder what his name is as he sits and drinks his beer.
I wonder how old he is, I think of going near.
I wonder what his dreams are.
I can’t approach, so I just glance.
I wonder if he will notice me, as our eyes meet and begin to dance.
Amanda Nov 2013
My heart pings at memories of you.
Memories like
Cuddling on the couch
Watching tv all day
Taking drives to old neighborhoods to look at old beautiful homes and wonder  
about the people inside and the lives they lived; or at least I did
Memories like
Hugging, kissing, talking, touching, loving, laughing, cursing, living
Memories like
The way you looked at me when we made love
The way you made me feel wanted, needed, and even loved
Memories like being up for days on end, working by day, dancing to the lights at night
We would dance for hours in matching phedoras with the backsplash of stobe lights and mystical laser light creations
We would dance to our shadows even though my heart was full of light then
My heart pains at the memory
of us  
of us being happy
of our laughter in the home we created
of a love eight years strong
of a love that made me feel on top of the world
of a love that grew as our ages climbed
of a love that brought us to mountain tops during every season
of a love that became burdened with the past that kept rearing its ugly head
of a love burdened by feelings that I couldn’t mask anymore
Why is love so hard?
Why can’t it all be sunshine and glimmering stars?
My heart aches over a love that is in my past.
Amanda Nov 2013
You took my soul with your lies
My fault for believing you
You took my love and threw it away
My fault for loving you
You took my dreams and shattered them like broken windows
My fault for dreaming
You took my innocence with your manipulation
Will I ever trust again?
Amanda Nov 2013
Love lost
Hearts broken
Promises forgotten
Dreams shattered
Happiness wanted
Future unknown

Lost life
Broken commitments
Forgotten plans
Shattered trust
Wanted forgetfulness
Unknown fears
Amanda Aug 2013
i sit here waiting
and debating
and contemplating.
What is happening?
I do not even know
what is
and what isn"t.
i sit here thinking
and listening
and tinkering.
I want to sit here smiling
now, that;
that is
something I am trying.
Because we all live lives
and we are all dying.
Amanda Aug 2013
I cannot tell you what I think when I see you.
The main reason being letters cannot arrange the
feelings its something that
needs to be
Amanda Aug 2013
If ever in doubt about which inner voice to listen too, pick the one that resembles the voice of the angel's Wings.
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