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 Oct 2023 Amanda Shelton
the moment a poet
falls in love with you

is the moment
you live

f o r e v e r
There is a gravity to
sadness; it pulls me
downward into a
deep dark well.
I can't climb out.
It's my own private hell.
I pray for levitation.
I jump, only to fall.
I feel forgotten.

I put one foot in
front of the other,
and I will rise.
I move on.
Hope returns like
a long lost friend,
and I find my sanctuary.
I have 2 and a half weeks sober  I went to the hospital and had 2 withdraw seizures.  I fell and hit my head, I got a concussion and a small brain bleed, I am hopeful.
 Aug 2023 Amanda Shelton
Grace E
How often genius is overlooked
Even mocked
Scoffed at
Until it produces something extraordinary
World changing
Then everyone claims they knew all along
Claimed they were always in with the person who was mocked
The person who is a cold, quiet mountain externally
But bursting inside with brilliance
If life gives you lemons
just be thankful it’s not a lime,
and when squeezing it
avoid getting the juice in your eye this time.
Hold close to you
what’s dear to you
while roses still bloom.

Shell ✨🐚
Life is short and can end  anytime. Don’t waste it.
Intent is always blotted
by leaking speech:

words stray from their purpose
like star-bellied clouds

that stumble and fall
into a coffee cup,

burning with morning:
a wet mirror face.

The gutters murmur
with yellow leaf heads,

a branch escapes
from the wood (unwillingly?)

& the morning vaults
over the white creek.

I'm here, I'm here,
the rain is saying -

it stalks me home
after the concert.
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