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 Jun 2019 Gidgette
Pagan Paul
is being in the right place
at the right time,
coinciding with the orbit
of another searching
the aspirations that you to seek.
A connection needs attention,
a compliment, a smile,
an enquiry of mutual interest
that engages instantly.
The abdication of convenient norms,
a shift in behaviour,
adopting a new travel direction.
It requires no discrimination,
but an open welcoming mind,
conjoining parallel convergence,

© Pagan Paul (2018)
I could not sleep
But felt her beneath me
Like a heavy weight or stone
She held my hand
And i was ******
To follow her down below
 Jun 2019 Gidgette
Bob B
In the western highlands of Guatemala
Living conditions are turning sour
As people face adversity,
Day by day, hour by hour.

Climate change is taking a toll
On the lives of many, especially the poor.
When asked why they're fleeing, they say,
"Food doesn't grow here anymore."

The growth of many of their children is stunted;
Children are dying of malnutrition.
The parents want what all people want
Who find themselves in their position:

They want to leave, to find a place
Where their children can survive--
Where life is not an overwhelming
Challenge of trying to stay alive.

They know the journey north is hard;
Some have died along the way.
What are their options? To take a chance?
One thing's certain: they die if they stay.

Our government threatens to cut off aid
Which would only make matters worse.
That will not stop desperate people
From fleeing; it will do the reverse.

Hear the cries from Guatemala.
Don't close your eyes or cover your ears.
A ghostly lament will echo along
The banks of a dried up river of tears.

-by Bob B (6-7-19)

°Based on a report by Nicholas Kristof
 Jun 2019 Gidgette
Today I’m struggling
to find
a potent
of the human
to place in
my poetic
 May 2019 Gidgette
Orion Lesneski
The life of a poet is hard,
People think that they love your work,
But it's not just work,
Its our life.
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