I wear a jacket almost ever day To hide the little bit Of my stomach poking out I notice flat tummies So I cross my arms over mine
I usually put my hair in my face So people won't notice my dorky glasses Sometimes I try to go without them But its hard to see and read things
I wear a lot of makeup As an attempt to hide the imperfections of my face I don't like going without it because I feel people always stare
I know everyone has things They don't like about themselves And you may think differently But if you try and tell me I end up not believing you I think you're just lying to me So I'll feel better about myself
Sometimes I read things that break my heart. Even though I'm over you, I still miss you and wish I could call you mine. Maybe that's my head talking, or maybe it's my heart.
New chapters in life are good but what ***** is I miss the old people.
I'm done with Feeling sorry for me I'm done with Feeling sorry for you I'm done with Hanging around all day And never getting over you I don't need someone Who will hold me in place I need someone Who will let me go Do my own thing But stay by my side And love me through it.