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The differences
among cancer,
plane crashes,
and the noose
add up
to exactly
 Sep 2015 Alif Mohd Fadzly
Death has been waiting long
Death has been patient
But now Death has come
I have become death eater of words
I have become death, destroyer of books
I have become death, Savager of pages
I have become death
neglect at my side
And with no pride
Destroying all that once aided man kind
bringing suffering to all that was written in lines
and hummed in rhymes
and sung in time
knowledge ignored is knowledge consumed in dust
so sit with me and watch the world turn to rust
and they told me ignorance is bliss
Filling me up with thoughts
That don't mean too much
Of anything is just a pastime
Of yours, and honestly I'm a little
Bored of this sad charade.

I'd like to feel something
On my very, very own
Just for once, to see if maybe
I'm not such an android

I want to see my own
Soul laid bare for another
Human, and maybe theirs
Splayed out like wet clothes
On a string blowing in the
Soft summer breeze for

Only me to see.
Maybe* someday we will grow stronger,
Maybe someday we will be brave enough,
to fight those fears that has been trying,
to swallow, and harm us in so many horrific ways,
In these maybe I want to believe,
Though maybe these maybe ain't gonna be real,
At least when time get too tough and hard I know, I have these maybe with me,
which are so much bigger than any hopes
I could build.

maybe someday I will grow stronger,
maybe someday I will be brave,

*....maybe someday things will get better."

— The End —