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 Sep 2014 Alexis Melvin
kj Foster
Time is my treasure,
Thus I count the abundant seconds.

How can I measure
the value of a minute,
by what's contained within it?

Every day you've spent
on something unpleasant,
Who can refund you the moment?

It's only once upon a time,
We can't do it twice,
so THIS minute,
Is Mine.
Something in your eyes
tells me you need me
Please say this is true
 Sep 2014 Alexis Melvin
Home is where
your walls have seen
all the ones you love.

Home is where
you've been hurt,
and the floor was your best friend.

Home is where
cheers of joy filled the halls
on a holiday with champagne.

Home is where
every single square inch of your heart
is mended and safe.

Home is where
I haven't been in quite some time.
How long has it been since home was a constant melody dancing in the air?
 Sep 2014 Alexis Melvin
 Sep 2014 Alexis Melvin
You drown me in sweetness,
a song I cannot get out
You trace my days with glances
and some feelings never told

And when the day is almost through,
the hole in my chest becomes whole
A world full of your beautiful soul
A world full of you

— The End —