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 Jan 2015 Alejandro
This isnt real. This it's all a bad dream. But the only way out isn't as easy as it seems. If I fail I'm stuck here forever and if I don't then another dream will be never.
 Jan 2015 Alejandro
Illusions are both perceptions and deceptions.........
We allow ourselves to believe them escape problems
We wend our way thru a care free day
And consume the .........perfect love
And all that we are capable  of,
Emerged in Fantsy, we create reality,
To insure our denyability and
Preserve our culpability,
In the hopes that the perception
Or deception, avails the....ILLUSIONS.....       JMF 1/7/115
I had tried an asymmetrical version, so I reposted it all symmetrical and Balanced

All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
 Jan 2015 Alejandro
I want to feel
your soft lips pressed tightly
against my kiss
making their way across my cheek,
i want to feel,
you whisper in my ears
i want you
as our desires
admit defeat.

I want to feel
your fingers slowly make their way
down my neck,
and slide up my vest
i want to feel
your hot breath
dancing its way
across every inch
of my chest.

i want to feel
our bodies collide
as you make soft music
out of mine.
i want to feel you
draw pictures
out of the claw marks
along my spine.

I want to feel
your tongue
make its down my stomach
and between my thighs
i want to feel
your fingers slip

I want to feel
you slowly
take your tongue and
those hungry red lips
cradling, caressing,
tasting, savouring
between my
pleading hips,

I want to feel
my palms smashing
into our
as I beg you,
again and again
please baby,
just once

I want to feel
my legs shake,
as you create an
earth quake inside
of me
that'll leave me quivering
for days.

I want our pillows
embedded and engrained
scents, tastes
that put our wildest
fantasies and dreams
to shame.
 Jan 2015 Alejandro
D.H. Lawrence
If I could have put you in my heart,  
If but I could have wrapped you in myself,  
How glad I should have been!  
And now the chart  
Of memory unrolls again to me          
The course of our journey here, before we had to part.  
And oh, that you had never, never been  
Some of your selves, my love, that some  
Of your several faces I had never seen!  
And still they come before me, and they go,        
And I cry aloud in the moments that intervene.  
And oh, my love, as I rock for you to-night,  
And have not any longer any hope  
To heal the suffering, or make requite  
For all your life of asking and despair,          
I own that some of me is dead to-night.
 Jan 2015 Alejandro
The scene replays slowly
Second by second,
I can imagine your struggle
Confusion, anger, hurt

Why me? Why now?
You wonder of your worthlessness
Why every single person

You never understood your
Never taking love
With an open hand

The burden always lay
In my mind
Call me an idiot, over caring human
I still wanted to be there for you


I know someone's given you
The support, the love you've always needed
That was the final key to my puzzle,
Why I could never get over the fact that
I could never again be your *someone
 Jan 2015 Alejandro
If there are ghosts in this place I think they're of me and you
Not of everything we were but of everything we were meant to be
You've always been the girl who's astounded she can't breathe
When she's spent two weeks filling her lungs with water
What a dangerous person to love
But I still remember what it meant for me
To drape my sweatshirt on the back of your desk chair
Light from your tv in the dark shines bright in my mind eye
Even though I've tried so hard to keep it buried under this garden
But how can I expect to be happy picking flowers that make me bleed
And I swear to God if I could face the guillotine to be rid of them I would
But ghosts seem to thrive in the dying fire
 Jan 2015 Alejandro
I sit on this comfortable branch
I have worn grooves into the bark
with talons grasp I have weathered many storms.

There was then a wind blowing in January
that made the limb sway and I worriedly cooed,
I was so sure this storm would pass on, as all the others had,

I loved the home, I perched on;
felt as safe as in a nest,
the winds of change blew;

and I found I must fly again
into the cold winds of change,
I soar again.
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