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 Dec 2015 ahmo
Evelyn Silver
It started gentle and subtle,
a light kiss upon my soul;
euphoria's kiss.

A smile broke,
my blood shimmered,
my heart leaped.

What could this possibility be?
Euphoria's kiss, my dear, is none other's than your own.
 Dec 2015 ahmo
Wealth is Finite
 Dec 2015 ahmo
•not all
of us were born
with the gift of health
•not all were born into a
bassinet  fashioned out of
gold•but all of us here, be-
stowed with a treasure tro-
ve of literary wealth•an e-
ndowment to last a life-
time, that never gets
old•one must
take it
and s-
oar to
er hei-
such  a
boon •
let  the
ness of
our ink
the  em-
ptiest of
nights •
let the p-
ce   in  our
words over-

of the
silver spoon
Concrete Poem 24 of 30

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 Dec 2015 ahmo
 Dec 2015 ahmo
to my longings yore
for a bicycle under the Christmas Tree,
I wandered into the den
and caught mama with him,
a long white beard on his
surprised face, red suit on the chair,
mama's knickers on the floor,
and with much chagrin,
Santa the next day delivered
a new shiny Schwinn!  To me!
 Dec 2015 ahmo
aside me nay inside a vision
this sight  I might realize outright

but i do feel i know this feel of sight I hear
and one day right may i if i write

hold up before the  whole world correctly
with poetic diction proud  unfrightened

by what overtook me, channel
Frost or Whitman or by sure determination

placed a word with emphasis  as the world spins
round my fingers happen to grow more accurate
say it then.
 Dec 2015 ahmo
Sakina Shah Perver
She showed him all her imperfections,
and he greeted them all with a kiss.
He knew all about her flaws,
but still loved her as if they didn't exist.
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