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AFJ Jan 2015
forever expanding.
the stardust, grows like our sentiments..

alone in the middle of the sea of dark matter,
so intimate..

two galaxies.. colliding.
who would ever think the bang would create such wondrous views.?

they always say death comes in 3's...perhaps that means life and its meaning comes in 2's..

see I met her...
& she was my shining Sun..
late night talks about, what we'd name our future son..
before God created this, they say a word was sung.
so I stay singing..

I'm on my Jamie Foxx..blame it on the liquor..
perhaps a sip of this and we might fall a little quicker.
she says shes awfully cautious, thinking I might trick her..
I say, girl, I'm not just here because your prettier and thicker...

I'm here because the universe conspired a marvelous plan,
to allow our paths to cross..
ingenious, how coincidence in actuality is destiny, so at night I turn and toss...

what is to come,?
what will the heavens deliver next...?

me, you and the universe, & my trinity's blessed

AFJ Jan 2015
She's such a visionary,
she pictures art where peasants revel...
had a near death experience, said she even saw hell...
She sees potential in me, despite the times that i fell..
she convinced me to keep throwing pennies in wells..
not because she believes in myths and superstitions...
but because she sees homeless people dig in after all the wishin..
So on a good day, i throw in a few quarters, she sees i care.
But im no hero i just want Ms. Adeline to be aware..

Everything she sees, and envisions she blesses. & Everyone agrees...
So i tell her.
Never take your lovely eyes off the world, please.

She promised me she wouldn't, ever since she saw God.

What makes her see goodness?, what makes her so kind?.....
if only the world knew, Ms. Adeline was born blind.

AFJ Jan 2015
Purchased a new chain,
Just so i could feel liberated, but gold..

Isn't exactly accepted by this God fellow, or so I'm told..

so what is the cost of freedom?

I ask the sages of the block if they would be so kind...
they tell me freedom has no price tag, *** its a state of mind.

& i knew **** well these people of wisdom weren't lyin..
these same folks invented get rich or die tryin..

...& though most of them passed away, the message was heard.
& money cant buy happiness but just believe in the word.

Never settle for less.
don't obsess over chains...
Most have gardens to tend, all we grew was our pains...
& before Ferguson i knew an Officer James..
who shot an unarmed man, leaving permanent stains..

I wanna be.

free from woes.
free from foes.
free from grief.
free from beef.
free to give my momma peace.

free from lust.
free to trust.
free to speak my mind & cuss.

free to dream without boundaries or fear.....
i purchased a new chain yesterday..
Next to the pier.
As i stared into the distance, the sunset seemed to speak.
it said freedom, is also based on the memories you keep.

So i'll always remember that gold chain, cost me a little less than a grand.
but the purchase was worth it, *** i realized freedom & who i am.

AFJ Jan 2015
she says she's excited,
more excited than when she read..

i'm still tryna make a prequel, but the script is in my head,

her beauty was that of natures, sacred & amorous..
such a fine, divine, kind.. couldn't be captured by a camera lens..
&my; sole dream was to lay on that land of bliss..
till her hands grip the sheets &she; pounds them like hammer fists.

her taste.
like a heaven-sent, angel scent wine..
with a hint of forbidden nectar from the fruit of divine..

&sav;; some for dessert may have been the past deal..
but in this prequel, im digging in like its my last meal,

&her; pronunciation of vowels, is elite..
in fact, she invents a new sound whenever i go deep.

deeper than the ocean, our emotions have no depth.
&like; the sea the aftermath made it seem like we had wept*.

AFJ Jan 2015
biggest soul, yet soulless. trapped, & tortured.
no fortune teller can tell of my misfortunes.

no crystal ball, can anticipate my fall.
no known living sage, can fully explain my rage.

by the universe to carry all its burdens,
the real problem of a writer, is simply his observance..

empathetic, to a fault. insightful,& bad verbally..
since every word jotted holds permanence, & eternity..

an obsessed pamphleteer,
philosophical, & weird.
and no that lone poet, hadn't ever shed a tear,
but routine, nightmares would persevere.
what a year,
truthfully most of it, i was hardly here,
Momma said come back, but it was hard to hear.

only those, who share my emotional connect,
understand, the universe& all of its intent.

whats the story behind the curse,?
an innate gift, given to a few chosen upon birth.

willing to beautifully articulate, a disharmony..
∈ the same breathe smile at the woes.
too many, muffled screams of tortured, soulless writers..
who have the biggest souls..

"The true alchemists do not change lead into gold,
they change the world into words"  
-William H. Gass
AFJ Dec 2014
listen nick,

you've been at it for such a long time i often wonder,
do you ever need a break?..
Such a long endeavor, are you even sure its safe, this journey you undertake?..

I mean, no days off, and who knows if the sleigh is fixed,
Because i remember it broke one year back  in'96,

And what about Rudolph? that nose of his wont shine forever in that fog..
& your always stuck in that **** office of yours, didn't the doctor advise you, you should jog?.

Besides, lets be honest..
you kind of sold out. The corporations probably own your igloo and your factory..
&all; that **** gas you yearly require, is probably just another added tax to me...

Its been noted, your intent started off kind,

But the poor, get no gifts while your sponsors drink wine..

The message was shifted,
by a rich greedy ******* thinking hes gifted..
Who's children you deliver presents too, & the wife turns out forgettable because of a mistress..
That's the message of Christmas?
Shoppers speeding past skidrow to purchase a wishlist?

Probably label me Grinch,&
Change my pigment to green.

Post it on Instagram, & have all the teens make a meme.

Well Nick, maybe it isn't your fault.
maybe your trapped in the system like the rest of us are.

pardon me, i just know what these holidays do.
perhaps Santa's waiting on the 1st and the 15th too.

AFJ Dec 2014
born poverty stricken, 
she lay her head on no mattress..
still she sung along to mary j. blige, like religious practice..

Stronger with each tear was the motto,
&so; she shed..
Because its hard to have dreams when you don't have a bed..

Its hard to have food for thought when you cant afford bread.
& the local Goodwill is dead..

Her speech was absurdly intact, & well spoken.
you would assume a girl trapped like that, wouldn't be open,
Just 14, she showed potential of a graduate, beyond bachelors.
&& in our city record deals are the only time we owned Masters.

beneath those hazel eyes. there lies an old soul,
by her surroundings her future was a pole. 
in her approach, how she stripped away the cold.
now dances in the daisies, dodging Hades, never sold.

&this; is no figment of imagination,
how her eyes hazel pigment, 
had the power to judge a nation.

Because she woke up daily, prepared as **** for that math test..
Though she was born poverty stricken, lay her head on no mattress..

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