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Adrian Ware Dec 2017
Are your eyes open
Cause I was hoping that we could dream forever
Not of stars but of each other
And bring our focus to another level
To something that is way greater than our looks
Because to me you are like book
So I want to memorize every part of ya
From the smile that you hold
To the imperfect place that is your soul
©Adrian Ware
Adrian Ware Oct 2024
Would you believe if I said, I have already met you
Mentally undressed you
And pick up the aroma of your perfume
Carried you across the broom
You were already my groom
See I envisioned you
Guys have dreams too
We go on imaginary missions about saving our boo
The love and fight is hard
But is so worth it
Remember that if a man ever seems like he is taking rejection hard
It's probably because
He has already mentally undressed you
He envisioned jumping the broom, the honeymoon
He has a idea of perfection
He just happen to have found it in your direction
This is a guy's dream
A guys first initial thought to the moon
Adrian Ware Mar 2018
Listening to the thoughts that roam
Words that leaves one making progress
As one that stress about having less
The other that has more lends a ear
For though you seem to have less
You are happy
The rest is temporary
The luxurious car says things like
Don't search deep inside of me
For there is nothing there
Most won't lend a ear
© Adrian Ware
Happiness is not found in material wealth
Adrian Ware Jul 2024
Time is in the air
I fear the unknown
I've grown to be content with being alone
To love means to trust
Is it not lust, that lies in your eyes
I am lost between the heart and the mind
back breaking, soul shaking, earthquak -ing feelings that touch
I need a nudge, for I refuse to budge
In my never ending search for this thing called love
It has been a while but I'm slowly trying to make my way back to writing.
Adrian Ware Jul 2024
The constant need for admiration
The draining need to make conversation
The constant trying to tear others down
Because your inner peace remains un- found
Entertainment is a mire distraction, masking
How could one's emotions be all over the place
Going *** for tat with backhanded compliments
Hoping to get a rise, so your emotions are justified
Are you not entertained
The Whoo it's me
Once upon time, I was young
Lost in my own imagination
Not realizing that I was as young as I would ever be
See when we are in our twenties
Life is full of hopes and dreams
Time is in abundance
And our risk meter is at a all time high
I shall be a millionaire
No one could tell us that these thought were a lie
Since we are told to shoot for the sky
Now at 30 successful in my own right
I am no closer to being a millionaire than I was five years ago
Although at times it feels like it
Our success is merely a state of mind
Adrian Ware Oct 2017
Love is like america and america is like science
And the reason I compare all three of those together
Is because all of them are the same in one way
For example science is never wrong
Because they always change the facts
Love is basically the same
It's just a little different from that
Except for love doesn't change the facts
Instead it just changes the person
And America changes the rules and laws that we live by
Changes only complicate things
But you can change almost anything
Except for love
Because if you change the meaning of love
Than you would have changed everything
Because love is so confusing that
People often misuse it
It's so complicated that most people hate it
Some people are even afraid of it
Scientist can't even figure out
Why it's so twisted it
That's why they don't study
®Adrian Ware
A really old poem that I wrote
Adrian Ware Nov 2017
My body works like a computer
If I feels that you are something like a virus
I will push you away
Because my heart is like a hard drive
It won't let you do any harm to me
And I compare myself to a computer
Because a computer is smart
And their hard drive is similar to a heart
I tend to push people away
Which is why there aren't that many people close to me
It's something that came naturally
So if  I push you away
Don't take it personally
I'm just being like a computer
I'm trying to protect me
©Adrian Ware
Adrian Ware Nov 2017
You can always crash but your never a post to burn
Because if you just crash then you escape with cuts and bruises
The whole purpose is for you to make it through this
Take your scratches and consider it a lesson learned
Whatever you do
Do not burn
Become a tank in disguise
Cause they crash all the time
But their momentum never dies
This is what your spirit should look like
Don't let your life crashes turn your spirit into ashes
For if you crash get back up and go back at it
©Adrian Ware
Adrian Ware Oct 2017
Trying to push pass all the obstacles that stands in the way
But most of us fall prey to the name that is defeat
For even though we reach anticipating the relief of stress
The elusiveness of our problems
Makes it hard to solve them
So I ask
What can you do when fatigue hits you
With defeat is in your view
You can either fall down and not get back up
Or you can wait for the right moment to build up
®Adrian Ware
One of my older poems
Adrian Ware Mar 5
Everything has a shelf life
Everything comes to a end
Friendships, relationships, guardianships
All the ships shall sail
And once they do, you are merely left with memories
We often try to relive them
but life isn't meant to repeat itself
At least not within the same person's lifespan
We must learn to live in the present, cherish every second
Seeing how we can't predict or control the future
We know that one thing remains certain
One life-time is enough if lived with adventure
Life is no exception, it to comes to an end
The best we can do is make amends with all decisions
Adrian Ware Nov 2017
I apologize on behalf of my gender
For they know not what they do
Some of them don't have a clue that they are hurting you
They are just individuals who never developed a real mans mind
So they use slander as a defense
In a attempt to try and hide their true feelings
But part of it comes from the environment they lived in
And I'm not trying to make excuses
The line has been drew
Good men have been separated from bad men
And it's up to you to choose
©Adrian Ware
Adrian Ware Dec 2024
Through out the test of time
I have felt lost
My mind wonders constantly
Is it me or them
Is the process suppose to take so long
Am I meant to be self-reliant
Am I design to be alone
I am happy in my endless racing thoughts
It makes for a exciting day
The way I think about everything night and day
I  am never afraid but wonder everyday
There must be more to explore
Perhaps I am missing the interactions
Or maybe I shouldn't try peopling
Peeping in to escape introversion
One word at a time, losing energy with each passing second as my mouth flip flops
As my social battery drops
I retreat to my enclosed space
To live to socialize another day
Adrian Ware Oct 2017
Going in circles looking so confused
Not knowing which route should be used
For stepping in the wrong direction can activate the charge
Therefore creating a shortage in the fuse
The field is covered with mines
This all done by design
Explosions can take place everyday
Which is a indication that
You are living your life the wrong way
Grenades are thrown from above
Landing near the things that you assume that you love
But every pathway has it's own quicksand
You just have to chose
The one that leaves you slowly sinking
®Adrian Ware
This is one of my older poems
Adrian Ware Jan 2018
Could you picture yourself walking up to the sound of gunshots that's  ringing out worldwide
Or seeing a little a boy holding a gun in the parking lot
Standing over another lifeless young boy
Telling him he just has been sparked with hot
I know it sounds drastic
But this is what it has come to
Our streets have became a battlefield
Making you a target if you walk through
As you watch your surroundings
You'll see little kids changing before you
Kids as young as age ten are pulling triggers on human figures
So I ask
Why so violent
Do we possess the power
To turn even the smallest person extremely violent
©Adrian Ware
Let's stop the madness
Adrian Ware Jul 2024
Fear not the angel
Time stands still in the presence of a rainbow
The beauty that lies inside the colors of skittles
for one is in search of peace
when comic relief is not in the distance
One must create a figment
With a *** of gold that's birthing a rainbow
No! We're not speaking LBGTQ
But the natural happiness that should be inside of you
Your soul should be on fire and not from hell
But from the sunlight that makes your mood prevail
Think happiness
Adrian Ware Jan 2018
I died in a mist and disappeared in the fog
When my spirit left the earth
My body was ripped apart by vicious dogs
I haunted the earth until I seen a chance
To dive into someones flesh
So that I could live again
I awoke in a body that was so different
I died but came back as a poet
Due to reincarnation
How could my spirit be the same when everything else has changed
I guess reincarnation is something you really can't explain
For this is not my blood that I shed
This body means no more to than
a hotel room that gets rented out weekly
Which means this form is only temporary
Because in actuality
you only get one chance
Even if you get reincarnated
You still ain't living the life that you were once living
©Adrian Ware
Adrian Ware Aug 2015
Saying goodbye is something we dread which is what my grandfather said when I was a child about to leave their house for the afternoon
I said goodbye but he said I'll see you soon
Because the word that I used in his own words was said far to soon
He said goodbye means that we won't see each other again
So every since then I have came up with different ways to say that I'm leaving
Like I see you soon or I'll get back to you in a few or maybe we will cross one paths when the sky turns back to the color light blue
Because goodbye is a word that's used when you have a casket in your view
It should not be referred to as way to depart on a day to day basis
It's a word that's used when have disappearing faces
Adrian Ware May 2017
In the making of something incredible
For you are polished stone, that has been created
But are not representing the purpose that you were meant to serve
Tools are needed to complete the details
In which you will be put to work
And taken off the list that says reserved
With a hammer in one hand, and a nail in the other
The sculpting shall begin
For every chipped piece starts a journey that possibly won't end
But will continue on long after you're gone
For a legacy will be built
As the nail and the hammer will be passed on
For others to sculpt and have their dreams fulfilled
©Words of the Wise Poetry
Words like love
Let me touch your warm skin
Your hands filled with lines
They tell stories
To God goes the glory
We are familiar with stranger things
Adrian Ware Aug 2015
I am left yearning for her
For when she is not in my presence
Time passes by and I'm just left counting the seconds
And they drag on like years
So when a hour passes by I try to picture her being there
I yearn for her unprovoked protest
The words in which she speaks just to start a argument
My belove I enjoy your idea of torment
Because the sound of your voice makes everything more interesting
I yearn for her lips, her hips, and the feeling of her soft fingertips
Every single feature leaves me stumbling over my own words
Which is why I desire her
So yes when she is not next to me
I yearn for her
Every second, every hour weather asleep
My mind travels, seeing as the future unravels
I only want to carry her
As I wait for this once in a life time marriage to occur

— The End —