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Adam Childs Jan 2016
I am long an elegant slender queen with
my beautiful pebble ash marble skin.  
And as we rest on the ground lightly
I hold it softly rising like cream and
the finest queen.
As I rise, our eyes become locked welded
together by light we become one.
Together we both look into the world
and into each other.
And I tell you this when this happens I
can be your teacher but I can also be your

For I am the Cobra often here as a maintainer as I
rise a thousand soldiers stand to attention.
Cogs are oiled all forgotten becomes remembered
as all souls remember their purpose.
For I am the eyes of GOD.
As I appear all disharmony lifts like an early
morning mist as all slots into place.
All shepherds find their lost sheep and all
the world strays quickly hurry
Attracted to me you maybe but some how
you find you are frozen.  
I may not be your lover but I can protect the
lily flower from which your
love can grow from.

Follow me and you may sometimes not
know if I am GOD or the Devil as all I
can promise is that you will grow.
As it sometimes takes a snake to catch
a snake I can be your hired hand your
mercenary, snake my favorite meal.
For giant economic models, political systems
will all fall as I can land an elephant
if I have to.
So be careful what you stand on because I
rise out nothing to six foot tall.  
And you will have a choice do I become
your antidote or your poison.

The world will give the childish game of
winning and loosing and I give you the
maturity transcending and evolving.
Wrapped and curled on the earth I will
show you how deeper is much higher.
As we let go of the old I will show you
how to find the antidote by diving deeply
into my poison.
A controllers nightmare as I change myself
completely 4 times a year think you have got me
or is it just a mouthful of old skin as you
are so so yesterday.
Maybe cause a revolution help create some
progress teach the working class to rise
like a King Cobra's.

I will take you to the next plane as we
forget the past like an old skin.
As I transport you through space and time
like Doctor who in his Tardis
But move into disorder and you may feel
the striking force of Kali and Shiva

I can take you out of your revolving door
of life and death you are stuck in
and take you onto the
highway up to heaven.
Stick with me and you will ride on the arrow
head of evolution.  
So let my energies flow like a spiraling tornado
and we can move to the next level.

Whether King or Queen there is so much
to learn from the
Beautiful  COBRA
This is my second attempt I chopped my last one down an added I think this is closer to what i was trying to create.
Adam Childs Dec 2015
I effortless pass through water
like gliding through a silky air.
And as you all sail through life
you all sparkle with the idea
of being near.
As I am ultimate wisdom that
comes in the form of joy and play.
As the decks are silent splashes of
water all over your faces.
Then suddenly you all cry,
A tingly excitement every where
as though walking on a bubbly

Everyone congregating at the
side of the boat hoping to catch
a bit of magic.
Gasps and shrills as bounce and
burst out of the water along side
your boat.
People stretching reaching as I offer
a new hope the light of GOD.
And when they return to the shore the
story of the Dolphins like church bells
ringing travels through the town.
As everyone longs for Holy spirit they
are eager to hear the story.
As they learn about the Dolphin
that came to there town they want to
know who actually touched it.

I am the spirit that visits the holy as
I love those who are full but also
I come to those brought to the edge
who stared down the cliff  
but did not jump, as they chose life.
And to those who's world said no with
all doors closed because only they can
I come to those who have lost all will because
only those let me carry them.
I come to those who are broken
as only they can be molded  
I bring you many colours and inspiration
sometimes I will make you dance and
sometimes sing.
I am the Pentacost,  holy Ghost and your
Jesus Christs holy spirit.

Sometimes when you swim softly through
sweet watery emotion you will hear us talking.
When you think all is lost
you find yourself praying
even though you think no one is there
I will be listening.
Feel like you are drowning grab my
dorsal fin and I will give you a lift
even make you laugh, make it fun
even exciting.
Lost at sea sharks prowling I will circle you
as I will even fend of death for as I can
also heal you.  

Some will pen me in keep me in a
small tank tech me a childish trick
and manipulate.
But only those bigger than pools
more like the sea will know I have
greater tricks to teach.
As only those without plan and expectation
can ever swim with me.
As I will guide you on your hearts
adventure into the free.  

We will always love and seek to guide
you as we look for you in the sea and
gather around you in the bay.
We will teach you how to channel to
have an open mind to breath spirit
through your head.
And I will teach you how to be both
the radio and the wave.
How to be father Christmas, the chimney
and the presents underneath the tree.
So if you are needing help please
look over hear we are listening.
let yourself be empty and we will guide you.

There is so much to learn from communicating
and swimming with the Gods spirit, the Dolphin.
So let us connect with God heaven and the Dolphin
And be grateful for all her LOVE.
Adam Childs Dec 2015
Sometimes the nights never end
Like an unrelenting storm they keeps pouring
As unforgiving black holes never find their bottom

As every drop of hope finds itself
absorbed into the deepest darkest ocean
As no one can escape reality no more than gravity

And when everyone's positive thought
optimistic sentiment becomes nothing
empty words on a sinking float

As you find that promises they made
were never really promises, after
which you are told, life just goes on.

And as one sinks a little deeper into
darkness surrounded by the Devils cloak
preparing his jaws for his final bit.

A little flicker from a little heart as fragile
as a candle in the storm, but as
as a tenacious  Ox or Elephant.

Says why don't we make darkness our home
As we learn the beauty of becoming forgotten
driftwood floating in the ocean.

So that is what I did I simply
made darkness my home.
Adam Childs Nov 2015
Picking up the pieces
Now the storm has gone
Possessed I was by
A wild hurricane

As mighty winds blew fast
Broken windows, door and glass
As I now live in the debris
Of my mistaken past

Where my self destruction
Was my, favorite past time
And my stupidity was
A partner in crime

Cursed I was by my
Own devils scorn
As fire grew I burnt
Both my body and soul

But now I see in all
The scattered mess
Like a photo album
All my rich past

As I clear the ruins
Of  my broken parts
And brick by brick
I begin to rebuild

Repairing broken windows
I  let a new light in
And when sweeping the floors
I see the reflection an old self  

And I thank God it is
Time for me to rest
As all the angry fuel has
Gone from my empty chest
Adam Childs Nov 2015
I am the beautiful brown bear almost
golden, I wonder richly in contentment
around my mountain.
Like a monk I have humbleness and
touch my inner boundaries softly like
head snuggling a cushion.
I hold around me almost gingerly
the perfect blanket as I know the
importance of comfort.
I am the forever revolving river of time I
the the body of Vilvaldi's four seasons.
As I role cycle within cycle cog within cog
push against me you push against the
whole of nature.

I am not a strong soul but a weak as
I peep shyly through tiny eye holes
of my body.
You may know I am the master of cosy
cuddles and sleep for there is a reason you
give teddies to your children.
But cross the boundaries of my body and
you will find me as ferocious as a Lion
As you do not disturb me when sleeping
as you would not wake a volcanic mountain.
I am the deepest darkest cave as *** and
survival live some where on the outside.
Place your weapons by the door as all
defences are discarded as you drop
into this black silky bed.

I am a tiny mouse living in a great castle
a little pea rattling around a giant body.
I am a feather caught by the mighty wind
a drop of water in the oceanic sea as my body
always over powers me.
I surrender meekly one tiny white flag in front
of a huge ragging army.  
It is as though the night had a hand and with a
flick of a switch I am turned swiftly off.
While a heavenly goddess rolls sweetly into my

I am the servant of my body who in turn is
the pupil of the mountain the assistant of
mother nature ruled by almighty God .
Las tin line I have humility as I know obeying
my body is also obeying God.
So I maybe last into the world but I am also first
into heaven.
As I show tender love for my body with my
observance she responds with her sensory
We love and closeness to my body I receive
the perfect partnership

And when spring time comes my body palpates
and draws me forward itself dragged by a nose
ring the smell of salmon.
And when the body decides to attach I am in the back
carriage as wild horse gallop forward.
As I sometimes find I water ski through the summer
off my bodies collossal energy.
I love natures four seasons as on the dance floor I spiral
with my partner.
As we rush with excitement into spring and gently let go
into Autumn, like a pebble dropping down a well into the
winter fall.

I am a creature so intimate with nature my soul
can sometimes not tell the difference between
me and the mountain.

There is so much to learn from the beautiful bear
who lives gently with nature like a blanket and
sheet they lie perfectly together.
Adam Childs Nov 2015
How I crave and long
For my heart to return
As it lifted blue sky's
Even rains and made
All the birds sing
Painted the grass green
And spread colour over
flowers over everything

How I pray for you
to hurry home as I have
a cuppa here waiting
For where I used to feast
I now live on bread crumb

For my eyes would barely
touch the sea and you
would fill and over flow me
But now I drop a stone in
the hollows of my soul
I barely here an echo
as it hits the bottom
As I now stir an  
empty bowl as I fall
into a bottomless well

How I crave for my heart to return
sweeter than any maiden
Just experimenting I don't usually write like this
Adam Childs Nov 2015
We rest deeply within our cote laying
the fields of quiet and peace.
The silence that lives underneath
an opera singers voice.
In our stillness we float up with
a sweetness of the finest essence
After the storm Noah sends us out
to fulfill a dream to find the
promise land.
As we search all direction we
carry no frustration as our
paths are completely open.

Our love has a steely aggressive
streak cutting through any
emotional obstacle.With a light
but forceful peck we find all
our boundaries broken.
As we slide through every challenge
like a train running through a
Hidden behind an invisible wall
we find our isolated heart feeling
But with our beak a few light taps  
and a wave like  wand we find all
our spell are broken.  

As the little self guards all his
inner wealth, but another voice
singing , " start sharing" as all
casts are now broken.
On the edge a little chick looking
down staring and just standing with
a little voice saying don't let go
keep on holding.  
But a higher force with a heavy boot
just shoves us off, while screaming,
search for something higher.
So a little bird starts tumbling with desperate
little wings that feverishly flapping red face

But caught in the unexpected currents of life
winds push us lower.
Then though all of a sudden like an orchestra
that has just found its conductor or a singer
finding her voice we start flying.
Defenceless little birds I find ourselves powerless
to the forces from above as we are caught but
not in a cage
but in LOVE.
My wings out stretching my heart opening I
find my tiny self racing like a rocket into
an infinite space.
With my love inside my breast you will feel
the tickles of feathers inside your chest.

Fumbling and bumbling chest filled
with love we find no room inside
our home.
With chicks bursting we find our heart
full of explosion. The endless love of a dove
letting go into freedom rising steaming
just keeps on evaporating.
With this incredible task a little birds cover
the world, keep streaming from a magicians hat
they keep on appearing.
As we sink into feathery arms we are delicately
warmed and like a radiator we start glowing.
Love is the hope that hangs in the air
like the star of David.
So when you snuggle into
the love of a dove you will find
yourself anchored at the bottom
of the sea but also high in
the sky above.
So let us travel in the wings
of a doves love
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