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Adam Childs Oct 2015
There was a little
sixteen year old boy
who had a little insecurity
So decided it best
to just go and run away

So he went on to make
and lose a fortune
travelled the world
went to thailand
pulled a violist in Chicago
Got some jobs and
a carrier too
And got drunk again
and again
And again
Learnt to meditate
found a Indian Guru
Worshipped Jesus
even slipped in a drug or two
before he bought a house
And got a degree

  Then one day it took just
   a teenage girl or two
In a field in Hampshire
To show him
That he in twenty years
he had gone no where
Was right where he first started

That he was
still that little sixteen
year old boy
who could not look
naked in the mirror

because he could not like
what he was seeing...  

Now that boy inside of me
realizes there is no magic wand
no one to save him
and a thousand shields
won't protect him from
who he really is.

But i do someday hope
that i can raise my chin
to look in the mirror
without my stomach turning,
curdling and my mind holding
back my crying...
Adam Childs Oct 2015
I am long an elegant slender queen with
my beautiful pebble ash marble skin.  
And as we rest on the ground lightly
I hold it softly rising like cream and
the finest queen.
As I rise, our eyes become locked welded
together by light we become one.
Together we both look into the world
and into each other.
And I tell you this when this happens I
can be your teacher but I can also be your

For I am the Cobra often here as a maintainer as I
rise a thousand soldiers stand to attention.
Cogs are oiled all forgotten becomes remembered
as all souls remember their purpose.
For I am the eyes of GOD.
As I appear all disharmony lifts like an early
morning mist as all slots into place.
All shepherds find their lost sheep and all
the world strays quickly hurry
Attracted to me you maybe but some how
you find you are frozen.   
I may not be your lover but I can protect the
lily flower from which your
love can grow from.

Follow me and you may sometimes not
know if I am GOD or the Devil as all I
can promise is that you will grow.
As it sometimes takes a snake to catch
a snake I can be your hired hand your
mercenary, snake my favorite meal.
For giant economic models, political systems
will all fall as I can land an elephant
if I have to.
So be careful what you stand on because I
rise out nothing to six foot tall.  
And you will have a choice do I become
your antidote or your poison.

The world will give the childish game of
winning and loosing and I give you the
maturity transcending and evolving.
Wrapped and curled on the earth I will
show you how deeper is much higher.
As we let go of the old I will show you
how to find the antidote by diving deeply
into my poison.
A controllers nightmare as I change myself
completely 4 times a year think you have got me
or is it just a mouthful of old skin as you
are so so yesterday.
Maybe cause a revolution help create some
progress teach the working class to rise
like a King Cobra's.

I will take you to the next plane as we
forget the past like an old skin.
As I transport you through space and time
like Doctor who in his Tardis
But move into disorder and you may feel
the striking force of Kali and Shiva

I can take you out of your revolving door
of life and death you are stuck in
and take you onto the
highway up to heaven.
Stick with me and you will ride on the arrow
head of evolution.  
So let my energies flow like a spiraling tornado
and we can move to the next level.

Whether King or Queen there is so much
to learn from the
Beautiful  COBRA
Best read completely before judging
. . . . . . . . . .  Silent
   ­                 in . . .


       ­             on a mountain top

          ­          into my ways

      ­              caustic

                 ­   of hollow victories

  ­                  vapid

        ­            Sun's
                    Bl­ack hole

                    Massive attack of Heart
Adam Childs Sep 2015
I am Lion dressed as lamb
A King wearing a woolly coat
As my eyes turn red with
an increasing heart beat
and the heat of the sun
I know I have to run
While weaker men may
cry and weep in the battle
field they pray.
My laughter like armour
ripped from dead bodies
clatters through their soul.
And amongst all the waste
sliding down the valley they
hear my voice echo as they
know they have met the
Press me and you may find
an almost pessimistic mind
but only because i build a
house with stone.

A thousand  times I offer my love
a thousand times the world says no.
A thousand times I search for God
and only find a silence, a nothing.
A thousand times I seek my fortune
and only find fools gold.
My mind my 2 inch thick skull beaten
and folded, layered and layered fire
welded like the finest sword.
Strengthened with the forces of
fire and water, sharpened and
grounded by the trials of life.
For there is no need for fantasy
walk on water fairy tale land
with my battle hardened mind.

And the devil you are all so
frightened of he is mine and
I love him.
As I am here to free your mind
so let it be pessimistic critical
unleash your dragon.
For unlike all your GURU'S
I say the battle is not inside
but on the outside.
I never get lost or disappear
into  the black hole of my
mind but hold the blackness
up in the face of darkness.

All the No's of my mind become
my spear my shield.
Standing square all the world
fears my sword.
A hardened head a shield i carry
in front of me. with an unleashed
love I am pulled forward.
As a million soldiers stamp their
feet inside my head.
With spiraling forces expressing
curling themselves onward.
As I drill out new spaces
in new places.
  As I am swept up by the cogs
of space and time I get a glimpse
of GODS passion.
Completely protected I smash  
and smash myself forward as
I am like a planet sling shot

Though my mind may feel closed
my heart is always open.
Riding on an expanding natural
force I know myself to be much
As you cannot contain the power
of my yes anymore than an
exploding universe.
As God says no amount of no's
stopped me making all of you.
By being hear I know I have
already won.
As I have been bursting out of
sun spots, super nova's stars
ever since time began.

Much can be learn't from the RAM
with his soft heart and hard mind.
Adam Childs Sep 2015
Godless men wearing back
sit within blistering sun.
As they carrying their sacred book
soaked in an evil not from any GOD.  
And they some how get
**** **** ****
**** for God.
As they ironically tell the
world that it is

Come and join us
or be buried alive.
Yes come and join us
Let us brutalize and castrate
your daughter your child.
And give your son a gun while
we go cut of some heads.
As we rip out your heart
with blood and violence.
And ask you to spit on all
love and humanity.
As you stand within your shaking bodies
you look into the eyes of your
wife and only see terror in
her heart.
You know that you must

Thousands of you are swept
like the dirt into the sea.
Mothers and Fathers crying as
children are lost and drowning.
Someones baby washed up like
drift wood or a log.
Cut all with razor wire
climbing caged out fences.
As a heart cry's I only want a
new family home I will polish
your shoes wash all your loos.
Please they scream we are only
Sorry I don't think anyone
is listening.  

Westerners wake up lounging
on their sofa belly's spilling
over their trouser.
Stomachs extended inflated
from just a little to much
extra seconds.
Looking on disconnected
at those who traveled risked
their lives even walked
a thousand miles.
And some how spill out with
their lager down their cheek
thieves  ****** and
lazy freeloaders.

And those who succeed to
find a new home some how
elegantly find a dignity
in being unwanted.
And those who failed their
perilous path trust in God
has left them homeless
As they find the west
also Godless.
As we with a cool glare tell
them go back to your guns
bombs your not welcome
Stone face matter of fact
immigration explained
take your children back.
As we try to through them
back like babies into a dog
or snake pit.
for this frosty reception
and cloudy perception
I hold out hope for a
better conclusion.
Adam Childs Sep 2015
I am the soft silent sight
nestled in a tree gently
holding hands with emotion.
Together like lovers we intimately
sit with an invisible touch.
Our eyes penetrating darkness
we govern like a loving mother
or angelic force like Mother Teresa.
A shiny moon polishing  
a silvery heart cooled
by a vast ocean.
I always fly quietly as I bring
a gentleness into darkness.
Tucking the night up with
the softest quilt, through a pane
of glass in a near by wood you
hear me calling.

I give a rod of stability eternal sight
seen it all before will see it again.
As we hang softly like the moon
in the sky or an Owl in the tree.
I lift people through their night
I carry them with my sight a
tractor beam of light.
As you feel my presence like a
million hands that softly
All holding torches you are
lite like a child who's mother
has come back.
Scooping you up your
darkness falls on
entering my Owls sight.

I am the light that always
surrounds the night .
I am the ever expanding vision
the tide that never turns but
just keeps on rising.
I grow with a bursting force
of an ever expanding universe
as I stretch my eyes they keep
on reaching.  
I am the ancient eye placed high
above always unstirred but
filled with feeling.
Like the white of an eye surrounding
a pupil I am the army who circles
around the darkness.

I am the reflection of the velvet
moon sitting on the ocean
threading itself throughout
your being.
Those caught within my sight
will feel a thousand tiny bubbles
of bright light.
Gandolf the white explores
your caves holding his
wisdom stick and lantern.
Unlocking your hidden emotion
giving you magic fighting
of your demon.
I will conquer hell fire with
a gentle trickle finding my path
like a mountain stream passing.
But when I open my heart my wings
the devil will shudder because I hold a
power like the pacific ocean.

So much protection we can find
at night within the Owls sight.
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