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Adam Childs Mar 2014
The sweet scarlet lady
Condemned by the collective
Piously cursed by all
As they revel in their
contemptuous scorn
As a cocktail of lust and hate
Is dealt to her by many
With a heart crushing arrogance
In this dark hidden world
The spite of the respectable
Is poured over her with a disregard
That burns like a molten lead
While on Saturday roses are pruned
And front doors are painted
She collects the angst
And disappointments of lost youth
Of the sleepy bitter soul
As she becomes a giant dustbin
For this world

What great resilience
What amazing strength
As her ****** center dissolves
All the unhappiness of this world
As she is a hidden angel
Defiled by the world she absorbs all
For she is painted with the projections
Of the worlds forbidden fruit
But she is the rose tinted lady
Dreaming of greater times
A coffee in st Peterburgs square
Oh what a brave dare
filling her sisters needs
With all these gracious deeds

Living in this thankless world
She is the rescuer of many men
Used and abused by
The emotionally inept
She remains centered
In a hidden dignity
Only known by her
As she gives and gives
Many faces made and portrayed
As she gives herself up
She becomes a plasticine
For the childish souls to play
As she lives in a surrender
That no monk would ever know
Her surrender so complete
she disappears into her center
A holiness the devils mock
And all the angels and Jesus flock
Her submission to nature carrying
A purity that says yes to life
In the back drop of this world
The Lord can only find a relief

If we find the surface of a ******* *****
It is only because we project
The dirt of our own soul
As we defile their outside with our inside
As they are truly hidden angels
Sent to clean this world
Adam Childs Mar 2014
As the song of Scotland
starts to sing
All sounds of fear muffled
By our resonating hearts
For she is the silver stream
The babbling brook
There is no need
For a crook
As we sink in
The silver stream

We do not question
The English heart
For she loves
Our very own flower
But while clasping and
Gripping our thistle
So very tightly
She remains so confused
By the prickles of
Angst and hate
When our open hands
Remain without a blemish
As we do not hold your
Precious Rose

As it is the open hand
That offers the way
And the integrity of nations
Is like the purity
Of a precious stone
As we delve into
Ruby and sapphire
We see ourselves clearly
Letting the other shine
We realize all boundaries
Are never the separations
Of men but gate ways to love
So breathing Scottish being
We all start seeing
Our great lady love
As we are high above
Flying like a dove

When deciding our future path
Seek within our Scottish being
And you will find she holds us tight
As we live in Scottish being
Foundations built in the eternal
We float freely together
Another poem for the cause of Scottish Independence
Adam Childs Mar 2014
For he was a young soldier
Who loved his Germany
With all his honest heart
Like a son and a Father
They belonged together
As he sank into his trench
On the north side
He was aware of a tide
And had no one to confide
For each each day he battled
Against all rumor
There was no where to hide
As he felt trapped inside
And had no one on his side
As what were quiet whispers
A fluttering humming bird
Were now great big Rhino's
All angry and stampeding
Into the forefront of his mind
Whats happening to the Jews
And were did Alwin go
Were did he go
And why did I blank him
The week before he went
For I am lost and confused
As Germany has sewn
Razors around my heart

What had he done
Where had he gone
As his heart ached
With an almost ancient hollowness
That echoed over his battle field
His eyes all embedded
Became a blood reded
Two hot ball bearings
Carving with a burning envy
Into the enemy lines
As pierced through the sky
He said to himself
At least their gallant fight
Is in the just cause of right
And he picked up his rifle
Like a fire breathing dragon
He roared lead every where
As he drank up death
Like a tonic it quenched
The fiery hatred in is heart
A hot lava that dripped with venom
As his blindly sprayed his gun fire
For he was truly lost
And ran like a headless chicken
Into the arm of battle
As he sort peace down the
Canons of a Russian tank

How he loved his German uniform
A beautiful rich blue
With shiny new boots
As I paint over my regrets
For I have covered my rusty imperfection
In a gold plated uniform
I wear my thin skin of righteousness
So that I may point
To the naked imperfection of others
I live within the narrow trench of my own pride
As there is fear on every side
As I call upon all my regrets
As it is time to retreat
Into the hands of my imperfection
For I stand naked in the sun
My ego no where to hide
For I will not pick a side
As it is time to let go of pride

Regret is the Axe
that chops down my pride
The splinter that wakes my soul
To its duties in this world
Regret exposes the Viper
That hides in the jungle of pride
The pointing finger
Is a sleeping soul
Resting within its own pride
Pride draws you into the
Narrow trench of war
While regret is the angel
That offers you peace
In the tranquil space of
Your own imperfection
That brings you new hope
Made up in heaven
That we can call on
To save us from our own imperfection
That one day we are perfection
I  am really sorry if this is procovative I really hope it does not upset anyone it was written about a year ago for several reasons
1 .feeling I could of been a young German soldier in a past life                                                                                          
2.To help me sort out what is going on in my head
3.To challenge peoples thinking  
so again sorry if it upsets anyone
Adam Childs Mar 2014
Please please your highness
My gracious Queen
Please seek the righteous path
For your knight's strength
Can be no greater
Than the height of your ideal
And his bonds of allegiances, no stronger
than your bonds with God
For it is only the Queen
Who drinks from the cup of justice
That softens to the will of God
Which can feed the Lions
Buried deep in her knight's heart

Cherished, are the moments
A knight shares with his horse
As I rest in the silence
Of this blemishless heart
A humble steed it be
That carries a kingdom on his back
Twisted am I, for I ask so much
As to serve a master
Is to betray a friend
For sorrow fills my heart
As your master, how can this be
When you teach me loyalty
dignity and bravery
I vow now to never leave your side
And all blessings bestowed to me pass onto you

To my gracious Queen
May I honour all of you
For only I know the gentleness
Of my vengeful great queen
As my faith rests in her
And hers in mine
Such faith has no grave
But binds us as one
For you are the rainbow after every war
Who brings new promise to my weeping heart
that tranquilizes the regrets
Of my blood soaked hands
And lifts my stained soul
From the stench found in battle

For you my Queen I owe all to you
Into the arms of the Lord I do now fall
for never will be such service forgot
But lie in the souls for evermore
I used spend time with a lady which always had a regal feel around her or at least I felt she did and I also experienced  a strange feeling of allegiance  towards her which gave me feeling that I had served her before , if you believe in past lives? .
Adam Childs Mar 2014
Arriving in town , a bit lost and confused
But charmed I am , by a young begger girl
eyes dark as night
but twinkle like star light
she points me to my train
cheak to cheak sweat pouring down
I feel the relief of this firm platform

Lieing back I feel great storm in my head
And acheing screams from the forgotten land of my back
As healths lost land has been taken
I can only sit while this war rages ahead

But as every raindrop finds its ocean
And every storm passes by
A new rainbow lights up the sky
And all health regains wealth
And settles in self

Seeing the silent blessings of our great guru Dev
Falling softly amoung us
And glistening in the eyes of all my friends
Disarming the guards of my most cautious heart
That paves the way to a new open start

Finding myself humbled  
As great plans , Of great acomplishments
Roar in the hearts of many
I find myself disarmed and empty handed
As i can only offer my heart
But a heart set in his Guru
Will find ways to be fulfilled
So bring on the new
As we shall all be fulfilled
Wrote on holiday last year with friends
Adam Childs Mar 2014
Bruised and battered a friendship
Sometimes hangs by a tiny thread
As we came to the edge
Urged on , by all , but our own souls
We stop for friendship sake
Staring at the rocks of death below
We walked the cliff edge black
Hearts pounding like stampeding rhino
Charging our very path
Dragons of fear circle over head
Breathing fire over all
Pride clamors for higher ground
Standing tall and righteous
We fly high in the sky
Preying like vultures
Search for every fault

Feeling lost and alone
We seek the lower land
With pastures lush and green
And soil deep and rich
Where horses softly munch
Teaching us their gentle ways
For the loss of a friend
Can be to much to bear
In this already harsh world
Weighing like lead on our back

Like the captain of our own ship
We cling to the end
As our world sinks from under us
Breaking boards and smashing masts
Many splinter blind our eyes
As we float together in darkness
Waiting , for the storm to pass
Then the great sewer grabs our very souls
And throws us to the earth
Braking our ego shells
With troubles of our time
And sew new friendship
To be born anew

As only the friendship
Which has great strength
The power to endure many deaths
That see through much lashing pain
Can ever earn its name
For friendship forged in great heat
Will find itself sealed to the eternal time
I wrote this about a year ago after falling out and then gradually making up with a friend it was largely about boundary issues.
Adam Childs Mar 2014
Fear Fear Fear
Resonates in the hearts
As all leaders insist
Might is right
Bang Bang Bang
Go their war drum cries
As they fumble and rumble
Spreading the seeds of fear
The price is always dear
Causing many tear
Dragged we always are into
Their dangerous game of thrones

We may not offer life
Without trouble and strife
But let us together grow tall
As we break away from
The tumbling kingdoms
That hold and conquer
A dark black beast
Feeding on fear
As they split the world
With an unforgiving nail
Driven hard to hide their misfit

So let untie these Chinese binds
On our delicate feet
that seek to keep us
Young and weak
Freedom the breath between
Nations needed for their colors
To shine brightly as
Smudged borders are cloudy waters
Let the identity of nations
Fly high as it towers over all

Let our Scotland feed our strength
As we do not seek to flee
From our own pain
Into the arms
Of a adopted Father
As we do know the world
Can be a raging furnace
But we face it with a dignity
A strong soft heart
And a tender brave,
So very brave , eye
As many multicolored nations
Circle the world
Gently holding hands

Might is not always right
Maybe a new vision is needed
With the dissolving of big empires
And rising new nations
A collective cooperation and
Respect is acquired by all .
Written as a contribution to  the Scottish independence cause although I am not Scottish myself I sympathize with their  point of view
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