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 May 2015 JAM
Persephone smiles the darkness to light
Yet I am but blinded by my own vice
Twas my greed which choked her dreams of youth
To ferment her innocence in sweet vermouth

I bear the warriors of battles lost
Greet them with warmth bitten by frost
And heroes who see the journey through
To the Elysian Fields where hope's renewed

I cage the souls whose just deserve
To feed the fires beneath the earth
Tormenting Demons with whips of flames
Wicked Witches Inflicting infinite pain

Who am I but that which has been written thus far
The God of the Netherworld, Lord of Brimstone and Fire
Yet more than that, I've become and so I am
So fear me not less thou be ******

Persephone smiles the darkness to light
For those who dare to stand and fight...
Traveler Tim
 May 2015 JAM
CA Guilfoyle
I woke early to silence
but for the whirring of a fan
the stillness before dawn
I wrote these words
though they never convey
the pure heart of morning
or pure the song of the first bird.
 May 2015 JAM
Paris Elizabeth
I've lost my skill with words almost as much as I've lost myself, but I know I need to write.

I spoke to my dad tonight.
And his strong self cried because he spoke of me as his baby girl. He spoke of me as though he's preparing himself for my death, because that's all he can see in front of me.
I screamed at him that I need more positivity and he screamed back that it's hard when all of my 'recovery' has been trips to hospital at least once a month from overdoses which have brought me so close to death's door and phone calls and voice messages that he receives saying please come, your baby girl is in emergency.

I spoke to my therapist today.
I thanked her for everything, and got myself ready to leave. She asked me to wait.
She said 'please, if you were me, what would you do with this 17 year old girl'.
I told her that I'm capable of my decisions and my mind knows me best and she looked at me, so worried, and replied.
"your mind is full of demons, your mind is clouded by depression and anxiety and all of the horrible things that have happened. You're mind is clouded, and that, you can't even see."

I spoke to me today.
I said "I know that it'll probably get better but I don't even know if I want it to"
Then I thought of all the people who come out the other end and rush back in to save the others, screaming "yes, come out please, yes, it is worth it, survive, and I promise you will thrive". I thought of my parents with a missing child, my young siblings with a hero gone, my family, a member gone. I stopped myself from taking 100 pills today and I'm trying my hardest to be proud of myself.

I spoke to me tonight.
I think some of the clouds are gone and I can see a bit more clearly now. I've got an entire lifetime ahead of me, one which I'm so excited for. I'm not feeling a lot better, only a bit. But I know the sun comes up tomorrow, and I know darkness will come again and again. Though, I also know that as I get older, and as I give myself more time to recover properly, the darkness will have a light, no matter how small, and my future will be bright, no matter how many times I fall.
 May 2015 JAM
 May 2015 JAM
Bleary, dreary bifocals looked out through seeing eyes. At the maze of apiculture before him. He pushed a cart his whole life, never stepping up on the ledge to ride it.

Every Tuesday night, his fist packed tight full of ones. Uncrumbling, Washington from his back pocketed jeans. He'd lay him out flat, on the desk, like I should be impressed. One pack of cigs please.

He'd take his cart, around the world & back. Show kaleidoscope girls a good time. Because no matter how pretty that **** picture was, no matter how many times you tore it a was always ugly. Just like the make up, that caked up the beauty on her face.

Parking lot pickups, corner cat-calls, was all she would be worth, a penny in the gutter, if she was lucky. Face up, grasped by hands that'll never love her. Such a steep price, for such a cheap use of love. Generic.

He tells them, he loves them as his boots slide on, comfortable. Too much in a hurry to take his socks off. Humming, Spin Doctors under his breath. He breaths heavily, like he worked so hard that day.

She holds onto morales like lose change, change is lose when you're use, to anything. That shows up on the corners on a Tuesday night, with something new to ignite. Not just the ciggerate between his lips. Lion skin, hipocrathy.

I lay the bills neatly in the drawr, wondering what price he really pays for the stress to relieve his mind. What price does the girl pay, how many clinics does she visit in a year. Baby girl YOUR NOT AN ACCIDENT, YOUR WORTH MORE THAN THE WORDS THAT HIT YOUR CHEEK LIKE A SLAP YOU HAVE MORE POTENTIAL THAN THE MEN YOU LET COMFORT YOU INTO THIS ABUSIVE SOLIDTUDE. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, I WOULD SPEND EVERY CENT I HAD JUST TO SIT & TALK WITH YOU.

**Luke 7:47
"Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.”"
Going to clean this up later, turn it into spoken word
 May 2015 JAM
Fairy Tales
 May 2015 JAM
A childish dream I thought as
Time slowly adopts me with its loving embrace.
Taking me piece by piece
Replacing it with hope and purpose

As moments pass by,
Fantasy became my friend.
Forming me into one's knight in shining armor
Making me believe perfect stories existed
Until I met Reality

Reality showed me every pain from every Fantasy's beauty.
It took every piece of me
Just to let me know what's it like to be empty.

Broken, I wish I had a perfect story
But Reality gave me something Fantasy didn't
The Truth

Time fixed me after I met those two
Giving me new pieces to start again
To dream as Fantasy once taught me and
To live as Reality showed me
Because even tragedies can become
Beautiful Fairy Tales.
 May 2015 JAM
Paris Elizabeth
My writing is scattered like my thoughts because there are so many things
That I've been keeping locked away
Not from you
But from me
Because whenever I have to think about things properly
It hurts
Almost physically.

I cannot think too deep in fear of what I will discover inside
A monster
How much longer can I hide?

You say hello, I say goodbye.

One day
They say
These struggles will be worth it!

Well it's been more than a year now and it's not any easier
Everyday I feel like crying
But just end up sighing
I'm sick of this life
Wasted Life
Was supposed to be something
And now it's feeling like nothing.

Take me away
To the day
Where I look back and say
"my struggles were worth it".
 May 2015 JAM
Jax levii
 May 2015 JAM
Jax levii
Smile brighter to cover the pain
Go ahead. Act like life is all just
A big game.
Laugh harder to hide your shame
Don't let them know you're going

They might try to fix you
When we both know
You'll never be the same
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