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26.9k · May 2018
Lvice May 2018
I used to write
My secrets in the sand,
Knowing they would never stay
Long enough to be told.

I used to just swim,
pulled my hair up and never
Really tasted the salt that foamed
After the crash.

I've ran in the sand,
Sure, but never have I
Ever let it smooth my
Skin into what it could be.

Before today, I've never
Let the current take me
Under and feel what it's like
To always come back to something.
4.4k · Jun 2017
Lvice Jun 2017
The same jasmine vines
around a window
but no longer
the same person looking out
2.8k · Sep 2016
Aging Wine
Lvice Sep 2016
Just like the finest wine
Just like you
The finest things age sweeter
And become better with each day
2.5k · Nov 2017
Lvice Nov 2017
The house that I grew up in is growing old.
I can barely distinguish between the house and my grandfather, and both have given up. Tired..of people walking inside of them.
I used to fall in the house running around the hallway and through the kitchen and now I'm falling through the floor.
There is no one to say "Get out of my kitchen!"
I've never been in the attic and I've only seen my grandfather open the latch once; I'll never get to see what was stored.  I thought Katherine's ornaments could be up there, but neither knew what had been done with them.
It broke my heart to see what I had seen. I wanted to have those memories again but not all the money in the world could buy them back.
The magic I had grown up with is dying. There is no more children to fall on the cinder under the fur shed and burn her forehead, or see snow for the first time. And after making snow *****, running hands through water and letting Katherine rub them through her bony hands. It doesn't snow in Louisiana but for this house it did.
I loved being old at such a young age. Picking blackberries with him and learning to preserve them. Staining my mouth, cheeks, hair, hands, my shirt with Mulberry. Then rolling dough on the counter and staining it with little girl hands and thin fingers and bear paws.
And still the only jelly I'll eat is blackberry jelly.
Cards at the table with Katherine was the best. She had this laugh. More of a cough and she wouldnt stop coughing until she caught her breath and then I would laugh so hard and try to walk it off and trip over her oxygen tubes.  That machine  used to haunt me. It looks with green eyes at night and stood in the open doorway of the door that I never understood why it was there, it never closed anyway. The doorway I used to hide in that one nightmare  about the dinosaur that would chase me around the same hallways that my grandfather would. I've always loved dinosaurs after that.
And eating at the kitchen table where there was always honey because grandfather was also a beekeeper and loved honeycombs and fresh honey.  The one flaw in that table was the window where I always thought raptors or a bobcat would jump out of while I was eating and eat ME. Tough little five year old me would put up a fight and scream until Paw would save me.
  The dining room table where Granny Velgin always had pancakes. The BEST pancakes. Where I learned to make them years later along with paine perdu, or French toast.  Little Cajun french me with my French name and father who was Czech but I have a  Cajun French grandfather.

The magic that was the now 60 year old house is going. It was always "50 years old" every time I asked my grandfather how old it was. It was his childhood house too. He says he still remembers Granny chasing Ayo with a pan for staying out too late..and I still chase the Christmas lights we used to walk to see. I still chase my cousins around the backyard geese and chicken and duck pen. I'm still chasing the magic that sat in the attic of the house I never looked in.
1.9k · Nov 2016
I love you to pieces
Lvice Nov 2016
Keep the gates up
God please please please
Keep the gates up
I am not ready to break again
1.8k · Jul 2016
Lvice Jul 2016
I hope this strikes a nerve in you
To tell you that yes
I have blood in me too.

Someone was shot today
Execution style on their knees
Weak and unable to live on their feet
For fighting for what they believe.

All anyone ever wanted in life was peace
If you close your eyes like Lennon said
You'd see more than you would with them open

I don't care what you are

We all bleed red.
If it's blood that is  needed to be spilled to show

Then take it from the history books.
War shouldn't be all we know.

One day I want my babies to feel safe
And have friends of every race
And love the color of their blood,
Not just the color of their skin.

I want them to love the person they love
Because their personality is colorful.

I don't want them to care about equality
Because we're all God's children
He put us all here.
Isn't that equal enough?
After everything every one is saying on the news..I think the world needs some prayers.
1.7k · Feb 2017
Do Barbie Girls Cry?
Lvice Feb 2017
They didn't listen when I said I was tired
I said that being different was hard
Because my jeans  don't fit right
My actual genes weren't right

And so I came out in comparison to everything
Already didn't have a father to teach me
The skies will cry if he ever tries to reach me
Not knowing who to trust was something girls my age don't worry about

They're far too happy living oblivious
And I question myself off of this-
How do they possibly not know
That they are all the same person?

Same gloss on smooth Pink lips
Smiling a shark smile that they do like kindness
And they name the rainbow by shades of eyeshadow- as if there wasn't enough color

   Girls like that are happy with the same person for a week
And yet I cannot be happy with myself for a day
Then they switch partners because "Don't  worry he's sooo cute!"
  I wonder if they are happier naive
And how hard it will be for them when they realize how the skies are actually smokey black
And they've been looking up through perfect eyelashes- but beauty doesn't last

   It must be nice always being average
With a cover girl to cover you sitting next to you
And manicured nails to scratch your way through life
1.3k · Jun 2017
Agreeing with Distance
Lvice Jun 2017
(A poem over a few thousand miles)
by JAC and JAB

Distance and I can never agree.

We were together, but thousands of miles apart
It was a creation between the both of us
And somehow the words created this "we".

We who are strangers, sharing only words
We who are nervous, for words are our souls
Distance and I can never agree
But distance and words, maybe we'll see.

Bearing words across the world
Souls across the distance
Some stranger seeking peace?
Distance wouldn't know
It never agrees.

Distance is as short as words are instant
When one soul thinks, another waits
Strangers are strangers until they share souls
So is distance just a stranger's mind?

Questions that would linger in the depth of some unsure mind,
Once they were doubts, but now I’ve made them mine.
This stranger is no stranger, well before he met me
But then again, his time wasn't always free.

We all have strangers, that were and were not
always strangers to distance -
So this time, distance's differences aside
Stranger or not, I'll confide.
This is a collaboration between the poet JAC, and myself. I adore your poetry, and working on this poem with you was wonderful!
Have a wonderful day!
1.3k · Aug 2016
Don't forget
Lvice Aug 2016
Never forget to tell your children...that  it's okay to cry
Because it's that when words are forgotten,
They often feel like lies.

You only get one life
Unless you think there's an after
You're kept alive by your beliefs
And views you've shared may matter.

You get what you get
You can't change the time you were given
It's up to you to make that choice
Get up out of bed or stay hidden.
You've been given a script not yet written.

Talk to people you wouldn't dare to be
Who cares if you shouldn't
Atleast do it for me
Never let someone tell you
That just because it sounds fun
That it is fun
Wondering into adventure is different then walking into hell

Pick your battles
Build your worth
You live your whole life knowing you WILL DIE.
You don't get to know when.
Choose that coffee instead of water.
Drink that protein shake.
Can't sprint it?
Jog it. Walk it. Crawl it.
I don't care how
Just get there.

If you're sad or depressed...been there..
You'll wake up one day not thinking about
One day you'll wake up and feel the need to play in your storm
Don't sit in the rain
You'll drown yourself..
In the weather you make.

You're happy today? Good for you!
Just please make sure,others are too.

You get a future.
You get to breathe.
You get to choose
If you want to stay
Or the next day leave.

Stay fearful, it lets them know how much you care
Or if you care about losing something.

Remember that if one day
You forget your name
The people who truly love you
Will be surrounding you
So in life
Surround yourself with people
Who will every day remind you
Of who you are
Because they are as afraid of losing you
As you are of losing yourself.
1.3k · Nov 2016
Lvice Nov 2016
Red is the color of anger
That burns and boils and bubbles
It seethes and seems to soak into beauty
It is cold and fierce and fiery
And ironically
*red is the color of love
1.3k · Aug 2016
Blank Pages.
Lvice Aug 2016
Trying to find rare people in this world's generation is like trying to find a book in a library of blank pages
Made a new friend today...there are still some pretty amazing people out there.
Lvice Mar 2017
Lonely nights like this
And up for conversations with the stars
Had one milky way in my drink too many
And enough moons under my feet
To last many big bang theories over again

The stars seemed bored
Just..floating there next to Saturn
And I finally got the courage to ask..
For his constellation
And he said he likes my sun spots
That are resting across my axis

And told him that it must be nice
To be constantly revolving
Around someone else's  own orbit
And at this point I couldn't help but notice
He was glowing I swear
They can kind of be ***(troids) sometimes

Wow..and he could be a cometian.
Stars are funny that way
Lvice Jun 2017
This is the point, isn't it? To write you a truth that you won't ever read, or want to, for that matter. But sometimes, just sometimes, I wish you would.

Reason number one that I quite possibly loved you; I was lonely, and you were not. You were having conversations with all these girls and could easily not be bored. You weren't dull and you brought taste back into waking up, and eating normally became a thing.

Reason number two consisted of you making me feel important; even though, I already knew that I was. I have a lot going for me and I was constantly working towards it. I wanted my future and then you wanted to be a part of it. I chose to let you. Then you started to not "allow" me to have that future.

Reason number three was that you loved kids. But not more then me.

Reason number four; Love is not a reason nor does it have reason. It was not love.

But I do love myself, even if you didn't, or don't. And I have a future, and will continue towards it regardless of whether or not you are in it.

And one, last thing. I didn't need you. I wanted you. And love is nothing, if not a choice to keep the conversation going. Love was the fight you left in the middle of, the one where I kept pleading you to come back and talk. You never came back, but I kept talking.
921 · Jul 2017
11:51 p.m
Lvice Jul 2017
Let's please don't rush
Let us grow.
Take a friendship,
One rather old,
Watch as it
Turns to gold.
906 · Feb 2017
To Break a Woman
Lvice Feb 2017
Works like a cliff hanger
Dropping off her lips
Don't ask her where she's been
She's had a lot to miss
                                        She wanted to feel free.                       So she broke apart her wings
    She tore away the things that made her heavy
The ability to fly was a burden on her shoulders
Knowing that she could not get away

He held her back by pinching her wings
Holding her in every way but gently
She would shatter if he'd stop holding her

For once she was ready to let go
To render her pieces to fly

She left her heart behind
She said "I" more often
She became icy hot
She was slick as rain

She was
She became
*She is free
859 · Oct 2016
To Spin in Circles
Lvice Oct 2016
Over and over
My feet hit the ground
Spinning in circles
The earth is what I've found
Vibrations match my heart
I must be in love with myself
For the way I see blur
It makes my soul completely melt

How nice to feel dizzy
And not worry about the weight
Lvice Jul 2017
The rain knocks
against your window
Hopeful to wake
the madness inside of your head
And it's funny,
at this point
you were  the greatest evolution
840 · Dec 2017
untitled; the series
Lvice Dec 2017
W a nn a  
g o
w a nn a taste the open   r o a d

l e t  strangers look at me f u nn y
want to catch this t r i p

wi t h you

wanna be a mess
           have my feet on the dash
b e  s o me  w h e r e  o p e n
807 · Jul 2017
12:50 p.m
Lvice Jul 2017
We're all
Of something beautiful
771 · Sep 2018
5:46 p.m
Lvice Sep 2018
If I had to love
You twice
I'd first come
To know your doubts
And then your dreams.

By my hand would they disappear and then
Your hopes would
Grow in the sun as
They may.
Lvice Jul 2018
Who stole my thunder,
Who christened the ground with their footprints where mine should have been?

The holy heat of my words spreading up your spine, kissing your fingertips with friction...making the hair on your arms rise.
I could make you say amen but the sound of your rain is prayer enough.

Blessed is the air that graces your skin between touching and going...the light that you bring and leave with

You never stay but God the intensity is shocking
Hello guys! I'm just somehow learning my poem "Loyalty" got over 200 likes And was posted as a daily poem?! All I can say is how shocked I was to see that after not being on for two months, and the only thing I can think to say is thank you all so MUCH.

This poem..actually means the world to me. Love is such an otherworldly thing and the truest kind can bring you to your knees and make you believe in God. So this poem is a tribute to that. To all that you are mein Herz and mein alles, I love you Ewig.
Lvice Dec 2016
It seems to run it's softness through your hair
Like I want to do
The closeness to how it dribbles onto your face
And the smooth as it looks like tears
The rivers of it down your shoulders and catches the slopes of your neck
How I love how it pools on your chest
And it the water loves to kiss you how I want to
In showers of rain
713 · Aug 2016
Growing apart is like..
Lvice Aug 2016
The flowers needing to reach for sunlight..
Stretching in every direction and bunches of blooms that were once close together spread their petals at its own pace.
Some stay at the bottom and others blossom at the top.

It's natural to grow apart, because in order to grow you need space to stretch and change.

It's no one's fault..sometimes we need things we didn't need before.
So that's what we reach for.
706 · Jan 2018
1:31 a.m
Lvice Jan 2018
Where is home
When the air feels better
Than being held.
All things considered,
This house isn't it.
705 · Nov 2016
Please keep me alive
Lvice Nov 2016
I do not believe in death
But there is something called
Not being alive
So I beg you
Don't forget me
668 · Jul 2016
Worth It
Lvice Jul 2016
You and I talk about beauty like we see and know what it looks like.
Though we never say why or how we think it’s beautiful.
Tell me. Scream it.
Use the air from your lungs and tell me how ugly you are.
Use that air and taint it with everything beautiful about hurting someone.
About executing the pride that comes in their own humanity?
Tell me is it fun?-
destroying their belief that the world is lovely and showing them how hateful it really can be.
It’s so rare to find someone who finds beauty in the downfall of someone else’s understandings.
  You see..we’re part of this tight clique and whenever she feels the need to be unshakable
I build walls up around her because she may be hard-headed but I am hard-hearted.
She’d pull me on a string but I’d always be on her side-or standing behind her-
ready to take on however many knives are thrown at her back.
  You didn’t ever think you weren’t beautiful and why should you start now?
You never second guessed your weight-
until suddenly their words are so heavy you can’t hold yourself up on your own anymore.
  I’m so proud of how huge you keep your values even as they keep being belittled, how they never shrink your bravery or your courage.
I loved how you refused to see it until they saw through your shield, right at whatever you saw was in your heart and worthy at protecting.
Please just tell me what it is that cuts you up so deep you’re left with so many scars that I can never see...
You have to know that not knowing how to heal them is killing me!
  You hide your pain away and distract me from the sadness in your eyes; you know you can’t hide that from me,not ever and definitely not forever.
I saw how they took the smiles from your days, like the sun from the blue skies
and rain can’t go unnoticed!
  The scary thing about having glasses now is that there is no more hesitation in what I see when I doubt it that you’re sad, there’s a certain sharpness in your tears that weren’t there before.
They contradict the fairness of how great the world was-
ah it was so pretty until you see that time doesn’t always heal.
It is less than amnesia that only makes you forget...but you can’t forget the marks on your skin as you can see them daily.
  Time wears thin and stretches ‘till one day you hear something snap inside of you.
Where does it end? When you can’t take it anymore and you long to not feel their words bounce off of you anymore-
for their shots to sink in and you think you deserve it..
You’d willingly take their blows...
But I’d willingly take all of yours for you.
  I heard you whisper once that I was a bully.  
I heard your plea..I know you were really yelling for me to rescue you and my mission was to get you out alive.
I’m not perfect. But I’d sure try my best to forgive my flaws for you to look at all of yours
I’m not a teeny little thing like you..I have curves that wind and sometimes I get lost in them trying to find myself.
But I know better..I cannot be lost because I know where you are..on my compass helping me to when I come to remain at your side.
My thoughts used to vary from, ”If I spilled my secrets with my lunch then maybe my heart will be lighter..”
“If I painted my face with shades as pink and vulnerable as yours then maybe I’d be as porcelain and fragile as a doll.”
  No. No more. I can’t sit back anymore and watch you break into pieces like fine china when I’m still putting myself back together from the last time I fell.
Life is a puzzle-it is in pieces-we are made to find the pieces that fit into our souls-
You are a piece of my soul,you are part of my puzzle!
You are my missing piece and without you I wouldn’t be whole.
  I only know what feeling whole is like because you have showed me and I will never let you
go even a day without feeling my love-all the lengths of it.
I can only hope I can make you see that you no longer have to question the heights of your limits and the widths of your personality-because they can go no further than where you let them.
These are the only things you should want to measure-
but toss away your rulers and tape measures because I will never give you a capacity.
  You are not a shape like a square where nothing is outside the box or
a circle when everyone outside is an outsider and you worry about making the cut just to fit in.
You fit in anywhere you are-so never worry about where you think you belong,you
belong wherever you think you do,and I will make sure that is where you are.
  You are a shape that defines where your edges meet and how deep anyone has to go to see you-
not the painted figure with eyelashes too dark and lips too red-
but you.
The silly girl with sideways smiles and bright eyes.  
  If you are a sea of jokes then I’d drown in any “Knock-knock” until I come to rest at your door.
Don’t give me that whole, “I don’t deserve it.”
I don’t care if you think you do or not
But you, are worth it.
  Worth all the nervous  “How do I look?” ‘s you give me
Worth the play fights and being thrown off the bed at 1:00 A.M.’s
Worth all the “I’m ugly” ‘s you throw my way.
I’ve never seen anyone any more beautifully broken.
If I have to stay awake forever putting you back together,
then there’s never been anyone more worth it than you.
I wrote this earlier this year for a friend being bullied..
No one should ever feel the way she felt. Pass on the love!
612 · Oct 2018
"Grow up"
Lvice Oct 2018
She becomes woman
When she puts her foot down
After only using them for

She is woman when she
Doesn't question herself
Or her feelings and isn't scared
To talk back for once.

She is grown when she can
Still giggle and be playful and dance and have wonder
And still put you in your place
609 · Jul 2016
Lvice Jul 2016
We're all idiot fish in a barrel
Jumping into the air to watch the bullets
**** by our fins and hoping the
Strike doesn't hit but misses

And kisses the outskirt of our barrel.

The water is draining fast
And we struggle in all the odds
Against each other and try to get to the
Bottom where there's more water

But we're all gonna die anyways.

So we push each type of fish at each other and smother the others in blood
Of their brothers and don't do anything
Until one of the fish jumps out of our home

And right at the man cleaning the barrel of the gun.

Was it fun watching us unfairly die
While you are doing nothing
With our dying folk
But watching us perish.

You're a real jittery man I bet.

But as bullets fly by the fish we
Demand to run arrogant politicians to
Calm our gills and ask into our feels

But it doesn't matter anyway.

We're all idiot fish in the barrel fighting each other while someone pops holes
In our walls and allows the oxygen in.

We'll all die anyways.
The world is too ****** up.
608 · Jul 2017
Hearts Intertwined
Lvice Jul 2017
His cheek bones tightened with a little bit of a masterpiece,
yet I can see a small beautiful grin right underneath.

She looks at me,
And my world turns upside down.
Oceans don't seem so deep,
The sky at my feet.
She crashes into me like a wave,
And her hair curls around my finger like the tide.

His eyelashes flutter in the dark, lost within themselves,
every breath he took was taken with his demons sitting on his shelves

She can hardly breathe,
I know that now
Will all this talk of being deep
And yet she starts to drown

He built her into a gun, loaded her up,
made her say things she wouldn't

She crashes.
She looks beautiful as she breaks

He kisses her,
He tore himself apart first

I let her hands
Find mine

and so our hearts
were intertwined
This is a collaboration with the wonderful poetess Mina! Her beautiful words are so inspiring♡
My work is in italics, but look out for hers♡♡
592 · Sep 2016
Lvice Sep 2016
Dark rings around her eyes
Are at all unlike a tree
They do not define what age you are
But instead shows them how she does not sleep

Heavy feet rooted deep into the ground
Unmoving but with shaking limbs
That often try hard to not
Be blown over by light touching wind

She leaves me so bewildered
How she stands so tall
While they use her like firewood
Taking all they can from her

And burning her dreams for warmth
Smoke signals ripple in the sky
She should ask for help she knows it
But not understanding why

Why must she give off her light after giving
Her last breaths away.
Sorry guys..I've been punished..and kinda depressed lately..see you all Saturday.
591 · Nov 2016
Move on.
Lvice Nov 2016
I've lost a lot of people and my soul won't heal from that...but my body will. And as long as it is able I will keep running,and if I can't run then I will walk. If I can no longer walk then I will crawl. When crawling is useless then I will pray. However it is I will find a way to keep on moving.
568 · Jun 2017
Lvice Jun 2017
What if
the rooms close in
on me?
I'm not claustrophobic
but I might as well be
The floor is heavy
and the walls are thin
What if the voices
in my head
were his?
If the pillows don't
swallow me
by tomorrow then
ask sleep to overcome me
I'm very tired from the running
568 · Jul 2017
Lvice Jul 2017
I think,
there comes
a point when
the pain is so
great that when
you break it is
557 · Jun 2017
10:01 a.m
Lvice Jun 2017
She knows
she should be able to
get along
with other girls
but they
feel so safe
as her own
554 · Jun 2017
Lvice Jun 2017
She strips the oils
from her face
And applies the clay to canvas
Molding cheekbones
out of grounded stone
She puts her smile out
to dry
Her skin cracking like pottery
Little hands
breaking the mold
what they said to never be
So instead they almost molded-
She recreates the scars in her skin
the foundation layered
the concrete  no longer wet
522 · Feb 2017
Lvice Feb 2017
And life
is beginning to look
like a lot of  "okay"s
509 · Feb 2017
Lvice Feb 2017
In the body of a forest
Lies the feet of a tree
Sunk deeply into the soil
Is the root with a heartbeat

Deep earthly eyes
With a presence that is calm
If you let him sink into you too quickly
He will water your every form

Like the spinning of the Earth
He is the drizzle of the stars
The sweetness of the air
And the breeze with every and no care

He is the tunnel system in the city
That connects us through and through
He is the electricity
That lit the room

In a world with different stories
He is the sun that claims no glory
He is the seed that plants the tree
Yet has the roots that found their way to me
508 · Feb 2018
For them..
Lvice Feb 2018
I hope there is a heaven
I hope it was swift
I hope you were not in pain.
I hope there is forgiveness
I hope there is peace.
Life can be can be good. Two of my classmates I used to be very close with when I was younger passed away late Sunday night. Rest in peace loves.
508 · May 2017
Lvice May 2017
I stare at the stars on my ceiling
   and still, look at you
Like you put the moon
   in the sky
506 · Nov 2016
Lvice Nov 2016
From where your thorns stem
Around your harsh words
Your petals float
Above the places others do not see
Nor did they care to look

But I did.

She's a freak
Dressed in all black. AGAIN
Who's funeral are you going to?

I know those words
I used them
To water my garden
So please don't you worry

In this garden of ours
They are weeds
And they stem from negativity
In this garden
I do not want weeds.

Do not worry Haley
You are the flower
That knew cracks and ice
Before you lifted into the sunshine
You are the rose with character
The gorgeous red that isn't afraid
To draw blood in your defense

They stretch their hands into your bristles
Wanting the beauty
Without the pain
Leaving your thorns
For petals
And you will make it a point
To show them not to come again
Unless they are willing to get the scars
And they will get the point.

They are weeds
And this is spring
488 · Jun 2017
Lvice Jun 2017
I never believed
that a little care could heal the wounds
when I almost wrote to you
I thought about the first scar
I've ever gotten
As you take off
your shoes
and strip your worry
and then slide into the aisle
right into
the clothes rack.
Your forehead bleeding
but she holds you
You do not cry.
I almost hoped that you were doing okay
And then
You fall into your grandfather's lap
He makes you laugh
and says the pump was
for lighting the firework
and that your head must be about to burst
I almost missed you
but then I thought back
to the fireworks bursting from my skin
leaving burns in its wake
And you-
No I gathered myself up and cared
for the love of leaving heart behind
in the form of scars
469 · May 2017
Lvice May 2017
She, is the woman Atlas
But she carries the world within herself
For her shoulders were made to lean upon
And her hands for building
468 · Dec 2017
3:06 p.m
Lvice Dec 2017
It's so much easier
To bite
Than it is to
Lvice Jun 2017
Not all poets are tortured
And not all skies are black for photographers
Lvice Nov 2018
I would **** the night to get to day as the stars looked the other way

I'd rip the warmth from my stomach and hold the sun by her hair to show her what I've been missing

Can you get addicted to sunshine, if only I knew what I'd gotten myself into

The skies cry every day I pine for the sun to stay

I'm so sick of being so lonely I'd burn up to be next to you
456 · Sep 2018
Sometime in January
Lvice Sep 2018
I now understand
That it all came down
To a single decision-

This is the
Moment I grew into
Lvice Mar 2017
Faithful and free in nature
With words as clean and soft as holy scripture
Lord has had his way with you
Fine dime of new dimensions

You're perfectly unbalanced
With the wrong scars in the right places
A smile that leans too swiftly
Almost filling the role of Pisa

Pleasing peripatetic you find
Your grace in the movement of falling things
Gently playing pizzacato
On my heart strings
443 · Aug 2016
Lvice Aug 2016
You are a snake...
With a crooked smile and a bearded face
If you shaved I'd never recognize you
Unless you'd smile then I'd see your fangs
Go ahead slick...let her know!
Show her the feelings that you told *me

Make me promise
And drag me in
I'd rather let you break my pinky..
That's MY girl
No one hurts her
So you can keep your broken promises off her
Snakes slither..and it matches the way you walk
In perfect sync..
Funny that snakes can be considered to have pretty eyes
**Just like you
441 · Nov 2016
The mess that is my head
Lvice Nov 2016
I forgot how wonderful it feels to cry
To for once
Let these creeks flow freely from my eyes
To not hold back this bursting dam
To let go of this anger that builds
In the shape of shame
I will not be held any moment
I will gladly open the packaging I was told
To never even touch
Starting with binding tape
Ripping apart the flesh of the box
God that ever confining box
And tear the corners that held it's shape
Until all that's left is a mess
A beautiful
Broken mess
435 · Aug 2017
The Eyes Speak
Lvice Aug 2017
I don't finish
I'm too afraid
To mess up
The things I love
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