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408 · Nov 2016
The mess that is my head
Lvice Nov 2016
I forgot how wonderful it feels to cry
To for once
Let these creeks flow freely from my eyes
To not hold back this bursting dam
To let go of this anger that builds
In the shape of shame
I will not be held any moment
I will gladly open the packaging I was told
To never even touch
Starting with binding tape
Ripping apart the flesh of the box
God that ever confining box
And tear the corners that held it's shape
Until all that's left is a mess
A beautiful
Broken mess
397 · Jul 2018
Lvice Jul 2018
I could
Easily be
Without you,
I just
Wouldn't be
As full.
391 · Nov 2016
Lvice Nov 2016
From where your thorns stem
Around your harsh words
Your petals float
Above the places others do not see
Nor did they care to look

But I did.

She's a freak
Dressed in all black. AGAIN
Who's funeral are you going to?

I know those words
I used them
To water my garden
So please don't you worry

In this garden of ours
They are weeds
And they stem from negativity
In this garden
I do not want weeds.

Do not worry Haley
You are the flower
That knew cracks and ice
Before you lifted into the sunshine
You are the rose with character
The gorgeous red that isn't afraid
To draw blood in your defense

They stretch their hands into your bristles
Wanting the beauty
Without the pain
Leaving your thorns
For petals
And you will make it a point
To show them not to come again
Unless they are willing to get the scars
And they will get the point.

They are weeds
And this is spring
390 · Mar 2017
Another Note to Myself
Lvice Mar 2017
I could never be friends with someone like them

Yes but-

**Why was I ever friends with her
389 · Aug 2017
Jealous of Nothing
Lvice Aug 2017
I don't have to
Prove anything to anyone
The truth is still the truth
No matter who believes
The lies
You think you're clever XD
Sorry to be right,
Except not really.
389 · Sep 2016
Less always means more...
Lvice Sep 2016
Because if you wanted more
I'd gladly take less
It's better then seeing you hurt or stressed
Don't worry about any of it,
Because I'll take it all.
I'd rather break
Then even see you fall.
389 · Sep 2018
11:39 a.m
Lvice Sep 2018
Y o u   g e t  u n d e r  m y  s k i n ,

P r o v o k e  m e.
387 · Nov 2016
Too heavy
Lvice Nov 2016
If I was a bird  or at least something with wings..
Perhaps I could fly...and fly..
387 · Jul 2017
Lost, aren't you?
Lvice Jul 2017







384 · Feb 2018
Some things never change
Lvice Feb 2018
I think about the first car I'll ever have,
The Mustang on the side of a highway I've traveled on thousands of times.
And the car I'll be leaving in, on a highway I've traveled on a few thousand times.
380 · Jan 2017
Lvice Jan 2017
It nearly took forever
Even as the wind shook
   The leaves from my bones.
     My teeth rattled-
        From the cold words you left overturned.
          And my heart ached
             The kind with a soul purpose.
376 · Jan 2018
9:24 p.m
Lvice Jan 2018
Love looks
Like the spaces
Between his fingers
Being filled
With mine
375 · Jul 2018
Lvice Jul 2018
I listened to the rain
Whisper back all
The secrets I've ever told it

I saw it cry in streams
And fall into puddles
As I have

I've felt the rain become
As cold as I once let myself be
And as harsh as I could have been

I probably should have spent
More time reflecting on myself, been more like rain.

Been more see through,
helped others grow more. I don't know maybe life would have been more colorful
373 · Aug 2018
This feeling...
Lvice Aug 2018
He just makes
Me wonder how anyone,
Including me, could have
Ever been afraid to love
371 · Sep 2018
Lvice Sep 2018
There was no fear
of death in life,

but the subconscious
understands fear,

and I was afraid
to slip away in  my sleep.
369 · Nov 2018
New pieces
Lvice Nov 2018
What if the life
Inside of me
Grew to be her own person?

She took my spirit and
Became the fire I kept
Behind the hearth
Of my heart to keep me warm.
359 · May 2017
His Country
Lvice May 2017
If I had been born on another continent
Would I still long for Prague
as I do now?
358 · May 2017
Antics and Antiques
Lvice May 2017
When the beams underneath the bridges fall
and the dinosaurs that once towered
Are no longer
And the buildings that scraped the skies
are cowering against concrete

The day will come when Picasso
was mentioned as a  finger painter
And land mines were seen
as they trembled on his skin
His eyes were like grenades

And I look up to him
like he was the painting on the roof
of my church
I studied him so much
I could sculpt him
and Michelangelo would be proud

One day he will be old as the rubble in ancient Rome
and I will still sit in his colosseum
and I will still love the cracks in his face
like in the moments they broke stone for the
first time
Lvice Oct 2018
Come with me
To the place where
Our hearts can beat
Like wind chimes
And forever
Ring out,
Calling to something greater.
353 · Jul 2017
9:38 p.m
Lvice Jul 2017
Caught in the act
of being young
and sneaking out
to see the stars

Caught in the act
of being in love
with everything except
one person

and that's beautiful.
The stars are staring back
352 · Jul 2017
Lvice Jul 2017
This girl
Who talks about honesty
Like it grows out
Of a crack in cement.

The flower that blooms
Purely out of spite
And takes what she gives
To herself without another word.

And if she's ever been hated,
She's never noticed.
This girl is beautiful
In her self love.
For my first and truest best friend, I love you girl! Thank you for being the only one to really stay, and the only to understand what a friendship is supposed to be like. Thank you Jasmine, for everything.  
Forever yours,
    Your Jo.
348 · Oct 2018
Doesn't it?
Lvice Oct 2018
Doesn't my mind and soul
Deserve all the attention
That you give to my
Lvice Nov 2018
I guess I
Just care too much
That's my problem
336 · Jul 2017
11:11 p.m
Lvice Jul 2017
333 · Feb 2018
Aloe leaves
Lvice Feb 2018
What heals
The burn in the
Back of your
332 · Jun 2017
Lvice Jun 2017
dresses like heartbreak
And sips
cough syrup
How can I get sick in summer?
332 · Nov 2016
The Fallout
Lvice Nov 2016
I told myself to fall out of love
I needed to know why I fell into it at all
Like late nights talks I missed
Like take care of yourself please
Like fall asleep to me every night
Like please don't let me down again
I let myself down again..

To get myself out of those pools of green and blue of yours
That aren't really either of those colors
But I saw them as those
And now I saw your true colors..
Like you looked better in greys
Like I never really liked girls
Like they all called it a phase
Like I needed to stop feeling trapped
Like love is freeing
And why do I feel trapped?..

So when you didn't need me anymore
And didn't call much anymore
Like not knowing what to say
Like no this doesn't feel right
Like I know I deserve better
Like why did I do this is the first place
Like God look at me now I'm perfect
Like you're a metaphor and I'm in love with similes
Like I'm sorry you will never see it.
Like I see now...your true colors. And how ******* great I am
And how I deserve better

I figured it out
You love yourself
And you give into who you are
Like he's attracted to me?
Cool me too!
So let's talk about me
And him not having a problem with it
Like I'm over you
And you better deal with it.
Because he and I
We're dealing with something new
Like me and you?
That wasn't true
Like me?
I've fallen out of love
*Just like you
By the way..he's a simile too.
330 · Jul 2017
Third Eye Mantra
Lvice Jul 2017
I repeat
Words peacefully
As my mind becomes
The flickering candle
As flame grows,
my shadow dances with me.
My body reshapes-
I burn once again
As my wick
Forms the words repeatedly
329 · Jul 2018
Lvice Jul 2018
I think the words
Rest in peace
Should be said
To the living,  
Not the dead.
328 · Sep 2017
Bird Cages
Lvice Sep 2017
A face
like rain
And falling fate
Her eyes
Chased leaves
And found
His gates
Came upon
His empty
Chest to
Kiss his
Cage and
Let love
326 · Feb 2018
4 of my peers
Lvice Feb 2018
Death feels
Like nothing
It is the pain
That feels like
A hollow heart
An empty stomach
And the shock
That comes
From never hearing
their voice again
317 · Oct 2016
In some big city..
Lvice Oct 2016
Shoulders that brush against mine
And searching eyes that connect
And find nothing but a question

Fingertips feeling their way around a handle
Feet scrambling to pass new character
Drunk in the moment and dizzy from anticipation
Will you recognize me?...
The old me?
The person I never was.
The beating heart I will be...
The me...that no one knows..perfect
313 · Feb 2017
Lvice Feb 2017
Curling up in the corner
Where the sun seemed to dwell
I left my thoughts basking
In the warmth of the day

Soft vibrations sent shivers
Shooting through my body like currents
Eyes closed seeming to be lost
In some peaceful oblivion

She didn't let me in
So I left scratches on her door
And yelled for her to let me in
So I can protect my best friend

*I watched my cat curl his body
On the end of my bed next to my feet
He seemed to be drinking the sunlight
That poured from my window
He seems to be more peaceful than me
311 · Feb 2017
A Girl You Call Candy
Lvice Feb 2017
Nails like strawberry syrup and words like drizzle
Sweet to the core with a hard candy cover
Trying too hard to be everyone's favorite
She tries on wrapper after wrapper to look the best
Taste the sweetest
And sometimes acts a little too sour
Some days her name melts on your tongue
Other days too much of her makes your stomache ache
But too less of her isn't good for your heart
You love her sugar for the rush her stare brings you
You love the feeling cracking her open then drawing her in and biting her lip
Shaking her out by her hips
Keeping her in your pockets
She blows up your self esteem then
You pop it between your teeth and wrap her around your finger
You can't  get enough of her
But once you've had your fix..what would you do with a girl like that?
310 · Mar 2017
Names are Powerful.
Lvice Mar 2017
Behind a mask
Is a face best hidden
Eyes that lie
And lips taste of deceit

What is in a name
If it is never spoken
Power that sleeps
Under the open.
307 · Sep 2018
"Wealth of Sundays"
Lvice Sep 2018
To name
                                                                               something, takes away

its power or makes it



307 · Apr 2017
Lvice Apr 2017
I knew it would have been brief,
Simply because the best things are.
306 · Jul 2017
Clouds and Clocks
Lvice Jul 2017
must be moving
in their own sweet time.

*But who are we
To think that clouds
Have to follow our clocks?
Another Thousand-Mile poem with the poet JAC! As always, his work is italicized!
306 · Feb 2017
Lvice Feb 2017
Careless people with careful hands
Breaking the right hearts and scattering minds
Leaving a soul empty and raw
And the seeping leaves a stain that pockets won't contain
You left a little to early to see the tattoo you left on his heart
His scars weren't there for the right reasons but even so he didn't see them
He was so effortlessly happy and his cracked skin was beautiful and his tears were so clear it makes me cry
He is the purest body I have ever met and the reason sleeping is hard
My thoughts are awake and buzzing as he opens his eyes and sees more then is mentioned
His friendship is a swelling thing, and my heart grows and skips as his breaks and heals
Ah..true friends are a blessing
Lvice Jun 2017
                                                                ­                stopped being
                                                                ­             scared long
                                                                ­           enough to
                                                                ­               realize you..
                                                           ­               One day won't
                                                                ­              matter. If the Earth
                                                                ­                stops turning and the
                                                                ­           tides reclaim the equator
                                    I'll let the sea swallow your thoughts
I won't worry if you made it to your house safe at midnight

If one day
The pyramids are the
only things that make it in this
world then I won't cry thinking that
I keep losing what I already lost when I said goodbye

If the Sun stops
                     burning then                              I won't mind                  
           when the cold                                          becomes my hands
then  I                                                    ­    
  will no longer                                                   care to hear you
            complain about their  lack of warmth        

If we
  were       the last
         peo-           ple            
alive           then
     I         would
still love you

B u t   t h i s   t i m e

I    wouldn't   dare   waste   the   time   we   had   left
Lvice Aug 2018
You came too late in life,
when I no longer needed
to be tucked in or treated
like a princess.

You came after I had
already saved myself;
where I captured the
Dragon and made him mine.

I no longer needed to be
told I was special, or beautiful.
I became the King, loved myself,
made the voyage, slayed the Dragon.

You came after I realized there
was no pieces missing,
you came after I had fully
respected myself.

I don't need you anymore,
I did it myself.
302 · Jun 2017
Lvice Jun 2017
I've been seeing you in every one of my drawings and painted the scar on your cheek every night before bed
tasting you in peppermint leaves...
301 · Nov 2018
Lvice Nov 2018
I'm so sick of being
            Accused of not understanding

Told that I will understand as I get older
As I grow

  It makes me want to take the advice you gave me and use it
To make my table even.

Maybe burn it in the fireplace for warmth or laugh at it when I'm down to make myself feel better.

Give it to my dog to chase or shove it in the attic with all the useless things I own

Because I have told you so many times before I will not shut myself off the way you do and become numb to everything I think will drag me under.

I'm going to stand over it with my foot against it's throat and tell it to *******, whether it's my fears or my anxiety or my doubts  I'm going to chase it with a match and burn it alive or put a bag over it's head until it stops telling me what the **** I'm going to do.
292 · Jan 2018
That's all..
Lvice Jan 2018
I think
About dying
a lot
283 · Jun 2017
His Ghost Still Lingers
Lvice Jun 2017
I let his sighs roam to the heavens
Where ghostly things are
His ghost- to be precise
He's aware of the rain
Even as it clings to his eyelashes-
The droplets fall
And he has no intent of moving out of the pour
No intents at all
283 · Sep 2018
Lvice Sep 2018
Pray for happiness
Pray that you don't lose the thing that fills you
Or lose the person who completes you in a way most people could never understand.
Pray that you stay in the person's life that you love. That you hold on to everything, that you never starve yourself of human affection and beg to be loved and understood again.
Lvice Aug 2017
Flames flicker
Like they're dying
Yet they light the room
Can we take
Note of this please?
Do people
Become dim before they burn?
They grow bright?
278 · Nov 2016
Lvice Nov 2016
If you want to love yourself
Then look to the people who love you
274 · Oct 2018
I miss you
Lvice Oct 2018
How do you hold
Yourself together
When the distance
Is growing,
When the quilt is being ripped
To cotton and thread
And your tears spill as you have begged them not to.

How do you pick yourself up
When the anger you feel
Threatens to unseam you and
Everything you love falls to
The floor and shatters like
The last glass plate in the cabinet?

Please tell me how you stay true
To yourself while becoming a woman, and wanting to be unselfish while still staying loyal to the promise you made to always say how you truly felt.

I need answers on how to grow and still grow together
273 · Jul 2017
6:04 a.m; When he wakes
Lvice Jul 2017
I watch
As the sun wakes
The Sky.
And I ache
To hold you, as your
Eyes welcome the light.
Good morning to my Earth.
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