Keeping the promise we never made,
Sitting behind this wall of regrets.
The day dot not last!
But now that I've grown,
I've realized.
The dome protected me from harsh winds,
For the crude winds bring death to the candle.
But now that I've grown,
I've realized.
I'm getting weary of this dome,
Suffocating me to death and yet not,
Why chain my wings?
Why not clip it;cage the wind too.
But now that I've grown,
I've realized.
Being caged for almost 18 years
Since for a very long time, my wings chained,
I can't fly the highest nor the longest,
Neither can be the fastest nor the best.
But should it be for the best not to taste freedom?
Inside this dome, the day dot not last.
But now that I've grown,
I've realized.
The dark night that i so detest for its eerie,
Becomes the one who validate me.
It's silence, embracing me in her chilled breast.
In solitude
Giving me a bereft yet a tranquil feeling.
Perhaps this is the only freedom I get.
Lines written at a night after my parents denied me of going to play since I've board next year in spring