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Zoe Holden Jul 2019
When I was born
across the galaxy
it was too
-depression is just
  missing what only
  you know
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
witches can only burn
-stake and gasoline
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
on or off
I'm not flipping the switch
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
There is something magic about thinking thoughts
letting them slip
letting them wander
ponder about
collecting in crevices of self

thoughts are lovely and cruel
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
Please just stop for a minute
and look
-my eyes are dull
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
And I looked myself in the eyes
And found I had run off again
      -Tell me if you see her
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
If they knew how you made me feel
They'd never let me see you again
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
it’s ok to love yourself
    it’s ok to let go of the hate
         -what i wish she had known
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
something's gone awry
I'm just not sure of what
-Lost: Something
-Reward: My 1,000 sunsets
Zoe Holden Sep 2019
The windows are clear
and empty
-How to spot a missing soul
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
mostly I just want to know what
it is like to feel, breath, and simply
Zoe Holden Feb 2020
His smile was the best kind of contagious
Zoe Holden Sep 2019
I've failed but this time I'll fail better
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
Writing is like a road map
carving directions
through times of trouble and hardship
in little yellow lines
it tells us the way
and keeps us on our journey
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
I lived by Catholic faith and law
so when I dream of her
it makes me nervous
   -I still think of him too
Zoe Holden Apr 2019
I am not of words of speech
I exist purely on page
And if you read, but never hear me
do I exist?
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
Today it all just crumbled
There I felt again
And I'm sorry to say
     -I fell
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
I told her I loved girls
but I hated her
-what made it easy
Zoe Holden Oct 2019
Am I their's
Or mine
Where do I belong?
Zoe Holden Apr 2019
I the weird
I exist as human
- Do you?
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
drawing fingers
with hither accuse
-all of him
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
down the well
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
If they could feel everything as I wrote
just as I did
then maybe they'd know
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
bye bye mama
-losing voices
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
God I'm gone
and so are you
-my bedside prayer
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
To be anyone else in the world must on some passion feel grand
implanted in the seed of the vast growth of humanity
here i stand
me as i am
   -you can find me on Pluto II
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
something's going to hit
something's going to work
-bathroom floor pep-talks
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
Sad little girls
dancing tiptoes
in a drafty lane
-child's goggles
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
rainbows of glass
can be shattered
-part of growing up
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
Didn't eat til 3
at 10 it’s screaming
-sinking stability
Zoe Holden Jun 13
The wound was wet
Your skin was salt
You felt at fault just under fleeing threat
The night we met
I've not left yet
Caught in this field where I can't forget

You begged a kiss
I tore away
Circling prey, hear my vulture hiss
The claws I miss
Your beak's sharp bliss
Feed on rusted pain, the end of this

The death of me
The time I haunt
My flesh torn gaunt, I won't fly towards free
Keep pecking debris
The sickness in me
I trace it back, to that night's last plea
Zoe Holden Feb 2020
Oh darling I'm in love
Oh darling I'm in love with you

Oh darling the way you smile
Oh darling your smile sets everything a glow

Oh darling my heart to you
Oh darling fully yours to crush

Oh darling you know nothing
Oh darling what I feel for her

But oh darling I do feel
Oh darling the love between us

But oh darling you don't know
Oh darling you just don't know what stands between

Oh darling I do hope
Oh darling I do hope you won't leave me

But oh darling you do hate
Oh darling you do hate those like me

Oh darling to you those girls are ****
Oh darling they are objects of desire

But oh darling they aren't people
And oh darling i'm just like them

And oh darling to you those boys are hazards
Oh darling those boys are wrenches in God's great machine

But oh darling those boys are my brothers
And oh darling I'm just like them

Oh my dear darling  we're going to have to let each other go
Oh darling I'm going to have to let you go
#lgbtqia #bi #lgbt #love #valentinesday #valentine #sad #darling
Zoe Holden Feb 2019
I hide half my soul under raps
lock it in my journals
and undisclosed writing sites
Perhaps it is because
in acknowledging  my other half
what already is in view must die
     -Why I'll Never Tell My Parents
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
I left my soul in his hand
back in California home
    and I've been calling for it back
but it just won't seem to come
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
First it was my arms
I didn't even realize what was happening
I thought this was normal
tank tops, shirts with quarter sleeves
fill with big blaring X

Then it was my back
and the fat it grew
I can fist it in my hand
But it still hangs loose

It has to consume me
I catch myself in the mirror
once, twice, forty-six
sun sets, rises, repeats
I can see my roundness now

Then my thighs
I thought I was over-weight
all consuming
If i didn't care about other's shape
why mine?
I the ugly duck in see of swan
my shorts sit in blue plastic bags in good will truck

Once I have torn everything in me apart
It is just my BDD

where did I go
Zoe Holden Feb 2019
Where to begin?
How to tell a well structured story of a,b,c order
when life reigns in chaos?
I wait for moment to strike
for glorious inspiration to dawn in lightened euphoria,
but I fear it will not come.
How sure am I to be of this moment?
When I can feel the clock drain.
It ticks and ticks       i  n  s  i  s  t  e  n  t  l  y,
counting over the hours and draining of sand.
And while I sit here
watching the arrow round the clock,
what of the billboard plastered behind?
In my fixation for alarm's ring
the flash of neon glow is dull to my senses.
I read not the words.
My moment of finding never goes, never comes.
I       w  a  i  t
and time passed by.
And what now?
Should it all be over?
I have watched the tick of clock,
waited for my time to run bare
with little I can show.
What have I amounted to in my search for meaning?
What have I left plastered, unread to that now pealing board?
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
We hauled ourselves to wealth and safety
But we forgot them.
   -whoever they were
Zoe Holden Jun 16
Between lonely grove of sweet bliss
And love in the abyss
I’d eat the fruit from her hand

I’d turn the tide on promised land
Go nowhere without my woman
I find my heaven in her kiss

I’d greet hell gladly for her sin
Swim with flames of funeral pyres
Take in the hurricane and grin
Sleep upside down with the liars
All for my love’s sweet fire
Zoe Holden Feb 2019
I wonder what it must feel like to be one of the greats
to be fully loved and validated
I doubt if anyone really knows

— The End —