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  Oct 2019 Florence Montojo
Does desire make you happy
or do they take away
the existing happiness?
  Oct 2019 Florence Montojo
He doesn't burn photographs
He doesn't join therapy sessions
He doesn't smoke too many cigarettes
Nor he drown himself into alcohol
He scratches his wounds daily
And never let them heal
He doesn't try to get rid of the pain
Instead he let it grow on him
He waters the seed of sorrow with his tears
He feeds it with the manure of old memories
He takes it to sleep with him
And nurtures it in himself
Till the moment when every single drop of his blood gets replaced by this pain
Until his fragile heart can bear no more
And his soul starts overflowing with emotions
That's when he dip his pen into this pain
And empty his heart on a piece of paper
He bares his soul for us to feel
He creates poetry that the world would cherish for centuries to come
That's how true poetry comes into existence
Florence Montojo Oct 2019
It's almost August, time to start a grime.
Gonna read and read over the course of time.
Looking forward to the days ahead with sublime.
To be busy and happy at the same time.

Catching up with my mates, one day.
They mentioned your name that day.
Don't know where you are, I say.
Then we conversed next, that's insane.

Friends have been teasing me about you
If my feelings still does accrue.
I say I can't bite more than I can chew.
'Cause through time, my vision's been blue.

Belting out at a mall nearby.
Enjoying myself like I'm high.
You entered the room and said "Hi!".
Never thought we'd meet soon, oh my!

Ah, you're still the same.
Fireworks lit when you came.
Drums beating everytime you say my name.
Butterflies in my tummy, and you're to blame.

Alas! The time is done.
Need to part ways with everyone.
Yearning to extend with this one.
But the pace can't be outdone.

Days have passed like it flew.
Why am I still thinking about you?
With you on my mind, I can't continue.
If you are me, what will you do?
Florence Montojo Oct 2019
Everything is great
until my guts tell me otherwise.
Everything is well
Until i read your replies.

Why would u love a person
when your heart is still occupied?
Why would you say you love me
Now my heart just died.

Now I'm lost
watching you from afar.
I hope your happy
because I am, with this scar.
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