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Yanamari Jan 29
The night draws me back into myself
Quiet, contemplative
Soaking in the events of the day in my mind
All the words said and left unsaid
All of that which I share
And all of that which I withhold

And it does not mean that privacy does not beget openness
For underneath one,
two and
three layers are
many layers more
Should one reveal all
To invite disrepair many times more?

However, in my daily privacy
My heart joins too
I find myself distanced from
Those near me too
And I wish it were not the way it were
But I bide my time
Comfortable in my self-peace
Yanamari Jan 15
"Forgive me lord for I have sinned
No words forget that I beginned
To seek that which I could not have
To love whom I couldn't

And my heart yearns
And my heart learnt
That these feelings were remiss
How could I understand how these feelings
Cause kin to reject one another
Like how Moses parted the seas
And my heart mourns this lack of understanding
Mourns this preference for hatred within
What am I to do, with these feelings of mine
Silenced, to whispers we fling
Immerse ourselves in
And we sow with these words
Enmity long-lived
How could I begin to unravel
That which flows through the minds of many
As if intertwined impossible
Knotted from within

For I cannot cut down these thoughts
Stitch new threads in
And so I choose to let go
And yet hold it all in
Forgive me my Lord
And lay me in your favour
Your mercy holds me safe
Please love me and care for all that is hidden under my flesh and skin
Yanamari Dec 2024
So constantly these days
Do I think about the passing of time
Growing old
And all that I've left behind
So often do I wish to revisit what went by
Companionship that gave me peace of mind
In my own unique way
Our own unique way
And I sigh all that I hold for you
Into the words I write
For our time together remains with me forever
Yanamari Nov 2024
You're on my mind
You're on my mind
Taking my time
And draining my sight
What I would do to forget you
And move on
Past your indifference to my plight

And I'll never forgive you
For what you've caused
Because I don't believe you'll ever
Come to care
And I'll never forgive you
Because look at you continuing on your way
Leaving me to my disrepair

My eyes are left distantly staring
You aren't who you claim yourself to be
Oh how I wish you'd be rid from my life
Oh how you tarnish my memory

And I should have seen it coming,
Your mother of the same tongue;
How she would have whispered throughout your upbringing,
How she would raise you to be a spineless snake
Oh how I wish you shut your mouth
Rid the world of your poison
- and you had a chance,  you had a chance
Had the chance to open your mouth,
Why couldn't you save me the heartache
And leave me with a sane memory of the youth I had

Twisted traitorous tormentful tactless two-face
Oh how I wish you'd opened your mouth sooner
Saved me my time
And let me leave sooner
You had your chance, but you chose to lead me on
And then ****** your nonsense over me
As if I was the treachery
Oh how I wish you could hear yourself
Oh how I wish you could process a single syllable's worth of weight of the words you said
And yet what should I expect;
Brain attached at the spine, and so missing by genetic defect

And oh how I'm left with your words
Left with everything you said
I hope you're happy,
As much as my wish to see you again
Yanamari Oct 2024
And as time flows on
Like sand falling through my fingers
My skin lines with wrinkles
And your path lingers
Turns away
Our growing shadows hinder
Hold onto our shoulders
Until they pull us down among the cinder
Soil holds us up until it holds us down
And your feet are still here
Stood next to me
But with each breath
With each blink of the eye
We yearn for more than
What's been placed in our hands
And as it all fades away
Returns back to land
I lie in wake
Of what's at hand
I'm still here
How long will you be?
Yanamari Jul 2024
What am I doing with my life?
Experiencing new things
Branching out with every new avenue
Where am I taking myself?
Goals vaguely planned
Struggling to understand how roots meet soil

Why... A question that troubled me so
A few years ago
Questioning life and all that comes in tow
These thoughts deeply sown
In my mind
Unearthed and
I understand
My constant sense of
Being out of place
But living anyway

And I'll take on life with every step
Breathe in and out the air surrounding me
Sky above me
Earth below me
And God surrounding me
And I'll keep on living
Yanamari Jul 2024
The same experience
Does not feel the same
With different people.
Being back-stabbed by
Someone who doesn't know you
As compared to someone who should
Feels light, easily forgettable
Whilst the latter feels remains with you
Festers in the shadows of your day
And steadily grows until the shadows envelop you.
Why would they make such a decision
When they know how it would feel to receive a knife so deep?
Why do they treat me so strangely, so abhorrent,
Like shadows dancing around a flame,
Like they can live life with no blame
Rules they abide by filled with no shame
And yet I am to blame
I carry the shame
Like it is in my name
And what fault should they hold when the knife they once held
Has already maimed
Scarred, stained
And yet I am not allowed to blame
Point fingers
Not allowed to speak
When their words hold my fate
And so I am silenced
In the same vein their oppressors oppress  them
Why should I see this when they cannot?
Pers ref.: PreT-AFC
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