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 Dec 2019 WildFire
The significance of my being and meaning and impact.
When my time is over and mother nature calls me back.
Decomposing and crumbling  bones of my dirt nap.
The world turns and time in memorial won't give a crap.

      Nature's rules decide.
       All things abide.

When measuring in eons and we're a mere blip on the screen.
The profoundness of our meaninglessness could be overpowering.
Unknowable infinity of stars and what they have seen.
**** sapiens defining sum isn't worth mentioning.   

   In the darkness, endless, maw
   All, follow natures law

From the Complexities of vast galaxies beyond mortal man's understanding.
To the smallest intricacies  of nanoparticles, molecules, and atoms.
With the eternity of continuous space which is still hard to fathom.
Connected composites of muddy space dust created modern man at random.
Our Sun is one star. In our galaxy, where we sit, is 10 billion stars and our telescopes have observed 100 billion galaxies. That makes 100 billion trillion known stars. No wonder sometimes I feel so small and insignificant.
 Dec 2019 WildFire
Witness the gentleness of her spirit
soaring with affirmative hope.
To nurture the kindness and decency from others is her guiding goal.

Men aren't brutes it's just a notion,
a characteristic strain to be loved away.
Her sympathetic understanding is like a potion.
Her words hummingbirds, her tongue a bouquet.

Beaming smile, laughing eyes,
tender of heart for the witnessing.
You'll feel like a present or a prize
because she believes all people interesting.

Everyone and all want to be around her,
as far as the eye can see.
Who is this person of such profound magnificence?
It's YOU if you want it to be.
if we could
be someone completely different

at least for a while

child to adult  woman to man
asylant to millionaire  president to farmer
human to animal or tree

or vice versa

we can imagine all this
in our phantasies and virtual worlds
yet we are missing essentials

to BE a mouse  a bear  a shark
a president  a film star  a tree
is to feel  think  sense  suffer
live in their alien worlds

maybe even understand

at least for a while
difference  alien understanding j
 Dec 2019 WildFire
even the darkest minds can drip gold;
pink roses can bloom behind ****** chain link fences,
as leaves can stay orange as they float in puddles reflecting gray.

there’s always stars in the dark.
 Dec 2019 WildFire
 Dec 2019 WildFire
if i touch you, will i break you?
if i blink, will it all fall away?
if i space out, will this place fade back to what i once knew?
if i dare look away, will the sun fade?
 Dec 2019 WildFire
 Dec 2019 WildFire
the dark blue night
specked with twilight‘s cries
the gray smoky clouds
the golden moon’s shroud.
 Dec 2019 WildFire
Orion Lesneski
Take my hand,
Let me take away your pain,
Make it go far away,
And let us jump on a train,

Take us to a different state,
Let’s make a new reality,
That only involves you and me,
No more hurting,
No more pain.
 Dec 2019 WildFire
Noni Winters
I stumbled upon you
Like a child
that finds a pretty stone

Bewildered by your presence
I sat and admired
Counting your cracks
Caressing what makes you glitter

You stood infront of me
Bold and beautiful
Like nothing I'd ever seen

And as you gave me your attention
I think I misconstrued your intentions

I wanted to put you in my pocket
But you said no

So there you sit
Perfectly unpolished
A love

I can only visit
 Dec 2019 WildFire
 Dec 2019 WildFire
I pull the bottle of the shelf
Covered in dust
I twist off the cap
I pour me a glass
Heres to me
For finally being alone
At last.
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